Name: Sgt. Tom Highway
Enlisted Marine Soldier 4 (E-6)
Init: +3 (+1 Class, +2 Dex)
Defense: 14 (+2 Class, +2 Dex)
Speed: 30 ft
WP: 16
VP: 49
Attack: +5 melee, +6 ranged
SQ: Accurate, Armor Use +1, Damage Reduction 1/-, Macro-Specialty (+1 WP, +4 VP)
SV: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7
Abilities: Str: 13, Dex: 15, Con: 14, Int: 10, Wis: 14, Chr: 10
4Skills: Balance +5, Climb +9, Concentration +10, Demolitions +4, Driver +5, First Aid +3, Jump +7, Spot +10, Survival +5, Swim +3, Tumble +5
Feats: Armor Proficiency (light, medium, heavy), Endurance, Iron Will, Machine Gun Basics, Perfect Stance, Speed Trigger, Weapon Group Proficiency (handgun, hurled, melee, rifle, tactical)Attacks
Beretta Model 92FS +4 1d10+1
FN P90 +3 1d10+1
Unarmed +2 1d3+1
Gear: SG Team Bundle, other bundles as needed (by mission).
U.S. Marine Sergeant Tom Highway was born in San Francisco, California, USA.
His endurance and dedication and skill with machineguns and tactical weapons enabled him to quickly join one of Stargate Command's teams.