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Refreshment Droid

Refreshment Droid


Section of Site: Droids D6Belongs to Faction: Confederacy of Independent SystemsSubtype: DROIDSEra: Rise of the EmpireCanon: EU

Type: Arakyd Industries Spelunker Probe Droid
Class: Mining droid / Probe droid
Sensor color: Blue
Plating color: Copper/gold

Dexterity: 2D
         Blaster: 5D, Dodge 5D
Knowledge: 1D
Mechanical: 1D
Perception: 3D
         Search 5D, Search; Geological Analysis 7D
Strength: 3D
         Climbing 5D
Technical: 1D

Equipped with:
          Four Articulated Pincer Legs for traveling ( can be used for Walking/ Climbing and carrying cargo, or Str+1D when used in combat)
         Repulsorlift Drive (to further support the weight of its cylindrical body.)
         3 x Telescopic and Microscopic Optical Sensors
         Extended Range Audio Sensors
         Laser cannons x 3 (5D damage)
         Simple Vocabulator (Droidspeak only)
         Mining Charge Deployer (3 x Mining Charges, Blast Radius: 0-4/8/12 m, Damage: 7D+2/6D+2/5D+2)

Move: 14
Size: 2 meters

Description: The Arakyd Industries Spelunker probe droid was a mining droid used by the Commerce Guild to explore inhospitable planets for valuable minerals during the final years of the Galactic Republic. Many Spelunker probe droids were later redesigned into chameleon droids for military service in the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars.

Used for initial exploration of mineral resources, the two-meter-tall Spelunker probe droid had four articulated pincer legs for traveling and a repulsorlift to further support the weight of its cylindrical body. The legs could also generate traction fields, allowing the droid to walk vertically and even upside down. The droid featured blue sensors and copper/gold plating. The mining droids, which were able to survive in a wide range of climates, were dispatched to planets via hyperspace pods, where they would use their sophisticated sensor arrays to locate potential mining spots. Once the droids found an economically viable site, they would begin preliminary blasting in preparation for larger mining teams. Many Spelunker probe droids were later renamed "chameleon droids" and converted into class four droids capable of military service.

The Spelunker probe droid was designed and built by Arakyd Industries, a major manufacturer of droids, heavy weapons, and starships. Shu Mai, the Presidente of the Commerce Guild, a powerful galactic trade organization, bought thousands of them for exploration. Taking advantage of their durability, the Guild used the droids to locate valuable resources on a number of inhospitable planets. However, towards the end of the Separatist Crisis, the Commerce Guild joined the newly formed Confederacy of Independent Systems. The Techno Union, another guild in the Confederacy, took many Spelunker probe droids to be converted for battle. They were fitted with laser cannons, military grade mines, and a holographic array for camouflage. They participated in several battles in the Clone Wars, most notably the Ambush on Ilum. All of these units, however, were deactivated after the execution of the Separatist Council at the close of the Clone Wars.

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