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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: ResistanceSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: Post EmpireCanon: Yes

Name: Venisa Doza
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Skin color: Tan
Move: 10

        Blaster: 6D
        Brawling Parry: 5D+2
        Dodge: 6D+1
        Bargain: 4D+2
        Command: 5D+2
        Con: 5D
        Investigation: 4D
        Search: 4D+1
        Sneak: 5D+1
        Business: 4D
        Languages: 3D
        Planetary Systems: 4D+2
        Streetwise: 4D
        Tactics: 5D+2
        Brawling: 5D+2
        Climbing/Jumping: 3D+2
        Astrogation: 5D+2
        Repulsorlift Operation: 5D
        Sensors: 4D+2
        Space Transports: 4D+2
        Starfighter Piloting: 6D+2
        Starship Weapons: 6D+1
        Starship Shields: 5D+1
        Computer Programming/Repair: 4D+2
        Droid Repair: 4D+2
        Repulsorlift Repair: 3D+1
        Starfighter Repair: 5D+1
        Security: 6D

        CREDITS - 150
                Flight Suit, Heavy Blaster Pistol (5D), Astromech Droid (Torch), Venisa Doza's Modified X-Wing


Description: Venisa Doza was a human female pilot who served in the Rebel Alliance and the Resistance, and the wife of Captain Imanuel Doza and mother of Torra Doza. After persuading her future husband to defect from the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War, Venisa and her husband settled down as the owners of the refuelling station Colossus on Castilon in the Outer Rim. However, at the beginning of the cold war, when it became clear that the Imperial successor state the First Order was emerging as a serious threat to the galaxy at large, Venisa left her home and joined the Resistance, a paramilitary organization set up by Rebel hero General Leia Organa. Venisa saw her family once a year on Torra's birthday, but after war formally broke out between the First Order and Resistance, an attempted rendezvous with the Colossus, on the run in the Outer Rim, failed. Venisa was then captured by the First Order before escaping, missing her daughter's 16th birthday.

Venisa, a human female, was a young woman during the Galactic Civil War, in which she fought for the Alliance to Restore the Republic as a starfighter pilot. She was good friends with one of her fellow pilots, Jarek Yeager. During the war, Venisa and Yeager met an Imperial officer named Imanuel Doza. Venisa and Imanuel fell in love while still on opposing sides, and Venisa eventually persuaded him to defect from the Empire.

After the end of the war, Venisa and Imanuel got married, and eventually settled on the Colossus, an old Imperial supertanker fuel depot which Imanuel took over, located on the Outer Rim planet of Castilon. In 18 ABY, the Dozas had a daughter, named Torra. In 28 ABY, Rebel hero Leia Organa resigned from the Galactic Senate and founded a paramilitary organization called the Resistance after discovering that an Imperial successor state called the First Order was a larger threat to the New Republic than the galactic government was willing to admit. Although Imanuel didn't want to be involved in another war, Venisa felt a responsibility to assist, and left her home to join the Resistance, something that Imanuel and Torra kept top-secret, as did Yeager, who had come to live on the station.

For the next six years, during the cold war, Venisa, flying her modified T-65B X-wing starfighter and accompanied by her astromech droid Torch, went on many adventures in service to the Resistance, including at Bakura and Lehon. On one occasion, Venisa and Torch escaped the rogue First Order Security Bureau Agent Terex by setting off explosions in a hangar and having Torch pilot a TIE/fo space superiority fighter as a diversion. She also made sure to never miss her annual meeting with her husband and daughter at an undisclosed location for Torra's birthday.

In 34 ABY, the First Order began to target the Colossus as part of their plans for the upcoming war, desiring to use the station as a supply point for their military. Eventually, after the station's occupation, the Colossus threw off the invaders and was forced to escape Castilon to stay away from the First Order, just as the war had formally begun. Hoping to keep the annual tradition, Captain Imanuel Doza activated a signal beacon while the station was travelling through the Outer Rim so that Venisa would know where to meet. Venisa headed for the Colossus' location, but the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer commanded by Agent Tierny and Commander Pyre, which had been hunting the wayward space station, got there first. The Colossus was forced to flee back into hyperspace after a skirmish, just before Venisa's arrival at the rendezvous point.

Venisa's starfighter was captured by a tractor beam before she could jump away, and she and Torch quickly concocted an escape plan requiring the droid to fake having been completely fried. Upon disembarking, Venisa refused a request from Tierny for her name, and was placed in a cell in the detention level. On the way there, Venisa was seen by former Colossus residents turned First Order TIE pilot cadets Tamara Ryvora and Jace Rucklin. Ryvora, a former employee of Yeager's, found Venisa's appearance oddly familiar, and later decided to confront the prisoner in her cell. Venisa had heard of Ryvora from Yeager, although they hadn't previously met, and quickly deduced that the young pilot's loyalty to the First Order was fragile and wavering, asking Ryvora to give her a reason for why she had joined the Order that wasn't a recruitment point, which Ryvora failed to do. Torch, having been thrown into a garbage pile, arrived and shocked Ryvora unconscious just after Venisa chose to reveal her identity to the young pilot, and Venisa decided to take the Kuati girl hostage to take her back to the Colossus.

Venisa's conversation with Ryvora onboard the Star Destroyer made her further question her loyalties, and Venisa ascertained that there was hope for Rucklin to realize the truth as well after he couldn't bring himself to shoot Ryvora when she was being used as a human shield. Eventually the escape was discovered by Tierny's forces, and Venisa and Torch made it to the hangar with Ryvora in tow. Realizing that Ryvora wouldn't willingly come, Venisa ordered Torch to use the same tactic they had used to escape from Terex before advising Ryvora to stay away from the hangar and shooting her with a stun bolt. Torch planted bombs on TIE fighters in the hangar before detonating several fuel canisters and flying away in a TIE as a distraction, allowing Venisa to slip away to her X-wing. Tierny and her troops were unable to do anything to foil the escape as the ships in the hangar were blown to pieces. Venisa collected Torch in space before jumping away into hyperspace.

Venisa Doza was both personally brave, fighting in two wars for the sake of the galaxy, and laid-back, showing no concern upon her capture by Agent Tierny. She was also a good judge of character, realizing that Ryvora's loyalty to the First Order was on shaky ground and that the girl could be swayed. Venisa wanted to make things better, both for people — such as her eventual husband Imanuel — and the galaxy, for which cause she left her family to join the Resistance. She also shared many character traits with her daughter Torra, to the extent that upon having her described to him, Kazuda Xiono, who had never met Venisa, immediately commented to Yeager that she reminded him of Torra.

Skills and abilities
Venisa was a highly skilled pilot and combatant, capable of escaping from forces of the First Order, such as Agent Tierny's Star Destroyer or the forces of the rogue Agent Terex, with only Torch to assist her. As part of this, she was good at making up plans on the fly, such as after her capture during the failed birthday rendezvous.

Venisa Doza, by the time of the First Order–Resistance war, owned a modified T-65B X-wing starfighter she'd altered herself, as well as her astromech droid Torch, also an older model.

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