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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: Galactic EmpireSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: ImperialCanon: EU

Name: Voss
Died: 0 ABY (35 GrS), Alashan
Species: Human
Gender: Male

Dexterity: 2D
        Blaster: 4D+1
        Dodge: 4D
        Brawling Parry: 4D+1
        Grenades: 4D
        Vehicle Blasters: 3D+1
Knowledge: 2D
Perception: 2D
        Search: 4D+1
        Sneak: 2D+2
Strength: 2D
        Brawling: 3D+2
Mechanical: 2D
Technical: 2D

Move: 10

Equipment:  E-11 blaster rifle (5D), Imperial Stormtrooper Armour (+1D vs Energy, +2D vs Physical, -1D to Dexterity)

Description: Voss was a Human male and stormtrooper in the Galactic Empire.

Voss was stationed on board an Imperial Star Destroyer that was assigned to track down the stolen starship known as the Staraker. However, just as the ship had tracked the Staraker to the Alashan system, a superlaser from the planet Alashan fired and struck the ship, critically damaging it.

However, Djambo and five other Imperials including Major Wil'm Grau, Fleet Sergeant Anarine, Ensign Kyril Lopaki, and fellow stormtroopers Éger Djambo and Boaz were able to escape the ship in an escape pod. After landing on the planet, Major Grau succeeded in leading the group in capturing the crew members of the Staraker including Luke Skywalker, Mici Shabandar, and Leia Organa.

Because the two parties were stranded, they agreed to a truce, searching the planet for a way off world. After coming upon a destroyed Rebel archaeological site, the team searched the area, discovering a well crafted tunnel that led deep into the planet's crust. Voss followed the team into the tunnel where they were attacked by the Guardian of Forever. Due to the combined efforts of the team, they were able to collapse the tunnel on top of it, delaying its advance. Grau decided to put Voss on watch, to signal the rest of the team, should the beast return. Unfortunately for the trooper, the beast was able to break through the rubble and attacked Voss, throwing him from the heights of one of the city's bridges.

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