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Section of Site: Equipment D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: EQUIPMENTEra: Post EmpireCanon: Yes

Model: Neuro-Saav TE4.4 field quadnoculars
Type: Electrobinoculars
Scale: Character
Skill: Search
Cost: 250 credits
Availability: 2
Game notes: x50 Zoom, adds +1D+1 to search/tracking rolls using them.

Description: The TE4.4 field quadnoculars were a model of quadnoculars manufactured by Neuro-Saav. Poe Dameron, an ace pilot of the Resistance, owned such quadnoculars.
Quadnoculars, also known as quadnocs, were oversized image enhancers. Their quartet of precision lenses offered enhanced multispectral imaging, and an integrated automatic tracker.

During the Galactic Civil War, on the planet Ivarujar, Ciena Ree used quadnoculars.

Prior to the First Order attack on Tuanul, Poe Dameron used his quadnocs to spot the incoming four elite squadrons of stormtroopers headed towards the village.

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