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Section of Site: Droids D6Belongs to Faction: Galactic EmpireSubtype: DROIDSEra: ImperialCanon: EU

Name: Arakyd Industries 13-K Infiltrator probe droid

        Blaster 6D, Dodge 6D, Vehicle Blasters 5D
        Planetary Systems: 4D+2
        Astrogation 5D, Communications 4D, Sensors 5D, Capital Ship Piloting 6D, Capital Ship Weapons 4D, Starship Gunnery 4D
        Search 5D
        Brawling 6D
        Computer Programming/Repair 7D, Capital Ship Repair 6D, Droid Programming/Repair: 5D+1, Security 6D+2

Equipped With:
        2 enhanced laser cannons (5D damage)
        Self-destruct mechanism (6D damage)
        Armor plating (+1D to resist damage)
        Several retractable manipulator arms (+1D to repair skills)
        Several computer interface probes (+1D to Computer/Droid Programming)

Move: 12
Size: 2 metres

Description: The 13-K was an Infiltrator probe droid produced in a collaboration between Arakyd Industries and Imperial technicians under Admiral Damon Krell following the Battle of Hoth.

Admiral Krell sent 13-K to take command of a damaged blockade runner in deep space, attaching itself to the main power grid and taking over the ship's automated systems, after killing the entire Rebel crew with it's enhanced weaponry, even going so far as breaking Alliance officer Rad Torlent's neck with one of its manipulator arms.

Luke Skywalker happened upon the ship, and his X-wing was blasted to pieces by the Infiltrator-controlled turrets. Luke was able to eject, and breached the frigate in a life pod. Encountering 13-K, Skywalker realized he could not tamper with the droid, lest he accidentally set it to self-destruct and destroy the entire vessel. In fact, this was exactly what the Infiltrator had been programmed to do—it would self-destruct in the midst of the Rebel Fleet. However, Luke's presence caused the probe droid to alter course, intent on delivering the young Jedi back to Admiral Krell, as Darth Vader had programmed all probots to detain Luke. Luke was able to flee the ship in an escape pod, leaving the frigate on a collision course with Krell's flagship. Upon impact, the frigate's reactor core exploded, taking it, the Star Destroyer, and 13-K with it.

The Infiltrator probe droid was a probe droid produced in a collaboration between Arakyd Industries and Imperial technicians under Admiral Damon Krell following the Battle of Hoth.

The Infiltrator was a modification of Arakyd's Viper probe droid, this model boasted thicker armor plating, augmented weapon systems and the ability to plug into and control electronic systems. Admiral Krell sent an Infiltrator prototype, designated 13-K, to take command of a damaged Rebel blockade runner in deep space, attaching itself to the main power grid and taking over the ship's automated systems, his plan to wreak havoc amongst the Rebel fleet was thwarted however, by Luke Skywalker

The Infiltrator probot seemed to set a precedent for Arakyd probe droids—from then on, future probot designs grew larger and larger with each new release, culminating in the gargantuan Hunter-Killer probot.

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