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Section of Site: Races D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: Player Character RacesEra: Rise of the EmpireCanon: EU

Name: Trogodile
Designation: Sentient
Classification: Reptilian
Skin color: Green, yellowish brown, greige
Eye color: Red, black
Homeworld: Rattatak


Special Abilities:
        Vision: Trogodile’ vision includes the ability to see in the infrared spectrum. They can see in darkness with no penalty, provided there are heat sources.
        Bite: Their heads, which were flatish on the sides, had a wide, U-shaped snout filled with sharp fangs, revealing a red interior and pale yellow tongue when opened. Trogodiles have under bites. When the mouth was closed, some of the fangs would stick out. These fangs could do Str+1D damage when used to bite.

Story Factors:
        Carnivorous: Trogodiles are carnivores, and can only eat meat, this may lead to them becoming weak and sick if forced to eat starship rations for an extended time. They will also eat the meat of any prey they kill, even if this was an opponent in combat, which leads to disgust by most other sentient species.

Move: 10

Description: The Trogodiles were cave-dwelling, sentient crocodylomorphs indigenous to Rattatak. They were large, reptilian creatures with protruding, crocodilian jaws, clawed fingers and toes, and a spiny ridge running down their back, rising along behind their eyes and continuing down their muscular, lengthy neck. Their scaled skin tended to be colored in shades of brown,yellowish,or green, and their small, reddish eyes were adapted to life underground. It is known that at least one member of the trogodile species competed in the Rattataki Arena, where it was killed by Asajj Ventress.

Biology and appearances
The Trogodiles were a sentient species of reptiles that matched a humanoid physiology: their body was bilaterally symmetrical, comprizing a torso with a single head, two arms and two legs. Trogodiles possessed hands with five digits each along with clawed feet featuring three digits forward and one back. Like most reptiles, they lacked hair. However, they did have a crest of scales that started behind the top of their heads and tapered towards the end of the neck. Their heads, which were flatish on the sides, had a wide, U-shaped snout filled with sharp fangs, revealing a red interior and pale yellow tongue when opened. Trogodiles have under bites. When the mouth was closed, some of the fangs would stick out.

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