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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: Galactic EmpireSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: ImperialCanon: EU

Name: Boaz
Died: 0 ABY, Alashan
Species: Human
Gender: Male

Dexterity: 2D
        Blaster: 4D
        Dodge: 4D
        Brawling Parry: 4D
        Vehicle Blasters: 3D
Knowledge: 2D
        Survival: 3D
Perception: 2D
Strength: 2D+1
        Brawling: 3D+1
        Climbing: 3D+1
Mechanical: 2D
Technical: 2D

Move: 10

Equipment:  E-11 blaster rifle (5D), Imperial Stormtrooper Armour (+1D vs Energy, +2D vs Physical, -1D to Dexterity)

Description: Boaz was a member of the Stormtrooper Corps during the Galactic Civil War. Not long after the Battle of Yavin, he was part of a team sent to recover the stolen experimental starship known as the Staraker, which they followed to the Alashan system. A superlaser fired from the surface forced the Staraker to crash land on Alashan, and also destroyed the main Imperial vessel. Boaz and his team came in before the cruiser in a smaller craft and landed on Alashan, surviving the destruction of the cruiser.

The team met with Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa on the surface of Alashan and decided to work together to investigate the source of the superlaser. Boaz broke his leg in an avalanche caused by the superlaser firing at a nearby mountain, and was killed when Ensign Kyril Lopaki refused to come to his aid in order to save himself.

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