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Wookiee-Buster AstroMech  Armour

Wookiee-Buster AstroMech Armour


Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: WEAPONSEra: ImperialCanon: Crossover

Model: RanCorp Munitions K-98 & Snipers
Type: Bolt Action Repeater Slugthrower
Scale: Character
Skill: Firearms (S) K98
Ammo: 5 (Fixed Feed Device)
Crew: 1
Cover: None
Cost: 1200 Standard Rifle/3500 TypeI-TypeVII
Availability: 4, X
Fire Rate: 1
Range: 3-70/320/800
Fire Control: 0D
Damage: 4D+2
Body: 0D
Game Notes:

Sniper Model: Has an added telescopic mounting system that can be added at any time as all Type I through Type VII rifles were built with integral or installed post accuracy test base system at the factory over the many years in production. Mounting systems are not interchangeable which made replacement parts hard to obtain for repairs. These highly accurate & much sought after rifles are extremely hard to find as they are always in demand.


Model: RanCorp Munitions K98 Telescope w/High Turret Mounting Bracket
Type: x4 Magnification
Scale: Character
Cost: 2300
Availability: 4, X
Range: 3-70/320/800
Fire Control: +2D+2 to aiming

Model: RanCorp Munitions K98 Telescope w/Long Side Rail Mounting Bracket
Type: x4 Magnification
Scale: Character
Cost: 2300
Availability: 4, X
Range: 3-70/320/800
Fire Control: +2D+2 to aiming

Model: RanCorp Munitions K98 Telescope w/Single Claw Mounting Bracket
Type: x4 Magnification
Scale: Character
Cost: 2300
Availability: 4, X
Range: 3-70/320/800
Fire Control: +2D+2 to aiming

Model: RanCorp Munitions K98 Telescope w/Elite Double Claw Mounting Bracket
Type: x4 Magnification
Scale: Character
Cost: 2300
Availability: 4, X
Range: 3-70/320/800
Fire Control: +2D+2 to aiming

Model: RanCorp Munitions K98 Telescope w/High Turret Mounting Bracket
Type: x4 Magnification
Scale: Character
Cost: 2300
Availability: 4, X
Range: 3-70/320/800
Fire Control: +2D+2 to aiming

Model: Blastech Munitions MP44/K43 Telescope w/K98 Swept Back & Sweptback Short Rail Mounting Bracket
Type: Compact x4 Magnification
Scale: Character
Cost: 2300
Availability: 3 Telescope/4 Mounting Bracket, X
Range: 3-70/320/800
Fire Control: +1D to aiming

Model: RanCorp Munitions K98 Suppressor
Scale: Character
Cost: 2300
Availability: 4, X
Range: 200

Model: RansCorp Metallic Telescope Can High Turret & Single Claw
Scale: Character
Cost: 1200
Availability: 4, X

Model: RanCorp Munitions K98 Feed Devices
Ammo: 5 (Per Feed Device)
Cost: 15 Regular/50 Black Tip Armor Piercing/150 Orange Explosive Tip
Availability: 4, X
Damage: 0D Regular/+2D Armor Piercing/+3D Explosive Tip

Model: Rancorp Munitions K98 Device Pouch
Scale: Character
Ammo: x60 (x2 Per Feed Device Per Section, Holds x6 Feed Devices)
Cost: 100/600/1800 (Pouch w/Fully Loaded Feed Devices)
Availability: 4, X

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Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB.