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Section of Site: Planets D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: PlanetsEra: Stargate SG-1Canon: EU

Name: Ambria
Region: Inner Rim; The Slice
Sector: Stenness Node, Airon sector
System: Ambria system
Suns: 1: Amber
Moons: 4; Deeb, Mev, Toprel, Voth
Grid coordinates: O-10
Trade routes: Lesser Lantillian Route
Rotation period: 32 standard hours
Orbital period: 176 local days
Class: Barren terrestrial
Atmosphere: Oxygen mix, Type I (breathable)
Climate: Hot, Arid
Gravity: Standard
Primary terrain: Rocky plains, Deserts, Surface water, Lakes
Points of interest: Ambrian Wastes, Lake Natth, Tiernvael Mountains, Meditative Canyon, BioTech Industries campus, Military Base
Native species: Neeks, Staga, Hssiss
Immigrated species: Humans, Tchuukthai, Vultan
Primary language(s): Galactic Basic Standard, Tchuukthai
Government: None
Population: Historic: 1 to 4 at the time of the Great Sith War
Demonym: Ambrian
Major cities: None
Major exports: Ore, Other minerals

Description: Ambria was a small desert planet in the Ambria system, located in the Stenness Node of the Inner Rim.

Animal life on Ambria included herds of staga, small lizards called neeks, and the strange, evil dragons called Hssiss from Lake Natth, a place strong with the dark side of the Force.

Ambria was one of the refuges of the Sith after their loss in the Great Hyperspace War. Shortly before the Great Sith War, it was home to the Jedi Master Thon. In 4004 BBY, Thon took Oss Wilum as his Padawan on Ambria, following the elimination of its life by a Sith sorceress. In 3999 BBY Thon took Nomi Sunrider as Padawan on Ambria. Also, it was the main war machine for the Sith Empire, creating warships for the Great Hyperspace War.

Darth Bane first came to the world in 1000 BBY. Following the Battle of Ruusan, Bane trained his apprentice, Darth Zannah, on the world until 990 BBY. The two dueled there ten years later, resulting in Bane's death and Zannah's rise as the new Dark Lord of the Sith.

Early History
Discovered during the Great Manifest Period, Ambria was a mineral-rich world, which boasted several indigenous sentient species, and a wide variety of fauna. Located in the Stenness Node, Ambria along with most of the other worlds in the sector, was considered a lucrative mining world, and it was not long before corporations began to make use of Ambria's vast amount of natural resources. Over time, Ambria caught the attention of the mining experts in the Galactic Republic, who established bases there to extract the valuable ores and minerals the planet possessed. However, although Ambria had a breathable atmosphere and plenty of potential nourishment, few permanent establishments were ever built. This was because most species found the terrain too rugged and the climate unbearable to live in, as well as the fact that there were far easier operations to be set up on nearby planets in the Stenness system. Thus, Ambria was never colonized, and, by and large, remained uninhabited for millennia, except for the few native species that roamed the wastelands.

The world remained unchanged for centuries, until a Sith sorceress made Ambria her home. Little was known of her origins, and even her name was lost to history, though her deeds had been recorded by the Jedi Order, and were stored in their great archives. She used her dark powers to enslave the native sentients, and used many of the planet's wildlife as war-beasts, aided by the dark side. She began construction of a great black obelisk infused with the dark side; it took her slaves over a century to build it, obsession standing the test of time. Eventually, she had the chance to conduct the Sith ritual the obelisk had been built for. The exact nature of this ritual is unknown, though Jedi scholars were able to make out a basic version of events.

The Sorceress was not as powerful as she had believed, and her overconfidence proved her undoing. She called on more power than any individual had ever attempted previously, and it proved too complex for her to manage. She released an uncontrolled wave of powerful dark energy on the planet; it destroyed every living thing, aside from the semi-sentient Hssiss, on the planet, which became totally infused with dark side energies.

Later, some time after the Great Hyperspace War of 5000 BBY, several of the remaining Sith Lords sought refuge on Ambria, where they hid among the dark side energies in order to avoid persecution. They stayed on the planet for many years, until passing into the Force themselves, leaving yet more dark side spirits on Ambria. They remained embedded in the planet itself, preventing anything from growing on the desolate world.

