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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: ARTILLERY EMPLACEMENTSEra: ImperialCanon: No

Feydrakin EchoDefense AA Battery

The EchoDefense series weapons were created by the Feydrakin alliance
in the deep core. The alliance is a coalition of systems with all
variety of alien races living on them. They banded together against
the onsalught of the anti-alien prejudice of the empire. Even human
worlds in the area joined the alliance and through their combined
efforts they repelled the empire. One of the reasons for this was
the EchoDefense series weapons.

They use highly concentrated and very powerful sonic waves. They
overlap aproximately 200 harmonics over each other in a single wave
and send them out in bursts where the waves are packed icnredibly
close together. With a powerful energy source and transmision system
it can release this energy in a cone of sonic energy capoable of large
destruction. Things caught within the blast of an EchoDefense weapon
literaly shake themselves apart.

The ED-280 is an anti-aircraft EchoDefense weapon. The ED-280 is a
very large structure. It has a curved white body made out of an acoustic
tile like material.  It is set on a base in which onlky four crewers
control the thing. The base has large mounts which traverse and swivel
allowing the weapon's concial transmitter to spin and raise and lower
to effectively target groups of craft.

The waves are transmited out along the surface tiles on the inside of
the chamber and along four long, and one short rods at the very center
which stick out just beyond the chamber. Focusing energy is run along
rods built into the wall of the chamber and beneath the tiles is special
sonic repelling armour just in case there's a malfunction.

In the earlier days these weapons malfunctioned occasionally and instead
destroyed the control center beneath. Now the sonic armour prevents that
from happening, instead a malfunction merely causes the weapon to shut

The empire was in for a big surprise when they first encountered the ED-280.
They launched a full wing of bombers on an alliance world. They bombers
were going to hit the capitol and then the suburban outlying regions to
force the planet to submit. However, the city was ringed with ED-280's so
that when the bombers came in towards the city they mysteriously shook
apart and exploded. Not understanding what happened, the Imperials tried
sending ground troops in instead. The dropships were met with a similair
fate and those that made it through were of no concern because those troops
were dispatched shortly there after by smaller members of the EchoDefense

Model: Feydrakin Munitions Anti-Aircraft ED-280 Sonic Battery
Type: Anti-starfighter Sonic Battery
Scale: Walker
Skill: Blaster Artillery: EchoDefense
Crew: 4
Cover: Full
Fire Rate: 1
Cost: Not Available For Sale
Availability: 3, X
Body: 2D+1
Ammo: Unlimited
Fire Control: 1D
Range: 50-350/2.5/5 km
Damage: 10D
Everything within a 45 degree arc of the  front is hit with a successful use.
Targets within 2.5 kilometers of the blast cannot attempt to dodge; targets
2.6 to 5 kilometers away may attempt to dodge, though all attempts are at a
-1D penalty.

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All text and stats by Dave Maloney, HTML and logos done by FreddyB
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