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Earth Alliance SA-23 Aurora Class StarFury Starfighter

Earth Alliance SA-23 Aurora Class StarFury Starfighter
Vlex Onopin (Human Imperial Computer Scientist)

Vlex Onopin (Human Imperial Computer Scientist)

Tivik (Human Rebel Informant)

Tivik (Human Rebel Informant)

Section of Site: Creatures D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: CreaturesEra: ImperialCanon: EU

Name: Mogo
Designation: Non-sentient
Homeworld: Roon

Dexterity: 2D
Perception: 3D
Strength: 5D

Special Abilities
         Farming Animal: A placid creature happy to eat and breed, these creatures are farmed for food and their coast which can be turned into wool.

Skin color: Varied
Distinctions: 10 limbs, long coat of wool
Move: 18
Size: 2.1 meters
Orneriness: 1D

Description: Mogos were creatures with hooves and ten legs found on Roon, though like most of the planet's fauna, they were not believed to be indigenous. Their shaggy fur was used to keep a wild mogo warm in the mountains.

The mogo was domesticated for their fur and meat and as mounts. A typical mogo could carry three Human-sized beings with no problem. Most of the people of Roon ate mogo meat and made sweaters out of mogo fur to keep them warm in the winter and dry in the rain. About 20% of Roon's population owned mogo farms.

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