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Section of Site: Planets D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: PlanetsEra: Post EmpireCanon: Yes

Name: Twon Ketee
Atmosphere: Toxic
Primary terrain: Jungles, Swamps
Native flora: Trees
Fauna: Rathtars

Description: Twon Ketee was a toxic swamp planet that was home to rathtars.

A planet covered in thick jungles and swamps, Twon Ketee was inhabited by rathtars. Its atmosphere was toxic, requiring a breath mask.

Prior to the Battle of Naboo, an alien hunter was hired to lead a group of hunters to the planet, where they were all killed by a rathtar. The Sith apprentice Darth Maul had also traveled to Twon Ketee, watching the hunters from afar. Once the rathtar had been drawn out into the open, Maul killed it with a vibro-ax. He killed several more of the creatures, attempting to sate his bloodlust for Jedi.

Twon Ketee was one of the locations marked on a First Order holo-map retrieved by the Resistance spy Kazuda Xiono during his mission on the Colossus.

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