Name: R2-DC0 (Artoo Deco)
Class: Astromech droid
Color: Teal
Astrogation 5D, Sensors 5D, Space Transports 3D, Starfighter Piloting 4D
Search 4D, Persuasion 5D
Computer Programming/Repair4D, Space Transport Repair 5D, Starfighter Repair 5D*, Repulsorlift Repair 4D
* Astromech droids, if acting in co-pilot capacity, may attempt starship repairs while in flight.
Equipped With:
Three wheeled legs
Retractable heavy grasper arm (lifting skill at 2D)
Retractable fine work grasper arm
Extendable 0.3 metre long video sensor (360o rotation)
Small electric arc welder (1D to 5D damage, 0.3 metre range)
Small circular saw (4D damage, 0.3 metre range)
Video display screen
Holographic projector/recorder
Fire extinguisher
Acoustic signaller
Small (20cm. by 8 cm.) internal "cargo" area
Some additional tools and equipment
Move: 6
Size: 0.96 meters
Description: Astromechs are extremely useful and extremely common droids, seen almost everywhere across the galaxy, so even the extremely rich want to have one for their skills and capabilities. However Apreel Foulincius disliked the utilitarian look of owning one, thinking that keeping such an industrial device near him all the time reduced his status to just that of a mere commoner. So he had the most capable droidsmiths in the galaxy modify his astromech into the most stylish and appealing design they could.
R2-DC0 (Artoo Deco) was the result, enhanced in not only looks, but also to better help around its masters starship.
One problem was that the droid was programmed knowing its own value, and to avoid situations where it might become damaged or lose that value, and therefore was a fairly cowardly and persnickety droid, which spent as much time polishing itself as it did doing its duties.