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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: Post EmpireCanon: Yes

Name: Tommet Sozach
Species: Ginmid
Gender: Male
Skin color: Green-gray

        Blaster 6D+1
        Blaster Artillery 5D+1
        Brawling Parry 6D+2
        Dodge 5D+2
        Melee Combat 7D
        Melee Parry 6D
        Vehicle Blasters 5D
        Streetwise 4D+2
        Intimidation 5D        
        Tactics 5D
        Repulsorlift operation 5D+2
        Space transports 4D
        Starship gunnery 4D+2
        Astrogation 3D
        Command 5D+2
        Sneak 5D+2
        Hide 4D
        Brawling 6D
        Stamina 4D
        First Aid 4D

Move: 10

Equipment: 150 Credits
        Street Clothes, Insulated Jacket & Hat, Blaster Rifle (5D)

Force Sensitive: N
Force Points: 3
Dark Side Points: 1
Character Points: 7

Description: Tommet Sozach was a Ginmid male who led an army of mercenaries. When the galaxy seemed to be at peace, Sozach left the army to operated on his own. He worked as a trick shooter until a demonstration went wrong and left him with a death sentence. By the time of the war between the First Order and the Resistance, Sozach worked as a personal defense instructor on Kijimi, where he spent time in the Spicer Runner's Den shortly before the destruction of the world.

Tommet Sozach was a Ginmid male who at one point led a mercenary army of his species, but broke out on his own after predictions of a prolonged period of piece proved to be true. By the time that the war between the First Order and Resistance broke out, most of Sozach's best soldiers would have retired. Instead, he earned a living as a crowd-pleasing trick shooter until a performance went wrong and earned him a death sentence. Escaping to become and inhabitant of Kijimi City on the planet Kijimi, Sozach began working as a personal defence instructor.

During the First Order occupation of Kijimi in 35 ABY, Sozach was stood with a human woman by the entrance to the bar of the Spicer Runner's Den in Kijimi City when the Spice Runner Zorii Bliss led a group of Resistance agents through the room. Shortly after Sozach encountered the Resistance members, the First Order evacuated their forces from Kijimi and destroyed it.

Personality and traits
Tommet Sozach had green skin. When war returned to the galaxy after its prolonged period of peace, he sometimes had to fight a pang of remorse for giving up his army-for-hire.

Sozach wore a cloned karabbac-pelt jacket and a brown fur hat with a pair of orange goggles and brown boots. He carried a blaster rifle.

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