Thon's arrival
In time, a Tchuukthai Jedi Master named Thon would make the planet of Ambria his home. Little was known of Thon's origins; he was highly secretive and reclusive about where he had learned his vast array of Force abilities. After teaching the other Jedi on Ossus various powers they had not known previously, Thon departed to find somewhere more secluded and peaceful than the Great Jedi Library to train his students. He began wandering the galaxy aimlessly, letting the Force guide him. Eventually, Thon felt the presence of a number of dark side spirits, way out in the distance beyond his ship's scanners. Thon followed the dark presence until he arrived on Ambria, where he was immediately attacked by the malevolent spirits of the Sith. The Tchuukthai Jedi Master managed to repel them for a time, though soon his stamina became depleted, and he could no longer hold off the dark forces. However, Thon still had a plan, and led the spirits to Lake Natth; he swam out to the center of the lake, and allowed the dark spirits to consume him. However, with one final effort, the mysterious Jedi Master ensnared his foes in a wave of light side energy, confining them the murky waters at the bottom of Lake Natth. The sinister spirits were furious, and often possessed the herds of Hssiss which frequented the lake, and attacked any visitors to the planet. Although they had not been completely defeated, the dark side spirits on Ambria had finally been contained.

Thon set about exploring the rest of the planet, and had several foreign species of animal imported; the Jedi Master wanted to bring about the revival of the desert world. On his travels, he discovered a vast canyon with a particularly strong connection in the Force. Meditating there in hard times, he encouraged the light of the Force to shine once more on the planet. Thon built a small training compound on a broad plain, sparse in luxuries and decoration, where he lived, and, when they eventually came to Ambria, taught his Jedi students. He trained several students on Ambria over a twelve year period, including Oss Wilum, a fast-learning Vultan.

In 3999 BBY, Wilum had all but completed his training, so Thon had fellow Jedi Master Chamma send his young apprentice to Ambria to hone his Jedi abilities under Thon's expert tutelage. However, Andur Sunrider never made it to Ambria. Upon arriving in the Stenness system with his wife Nomi and daughter Vima, Andur was attacked by thugs sent by Great Bogga the Hutt, the self-titled "ruler" of Stenness Node. Bogga had learned that Sunrider would be carrying an amount of valuable adegan crystals, given to him by his Master Chamma as a gift for Thon. Although Bogga's cronies were successful in killing Andur, his wife Nomi, a Force-sensitive being herself, lashed out with her late husband's lightsaber, killing one of Bogga's men. The others fled, and Bogga's efforts to steal the crystals had been thwarted. Nomi continued on to see Thon regardless of Andur's death, and when the Tchuukthai Jedi Master realized her Force potential, he decided to train her in the ways of the Force. Despite the set back, Bogga was still determined to get his hands on the crystals, and sent a pirate named Finhead Stonebone to Ambria to retrieve them and kill Thon. The Tchuukthai managed to halt Stonebone's first assault, but in an effort to make Sunrider use her lightsaber, he gave himself up to the band of pirates without a fight. Nomi had previously killed a man with her late husband's saber, so was reluctant to take a hold of such a potentially dangerous weapon. Thon allowed the pirates to shackle him, though a fight soon broke out between the pirates over who would present the adegan crystals to Great Bogga. Sunrider used this opportunity to use her battle meditation, an old Jedi art which influenced and affect the actions of others. While Stonebone's crew fought amongst themselves, Nomi rescued Thon, and together they drove back the pirates.

Soon after Sunrider finished her training, the Great Sith War broke out between the Jedi Order/Republic and the Krath; Thon was the only remaining inhabitant for the duration of the war. However, several other Jedi, fighting for both sides, visited Ambria midway throughout the war. Sunrider and Sylvar, a Cathar Jedi, came to see Thon, while another Cathar, named Crado, as well as Thon's former apprentice Oss Wilum, arrived on Ambria to kill the Master. They had been infected by Exar Kun, the Dark Lord of the Sith, and his lies and propaganda, and had been sent to the barren world to dispose of Thon. The Tchuukthai Master, however, and his two visitors easily defeated the Hssiss, Crado, and Wilum sent after them, and forced the Cathar Dark Jedi into fleeing, while Wilum was eventually redeemed.

