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Section of Site: Equipment D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: EQUIPMENTEra: ImperialCanon: EU

Model: Fabritech CN-15 camouflage netting
Type: camouflage netting
Scale: Character
Cost: 3,500
Availability: 2
Game Notes: Used to hide objects and conceal them from sensors, gives a +3D to hide skill for large objects such as Starships, Speeders, etc.

Description: Fabritech's CN-15 camouflage netting was formed of netting made up of metallic jamming fibers which produced a reflective ability that avoided detection from standard sensor sweeps. It needed to be connected to a small power source for maximum effectiveness. The net was covered in overlapping sensor baffle scales that emulate the emissions of the surrounding terrain. It came in a small backpack and was deployable by two people in under a minute. Fully expanded, it would cover a 15 square meter area. It was once tested underwater by the mercenary Gunman, and worked just as effectively, so long as the power cell lasted.

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