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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: ARTILLERY EMPLACEMENTSEra: ImperialCanon: No

RanCorp MG-34 Repeater Emplacement

The MG34 eventually resulted from the testing of many different light-
machineguns, developed by  early RanCorp engineers. The basis of the
whole project was the idea of a single gun design acting in both light
and heavy roles. That is, being able to be used as an assault weapon,
or an emplaced defensive weapon, and being compromised in neither by
design. The result was a weapon with modularized accessories and
ammunition feed methods. Although it was possible to fire the gun
from the hip, this proved difficult and inaccurate, so an integral
bipod was made to fire the weapon more accurately in the assault. The
machinegun was also well designed to be emplaced in a vehicle, and
dedicated AA mounts were designed. Direct and indirect sights were
also available, when used indirectly it had a maximum range of 3500
meters. When using direct fire, 3000 meters was a maximum range, but
2000 meters was optimal.

Model: Rancor Munitions Corporation MG-34 Repeating Blaster Artillery
Type: Repeating Blaster Emplacement
Scale: Character
Skill: Blaster Artillery
Ammo: 200
Crew: 2 (emplaced)
Cover: None
Cost: 9,000
Availability: 2, X
Fire Rate: 5
Range: 3-70/450/1500
fire Control: 1D (emplaced)
Damage: 6D+2
Body: 2D
Game Notes: On constant-fire mode, fires a burst of 5 rounds per shot.
            Once a hit is established, all following shots against
                nearby (1 meter) targets are one difficulty lower.

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