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BlasTech DL-44 LE heavy blaster pistol

BlasTech DL-44 LE heavy blaster pistol
Republic Fleet Systems Aurek-class Tactical Strikefighter

Republic Fleet Systems Aurek-class Tactical Strikefighter

Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: WEAPONSEra: ImperialCanon: Crossover

Model: BlasTech Munitions Strumgewehr STG-44 & Sniper Model
Type: Gas-Operated Repeating Slugthrower
Scale: Character
Skill: Firearms (S) STG-44
Ammo: 30 (Per Feed Device)
Crew: 1
Cover: None
Cost: 1900
Availability: 4, X
Fire Rate: 1/30
Range: 4-40/220/600(Optics Only)
Fire Control: 0D
Damage: 4D+2 Single Fire/Burst (5-6 shots) in/or Full Auto Fire (30 Shots)
Body: 0D
Game Notes:
A burst in/or Full Auto mode, fires a burst (5-6) can do from cover or 30 rounds NO COVER and cannot dodge. Once a hit is established, all following shots against nearby (1 meter) targets are one difficulty lower. No other action can be done this round while in burst or full auto fire mode.

Sniper Model: Has an added optics mounting rail, a factory option only.


Model: BlasTech Munitions Telescope w/STG-44/K43 Mounting Bracket
Type: Compact x4 Magnification
Scale: Character
Cost: 1250
Availability: 4, X
Range: 4-40/220/600
Fire Control: +1D to aiming

Model: BlasTech Munitions Feed Device
Ammo: 30 (Per Feed Device)
Cost: 150
Availability: 4, X

Model: BlasTech Stg-44 Device Pouch
Scale: Character
Ammo: 180 (x30 Per Feed Device, Holds x6 Feed Devices)
Cost: 600 (Pouch w/Fully Loaded Feed Devices)
Availability: 4, X

Comments made about this Article!

27/Dec/2021 14:14:31 Posted by corkman321

For the sniper variant, I would recommend that you offer an optional magazine size of 10 or 15. With the magazine of that apparent size, it would be difficult to use it in a sniper mode since the magazine would more than likely be longer than a bipod.

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