Name: 4D-M1N
Gender: Feminine programming
Sensor color: White
Plating color: Blue-gray
Dexterity: 2D
Blaster: 6D
Brawling Parry: 6D
Dodge: 6D
Knowledge: 2D
Bureaucracy: 5D
Business: 5D
Mechanical: 2D
Communications: 4D+2
Sensors: 4D
Perception: 2D
Bargain: 4D
Search: 3D+1
Strength: 3D
Brawling: 5D
Technical: 1D
Equipped with:
Humanoid Body (two arms, two legs)
Additional Arms (two arms attached to back of torso)
Two visual and auditory sensors - human range
Secure internal storage area
4 Concealed Blasters (4D)
Move: 10
Size: 1.8 meters tall
Description: 4D-M1N, nicknamed 4D, was a droid who assisted Imanuel Doza, the captain of the Colossus platform on the planet Castilon. While often residing in Doza Tower, she occasionally left to perform tasks for the station's captain. The First Order's interest in the station ultimately resulted in her destruction, when she was shot down by Commander Pyre while she attempted to defend Captain Doza from being placed under arrest.
As the assistant of Captain Imanuel Doza on the Colossus refueling platform, 4D-M1N acted as liaison, escorting guests into the captain's office in Doza Tower and relaying messages to the station's residents. She was also able to defend Doza with hidden blasters built into her shoulders and wrists. 4D also assisted the other residents of the tower, including the captain's daughter Torra and the other pilots of Ace Squadron.
The droid assistant of Captain Doza 4D-M1N was able to control many aspects of the Colossus, including the many security droids posted around the station. She kept track of the security droids, and was alerted if they were deactivated.
She had the ability to enter a separate attack mode when facing an intruder. When in attack mode, 4D confronted the intruder, her photoreceptors changing to red and her vocabulator speaking in a deeper voice. Once she had switched into attack mode, it was difficult for others to persuade her to deactivate it.
4D had an additional mode for combat, in which she could reveal blasters hidden in her shoulders and wrists, and was able to dodge blaster fire at high speed. She showed considerable strength when fighting in this mode, but was nevertheless vulnerable to repeated blaster shots.