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Section of Site: Races D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: Player Character RacesEra: Tales of the JediCanon: EU

Name: Draethos
Average height: 1.8 meters
Skin color: Gray, Pink
Hair color: None
Distinctions: Four fingers, large teeth, telepathy, long life spans
Average lifespan: Up to 800 standard years
Homeworld: Draethos
Language: Draethos
Attribute Dice: 12D

Dex: 1D/4D
Know: 1D/4D
Mech: 1D/3D+2
Perc: 2D/4D+1
Str: 2D/4D+1
Tech: 2D/3D+2

Special Abilities:
        Telepathy: Draethos, warrior and intellectual alike, possessed telepathy, including the ability to communicate with any sentient being in a radius of approximately five hundred meters. The ability was limited to communication; a Draethos could not invade the thoughts of others. This is done by the Draethos as easily as speaking.
        Low Light Vision: Draethos eyes are more sensitive to light, giving them a bonus 1D to search in low light conditions.

Story Factors:
        Warrior Culture: The Draethos was a warrior culture. Those living on the homeworld were expected to demonstrate their martial or hunting prowess. Life on Draethos was harsh, with arrogant aristocrats squabbling among one another for social standing and wealth. Warriors were perpetually in high demand as gladiators, mercenaries, hunters, and soldiers.
        Studious Travellers: Pacifistic philosophies were despised on Draethos. Those who made a conscious decision to abandon the way of the warrior were exiled to seek a new life among aliens. Therefore, paradoxically, despite their reputation as fierce combatants, most Draethos encountered offworld were peaceful and intellectual.
        Long Life: Draethos could live to be a thousand years and older. Despite their long lives, their childhood was quite short. They matured quickly, grew out of adolescence at 18, then enjoyed a healthy adulthood which lasted approximately four hundred years. At four hundred a Draethos was considered middle aged. It was not until age seven hundred that a Draethos was considered elderly.

Move: 10/12 (14/16 under water)

Description: Draethos were a predatory humanoid species from the planet Draethos, notable for their long natural lifespans.

Biology and appearance
Draethos possessed large teeth, which grew outside of their mouths in what appeared to be an overbite. They also had no lips, further exaggerating the appearance of an overbite. Their scaly skin ranged in color from blue to purple to black. Their hands retained an interstitial web between the fingers. Their fingers ended in narrow tips which resembled claws. They possessed low-light vision, springing from their cave-dwelling ancestors.

The Draethos could live to be a thousand years and older. Despite their long lives, their childhood was quite short. They matured quickly, grew out of adolescence at 18, then enjoyed a healthy adulthood which lasted approximately four hundred years. At four hundred a Draethos was considered middle aged. It was not until age seven hundred that a Draethos was considered elderly.

Draethos, warrior and intellectual alike, possessed telepathy, including the ability to communicate with any sentient being in a radius of approximately five hundred meters. The ability was limited to communication; a Draethos could not invade the thoughts of others.

Society and culture
Partly due to their long lives, Draethos society was slow to evolve and relied heavily on tradition. The Draethos was a warrior culture. Those living on the homeworld were expected to demonstrate their martial or hunting prowess. Life on Draethos was harsh, with arrogant aristocrats squabbling among one another for social standing and wealth. Warriors were perpetually in high demand as gladiators, mercenaries, hunters, and soldiers.

Pacifistic philosophies were despised on Draethos. Those who made a conscious decision to abandon the way of the warrior were exiled to seek a new life among aliens. Therefore, paradoxically, despite their reputation as fierce combatants, most Draethos encountered offworld were peaceful and intellectual.

Draethos in the galaxy
Draethos traveling offworld were usually exiles who chose not to become warriors as their culture demanded and thus were highly intelligent and pacifistic. They were usually enthralled with learning as much as they could, even if they might never apply their detailed knowledge of a given subject. The stability of the Draethos culture caused exiled Draethos to have troubles while understanding the complex and relatively rapid changes in other societies.

The most notable Draethos was Odan-Urr, a legendary Jedi Master who founded the Great Library of Ossus.

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