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Cloverfield Parasite

Cloverfield Parasite

Section of Site: Planets D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: PlanetsEra: ImperialCanon: EU

Name: Chuzalla
Region: Outer Rim Territories
Sector: Tammuz sector
System: Chuzalla system
Moons: At least one
Grid coordinates: T-14
Primary terrain: Urban
Major cities: Zallakesh

Description: Chuzalla was a backwater planet located within the Chuzalla system of the Outer Rim Territories. It was a haven for criminals.

The planet had a spaceport that acted as a transfer point between Tammuz-an and a branch of the Imperial Academy. The Starhunter's Intergalactic Menagerie used the spaceport of Zallakesh as a stop-over site upon returning from the outer galaxies.

The starship outlet Honest Tobar's Used Spacecraft was located in Zallakesh. During a stop-over on Chuzalla while on a journey to the Imperial Academy, Coby had his pet, Ingey, taken by the Starhunters and bought a Blackhawk Destroyer at Tobar's to chase after them.



Zallakesh was a notorious spaceport on Chuzalla.

The city-port criminal haven acted as a transfer point between the planet Tammuz-an and a branch of the Imperial Academy. A starship shop could be found in the city that sold the sleek Blackhawk Destroyer. The Starhunter's Intergalactic Menagerie used the port as a stop-over site upon returning from the outer galaxies and slave ships from Zallakesh were known on other worlds.

A large, green creature was domesticated to be a beast of burden at Zelakesh. During a visit by Prince Coby and the droids C-3PO and R2-D2, Coby had an altercation with an Ithorian who was using one of these creatures as a mode of transportation.

Honest Tobar's Used Spacecraft

Honest Tobar's Used Spacecraft was a spaceship shop run by Tobar and located in the port of Zellakesh on Chuzalla.

The shop sold the acclaimed Blackhawk Destroyer, a starfighter-sized personal spacecraft. Prince Coby of Tammuz-an bought such a craft from Tobar while chasing a Starhunter menagerie ark.

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