There was little activity on Ambria for the remainder of Thon's life, and after the Jedi Master's death it was left completely uninhabited once again.

After Thon
Although Thon had passed away, his efforts in restoring Ambria's once luscious landscape were making progress, though the spirits remained trapped in Lake Natth. After the Tchuukthai's time, several Jedi would travel there to find solace, though due to the ever increasing amount of crime in the system, it was largely avoided.

During the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire, a Rodian female Slicer acquired the access codes for a military base on Ambria and put them up for sale.

A battle was fought between the Republic and Sith troops on Ambria during the New Sith Wars sometime between 2000 and 1000 BBY. Each faction suffered heavy losses during the battle, with various debris and shrapnel all that remained. Apart from the occasional scavengers, nobody had bothered to clean up the remains, leaving much evidence of the battle even years later. Some time after the battle had ceased, a healer named Caleb made Ambria his home, determined to mend the wounds of war.

Approximately one thousand years before the Battle of Yavin, a Sith Lord named Darth Bane visited Ambria. Bane thought he was going to meet Githany, a member of the Brotherhood of Darkness, to arrange his rejoining of the Order, though in truth she had been sent to kill Bane. When the Sith arrived on Ambria's surface, he noticed the strength of the dark side coming from Lake Natth, and set up camp there. Githany poisoned Bane with synox when she arrived, and the Sith Lord was left to search for a cure on the barren world of Ambria. He chanced upon two scavenger children and their father. He slaughtered both of the children with his lightsaber, using their father's sorrow to temporarily cleanse himself of the poison. Bane eventually found the healer named Caleb, and threatened to kill his daughter if he would not heal the Sith Lord. Permanently healed, Bane left Ambria, and it was once again largely uninhabited, bar the few scavengers attempting to find value in the remains of the battle fought on the planet previously.

In 990 BBY, Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Bane returned to Ambria and took up residence near Lake Natth and not far from the Meditative Canyon. He set up a small camp for himself and his apprentice Darth Zannah. The accommodations were meager, but sufficient enough to serve as both a training ground for Zannah, and a base of operations for Bane, as well as a home of sorts for both. The two eventually abandoned the camp for more luxurious locales as the Jedi Order stopped looking for Sith; for they were sure they were extinct. Traveling the galaxy together, the Force would again draw them to Ambria, though not as Master and apprentice. Zannah lured her teacher to the world and challenged him to a duel, one that she was sure she would win. Drawing on all her dark side energy, she ravaged Bane's body as he attacked her. As the battle neared to a close, Bane's attempt to possess the girl back-fired; destroying his body and leaving Zannah victorious.

Modern history
By the time of the rule of the Galactic Empire, Ambria had long been forgotten. However, the planet regained some interest during the New Republic era.

At some point, BioTech Industries established a campus on the planet where they performed research until it was raided by Imperial Captain Marl Semtin.

Ambria originally had several species, though no major settlements were ever known to have been built by these species. After its natural resources were discovered by the Republic, teams of miners inhabited Ambria, though no permanent settlements were ever established. After the Sith sorceress wiped out the native species, Ambria was left uninhabited, though during Thon's time, many Jedi students lived and trained there. After the Battle of Ambria, many scavengers made the barren world their home, hoping to scrape a living by searching the remains of the battle for anything of value. Around the time Darth Bane visited Ambria, many families had established homes there, including Caleb and his daughter. In later eras, it remained largely uninhabited, though many Jedi sought refuge on Ambria during the Great Jedi Purge.

After the cataclysm caused by the Sith sorceress, most of the fauna native to Ambria was killed, with only several breeds of reptile surviving. The savage predators who frequented Lake Natth, the Hssiss, were often possessed by the dark spirits confined to the lake, and were said to aid those who wielded the dark side of the Force. They originated on Ambria, though Bogga the Hutt eventually transported them off-world, using them as guard beasts. Another surviving species were the territorial neeks, who congregated in flocks in an attempt to achieve safety from predators like the Hssiss. Master Thon brought a third species to Ambria, known as staga. Staga were large horned reptiles who moved in herds, and lived outside Thon's dwelling.

