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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: ResistanceSubtype: DROIDSEra: Post EmpireCanon: Yes

Name: D-O
Date destroyed: Prior to 35 ABY (reactivated)
Creator: Unidentified droidsmith
Height: 0.46 meters
Gender: Masculine programming

Dexterity: 1D
Knowledge: 1D
         Bureaucracy 2D, Cultures 3D, Languages 3D
Mechanical: 1D
Perception: 1D
Strength: 1D
Technical: 1D

Equipped with:
         Wheeled Motivation System
         Vocabulator speech/ sound system

Move: 9

Description: D-O was a droid discovered by BB-8 on the Bestoon Legacy that was once owned by Ochi, an assassin loyal to the Sith. The droid was created by an unnamed droidsmith, who was killed by Ochi. The droid was reactivated by BB-8 in 35 ABY, on Pasaana, and later brought along to Kijimi, where he was further repaired by Rey. An excitable little droid, D-O befriended the Resistance droid, and wanted to be just like his droid friend.

D-O spoke a less complex form of droid binary that was easier for non-droids to understand than most droid speech and was capable of speaking in Basic, though it was rather limited and often times garbled, with a noticeable stutter.

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