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Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: The First OrderSubtype: CapitalEra: Post EmpireCanon: Yes

Name: Kuat-Entralla Engineering Xyston-class Star Destroyer
Scale: Capital
Length: 2,406 meters
Height/depth: 682 meters
Skill: Capital Ship Piloting: Xyston-class Star Destroyer
Crew: 29,585; Skeleton Crew: 5600/+10
Crew Skill: Astrogation 4D+2, Capital Ship Piloting 5D+2, Capital Ship Shields 4D+2, Capital Ship Gunnery 5D+2, Sensors 4D+2
Passengers: Stormtroopers (12,000)
Cargo Capacity: 52,000 Tons
Consumables: 2 Years
Cost: Not available for sale
Hyperdrive Multiplier: X2
Hyperdrive Backup: X12
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 1D
Space: 5
Atmosphere: 275;825kmh
Hull: 8D
Shields: 3D
         Passive: 70/1D
         Scan: 140/3D
         Search: 280/4D
         Focus: 6/4D+2

         Tie Starfighters
         Troop Transports

         Heavy turbolaser batteries (40)
                 Scale: Capital
                 Fire Arc: 5 Front, 15 Front/Left, 15 Front/Right, 5 Back
                 Skill: Capital Ship Gunnery
                 Fire Control: 2D
                 Space Range: 3-15/36/75
                 Atmospheric Range: 6-30/72/150 Km
                 Damage: 5D
         Ion Cannons (40)
                 Scale: Capital
                 Fire Arc: 10 Front, 5 Front/Left, 5 Front/Right, 5 Back
                 Skill: Starship Gunnery
                 Fire Control: 3D
                 Space Range: 1-8/16/36
                 Atmospheric Range: 2-16/32/72 km
                 Damage: 3D
         Point-defense laser cannons (40)
                 Scale: Starfighter
                 Fire Arc: 5 Front, 15 Front/Left, 15 Front/Right, 5 Back
                 Skill: Capital Ship Gunnery
                 Fire Control: 2D
                 Space Range: 1-5/12/25
                 Atmospheric Range: 2-20/24/50 km
                 Damage: 5D
         Heavy tractor beam projectors (10)
                 Scale: Capital
                 Fire Arc: 2 Front, 3 Front/Left, 3 Front/Right 2 Back
                 Skill: Capital Ship Gunnery
                 Fire Control: 3D
                 Space Range: 1-5/15/30
                 Atmospheric Range: 2-10/30/60 km
                 Damage: 4D
         Variable-ordnance warhead launchers (35)
                 Scale: Starfighter
                 Fire Arc: 5 Front, 15 Front/Left, 15 Front/Right
                 Skill: Capital Ship Gunnery
                 Fire Control: 3D
                 Space Range: 1/3/7
                 Atmospheric Range: 50-100m/6/14 km
                 Damage: 7D
         Axial superlaser (1)
                 Scale: Death Star
                 Fire Arc: Front
                 Skill: Capital Ship Gunnery: Superlaser
                 Fire Control: 2D
                 Space Range: 5-25/75/150
                 Damage: Gradational output can fire once every ten minutes at minimum energy (1D damage). It can fire at minimum energy (1D damage). It can also build up a charge of 1D per ten minutes up to 4D.

Description: The Xyston-class Star Destroyer, also known as the Sith Star Destroyer, was a model of Star Destroyer used by Darth Sidious' Final Order. The Sith Eternal fleet consisted entirely of these warships and engaged the Resistance in a battle within the atmosphere of Exegol. They were based on the design of the older Imperial I-class Star Destroyers, with key differences including a larger size, red accents along the hull of the vessel, and a large axial superlaser capable of destroying planets, which took the place of a standard Imperial-class Star Destroyer's main hangar space.


Offensive and defensive systems
While equipped with deflector shields, the Xyston-class could not activate them while inside Exegol's atmosphere. These Star Destroyers also required a navigational tower in order to leave Exegol.

Where the ventral hangar bay of conventional Imperial Star Destroyers was located, these Star Destroyers were fitted with a large Axial superlaser and flanked by two smaller hangars. While it would not destroy a planet instantly like the superlasers of the Death Stars, the cannon would obliterate a planet by firing at the target in a sustained burst. These superlasers were connected directly to the Star Destroyer's reactor, and severe damage to them would destroy the ship itself.

Created sometime before 35 ABY, the Xyston-class Star Destroyers comprised the Sith Eternal fleet stationed on Exegol. When Supreme Leader Kylo Ren arrived on Exegol and met with Darth Sidious, the Sith Lord raised his entire fleet from the planet surface and offered Kylo Ren the chance to rule the galaxy.

Following the duel on Kef Bir, Sidious ordered Allegiant General Enric Pryde to dispatch a Star Destroyer to Kijimi to destroy it as a show of force. The Star Destroyer Derriphan was sent and destroyed the planet with ease. Eventually, the entire armada of Star Destroyers was destroyed during the pivotal Battle of Exegol, as the Resistance discovered the Star Destroyer's weakness, being the ability to destroy the entire vessel by targeting the Axial superlaser, which resulted in the destruction of the entire fleet, and the Final Order.

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