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Section of Site: Planets D6Belongs to Faction: Galactic EmpireSubtype: PlanetsEra: ImperialCanon: EU

Name: Biitu
Region: Outer Rim Territories
Sector: Cassander sector (Tadrin subsector)
System: Biitu system
Grid coordinates: K-5
Primary terrain: Fields, Forests, Grasslands
Points of interest: Fuel-ore processing plant, Pitor Processing Plantworks
Native flora: Crop plant, Fruit tree
Fauna: Bird, Fen-hare
Native species: Biituians

Description: Biitu was the Biituian homeworld in the Cassandran Worlds region.

Biitu was an agriworld in the Cassander sector of the Outer Rim Territories. It was home to several species of plants, including a fruit tree that produced an orange-colored, edible fruit, and a green-stalked plant that produced a yellow, cylindrical crop. Both of these species were cultivated by the native Biituians. The planet was also home to an orange-plumed, flight-capable bird, a yellow, burrowing reptile, and the timid Biituian fen-hare. Mungo Baobab, a visitor to the planet, rode a rockhopper while scouting out on the planet's surface.

Biitu was a low-tech agriworld. During the Outer Rim Sieges of the Clone Wars, Jedi General Traavis led clone forces to war against the CIS on this planet. When Mungo Baobab discovered a valuable fuel source on Biitu, the Galactic Empire dispatched a gigantic evil droid called the "Great Heep" to capture Mungo and take control of the planet and turn it into a wasteland. With the aid of a small boy named Fidge and his pet, Chubb, the R2-D2 and C-3PO devised a daring scheme to free Mungo, defeat the forces of the Empire and liberate Biitu from the Great Heep. During the Galactic Civil War, the Rebel Alliance kept a small outpost on Biitu from where they could launch supply shuttles to nearby systems, since it was a planet the Galactic Empire had generally ignored after the incident with the Great Heep.

From 4 ABY to 12 ABY, the planet became part of the Pentastar Alignment until the death of Ardus Kaine. It would soon become part of the Imperial Remnant.


Droid harem

The Great Heep used a droid harem to treat Astromech droids to luxuries such as oil baths to keep them unassuming and docile, before draining them of energy to sustain him.

Fuel-ore processing plant

The fuel-ore processing plant was a gigantic space factory and processing facility used by the Great Heep on planet Biitu in order to mine fuel-ore. It consisted of a maze of pipes, conveyor belts, giant gears, cranes, furnaces and other machinery. A moisture eater, a large funnellike that sucked in the nearby clouds and moisture to create a tornadolike vortex sat atop the plant.

Pitor Processing Plantworks

Pitor Processing Plantworks was a Biituian salvage company overseen by Foreman Pitor on the planet Biitu. During the Clone Wars, it repurposed Separatist battle droids as scrap metal and sold them to the Galactic Senate.

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