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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: ImperialCanon: EU

Name: Chihdo
Homeworld: Rodia
Species: Rodian
Gender: Male
Eye color: Black
MOVE - 10

        Blaster: 5D+1
        Brawling Parry: 4D+1
        Dodge: 5D+1

        Bargain: 4D+1
        Gambling: 4D+2
        Search: 4D+1
        Con: 6D+1
        Hide: 5D+1
        Sneak: 5D+2

        Languages: 3D+2
        Planetary Systems: 2D+2
        Value: 4D+2

        Brawling: 4D+2
         Starship Gunnery: 4D+2
         Repulsorlift Operation: 4D+1

        Computer Programming/Repair: 3D
        Space Transports Repair: 4D+2

        CREDITS - 50
                Spacers Clothing and Jacket, Blaster Pistol (4D), Commlink


Description: Chihdo was a Rodian thief who was an associate of smuggler Rik Duel and Dani. He was a cousin of Greedo who somehow survived Navik the Red's Tetsu Clan purges.

Chihdo partnered with Rik Duel and Dani some time before the Battle of Yavin and met Han Solo before his involvement with the Rebel Alliance. He was also friends with the Rodian treasure hunter, Suz Tanwa.

Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, Rik, Dani and Chihdo were operating on the Outer Rim world of Stenos, where they were hired by Quorl Matrin, Imperial Governor of the planet, to uncover the statue of the Stenax god Vol to expand the former senator's collection. The statue had been buried during an earthquake years earlier, causing the winged Stenaxes to stop flying in disgrace.

Rik, Dani and Chihdo began digging for the statue in an old temple that had served as a Rebel Alliance base commanded by Colonel Kindar. Their search was interrupted when Princess Leia Organa arrived, along with Solo, Chewbacca and Luke Skywalker. Duel claimed that he and his partners had actually joined the Rebellion and were left behind to find the Vol statue. Solo was suspicious of his old "friend", but agreed to help find the statue.

Eventually, after a series of double-crosses, the Rebels made their escape from Stenos, leaving Rik, Dani, Chihdo and Matrin's stormtroopers to fend off the attacking Stenaxes, who wanted Vol returned to them. Quick thinking on Rik's part allowed his gang to escape in the confusion, while Matrin was killed.

Chihdo's activities just after the Vol incident have not been documented, although it is known that he operated on Stenos with his partners and probably learned about aerodynamics to match up with the natives like Dani did.

In 3 ABY, Chihdo and his partners were in Stenos. For unknown reasons, Chihdo was captured by a team of bounty hunters, including Bossk and IG-88C, who were allied with Barpotomous Drebble. Chihdo was frozen in carbonite and then transported through the streets. Duel and Dani were searching for his missing friend. Meanwhile, Luke Skywalker and Lando Calrissian tracked Bossk and IG-88 to Stenos, believing the hunters could lead them to their missing friend Han Solo, who was also frozen in carbonite. Calrissian saw the frozen Rodian and mistook him for Solo. Calrissian and Skywalker tried to rescue Solo, only to discover that he was not Solo and that the bounty hunters were ambushing them.

Dani and Duel tried to rescue his friend, but the overwhelming power of the bounty hunters foiled their attempt. Eventually, with the help of a number of Stenaxes recruited by Chewbacca, the bounty hunters were defeated. Rik remained on Stenos, and Chihdo was eventually freed from the carbonite after Skywalker and Calrissian moved on to their next stop, along with stowaway Dani.

Within weeks after the Battle of Endor, Chihdo, Rik and Dani began looting worlds left in ruins after the Empire's retreat in the chaos following Palpatine's death. One of their stops was water-world Iskalon's abandoned surface facility, Pavillion. The trio was soon interrupted by the arrival of Luke Skywalker, who had come to offer the Iskalonians a place in the newly forming government. Luke scolded them, before they were all attacked by a hungry chiaki sea creature. A sudden attack by the Iskalonians followed. The natives no longer wanted anything to do with offworlders and the three thieves acceded to Skywalker's suggestion they all leave. Only an Iskalonian named Kiro—an old friend of Luke's—decided to go with them. Skywalker recruited Duel and the others to give Kiro passage in their ship, the Moonshadow. This would also give Skywalker a chance to keep them out of trouble.

The group continued on to Skywalker's next diplomatic mission on Shawken, where Rik, Chihdo and Dani explored the planet's ruins while Luke and Kiro met with local officials. While searching for priceless artifacts to steal, they accidentally trapped themselves in an underground chamber and triggered the countdown of an ancient weapon that could theoretically destroy the entire universe. Skywalker and Plif the hoojib eventually freed Chihdo and the others, while Kiro's near-fatal sacrifice destroyed the machine.

Chihdo and his partners then followed Skywalker back to the Alliance's temporary base on Endor. During an altercation with Rebel soldiers over a card game, Chihdo was nearly killed in a fall from an Ewok treetop village. Only Skywalker's Force abilities saved Chihdo's life. The group stayed on Endor a short time longer before realizing there was little profit to be gained there. Chihdo and Rik soon departed though Dani chose to stay with the Alliance in the wake of the supposed death of Kiro, who she had fallen in love with.

Chihdo's activities after leaving Endor are unknown. Subsequent contact with Skywalker and his companions, if any, has yet to be revealed.

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