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Aunt Z (ZVkThkrkza)

Aunt Z (ZVkThkrkza)
Alum Frost (Human Royal Guardsmen Recruit)

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Merl Cobben (Resistance Pilot)

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Section of Site: Creatures D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: CreaturesEra: ImperialCanon: EU

Name: Red Nebula temple guardian
Type: Sentient Humanod

Dexterity: 3D
Perception: 2D+1
Strength: 8D

Special Abilities
         Large Size: The guardian is a massive creature, twice the height of a Wookiee, capable of handling other species like dolls.

Move: 13
Average height: Over 4 meters
Skin color: Black
Hair color: Blue-black
Eye color: Black
Distinctions: Shaggy fur, large canine teeth

Description: A sentient species of humanoids stood over 4 meters tall and had shaggy blue-black fur. They had black skin with black, gleaming eyes and flat noses. Their mouths featured sharp canine teeth. The species had two sexes, male and female. By 0 ABY, the species had been reduced to a single member, a female who guarded a temple on a planet in the Red Nebula. When the smugglers Han Solo and Chewbacca came to the temple to steal the Great Life Jewels she was sworn to protect, she mistook the Wookiee Chewbacca for a cub of her species.

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