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Jake Sirrom (Human Bespin Wing Guard)

Jake Sirrom (Human Bespin Wing Guard)
Botajef Shipyards SS-54 assault ship

Botajef Shipyards SS-54 assault ship
Admiral Orley Vanicus (Human Republic Soldier)

Admiral Orley Vanicus (Human Republic Soldier)


Section of Site: Vehicles D6Belongs to Faction: Confederacy of Independent SystemsSubtype: Aquatic VehiclesEra: Rise of the EmpireCanon: EU

Type: Haor Chall Engineering Sub-carrier
Scale: Walker
Skill: Repulsorlift Operation, Sub-carrier
Crew: 4 + 4 Gunners
Cargo Capacity: Hundreds of Battle Droids
Cover: Full
Move: 12, 36 kmh
Altitude Range: Submersible
Body Strength: 4D
         4 x Torpedo Launchers
                 Scale: Walker
                 Fire Arc: Front
                 Skill: Vehicle Blasters
                 Fire Control: 2D
                 Range: 50-150/500/1km
                 Damage: 5D

         Manta droid subfighters

Description: The Separatist Sub-Carrier was an underwater carrier vessel.
The Sub-Carrier could transport Mini-subs piloted by individual B1 battle droids and autonomous manta droid subfighter.

The mini-subs would exit through tubes located on the underside of the carrier. This was a dangerous maneuver, as Galactic Republic SCUBA troopers could ambush mini-subs on their way out, and there was no way of turning back once a sub was racing through the launch-tube.

The Sub-Carrier resembled a vulture droid in shape, but dwarfed such craft in sheer size and volume. Each carrier was so big that entire skirmishes could be fought on the topside deck.

The Xi Char provided the blueprints for the Sub-Carrier to the Trade Federation free of charge for not being able to figure out how to make the manta droid subfighter transform like the vulture droid.

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