Lake Natth
Lake Natth was a lake on the planet of Ambria.
After Jedi Master Thon defeated Sith spirits that threatened to take the sector, he contained their dark side energy beneath the lake. Over time, the power of the dark side warped the creatures of the lake, resulting in the creation of the vicious Hssiss.

During the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire, there were unusual evidences for life close to the lake discovered.

While waiting for a meeting between himself and Lord Skere Kaan, Darth Bane made camp along its shores, something those native to Ambria never did, as they gave the lake a wide berth.

Through meditation, a Jedi could draw minerals out of the lake and infuse them with the Force to create the Luxum crystal. This crystal was powerful against droids, releasing an ion pulse upon contact.

Tiernvael Mountains
The Tiernvael Mountains were a mountain range overlooking the Meditative Canyon on the planet Ambria in the Inner Rim.

Meditative Canyon
The Meditative Canyon was a vast cavernous expanse, location on the arid planet of Ambria. The canyon was a powerful nexus of Force energy, and to those who were familiar with its location, it served as a serene environment ideal for meditating on the Force.
Situated within the Tiernvael Mountains in the northern-central region of the planet, Ambria's Meditative Canyon rested slightly above the planet's equatorial divide. This dry and desolate mountain landscape received even less precipitation than other areas of the planet, due to high interference from Ambria's ring system. Violent dust storms plagued the canyon, though at times there were moments of total serenity. Thus, predicting the weather near the mountains was nigh-impossible due to influence from Ambria's rings.

At the base of the canyon was a river that flowed throughout the canyon's total expanse, with natural rock and crystal formations protruding upwards. Several waterfalls drained into the river, the longest of which had a four hundred meter plunge. The canyon also consisted of many levels, the strata of which could be easily seen by anyone who chose to look. Further down into the canyon, the colors of these various strata formations took on various colors and shapes, some having cliffs or even steep ledges. Caves were also more prevalent as the canyon deepened. Stalagmites of crystal could be found within these caves, though not the type able to influence the Force. The deepest levels of the canyon have never been explored. Due to its high concentration of Force energy, the Meditative Canyon was an ideal location for a Jedi to commune with the Force.

Though the Force was heavily focused in the canyon, wildlife generally inhabited Ambria elsewhere. When miners settled on the planet, they forsook the canyon and delved in other regions of the landscape. The life forms that did reside in the canyon had learned to survive in the harsh conditions the canyon subjected them to. Neeks, small terrestrial reptiles native to Ambria's wasteland environment, could be found in groups residing within the canyon's depths. Also, staga beasts frequented the areas surrounding the Meditative Canyon. These large, green beasts were herded and tended to near the canyon by Ambria's resident Jedi Master, the Tchuukthai Thon.

On Ambria, near the canyon, Master Thon set up a Jedi training praxeum where he would bring young individuals to learn the ways of the Force. He and his first known Padawan, the Vultan Oss Wilum, raised and cared for a herd of Staga beasts that Thon brought to Ambria with him.

In 990 BBY, Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Bane took up residence on Ambria, near Lake Natth and not far from the canyon. He set up a small camp for himself and his apprentice Zannah. The accommodations were meager, but sufficient enough to serve as both a training ground for Zannah, and a base of operations for Bane, as well as a home of sorts for both.

Located in the Tiernvael Mountains, the Meditative Canyon on Ambria was a place with a strong connection to the Force. The area was drier and more barren than the rest of the planet, and because of the relentless wind storms that plagued the region, the Canyon remained largely unexplored for millenniaĆ¢ā‚¬ā€¯even the Sith Sorceress had not discovered it. Master Thon stumbled upon it as he sought shelter during a vicious storm while he traveled around the planet, and found that one of the walls had an unusually powerful presence in the Force; it made the Tchuukthai Master feel calm and cut off from the carnage happening above ground. The ancient Jedi Master left once the storm had subsided, though he marked its location, and often returned to meditate.

The canyon was extremely vast, measuring over one kilometer deep, one kilometer long and half a kilometer wide. The inside walls of the canyon were lined with small caves, and a deep river lay at the pit of the canyon, twisting and turning to match the canyon's remarkable shape. Along the walls of the canyon and inside the caves, there were a great many stalagmites, some of which were covered in transparent crystals. Though the crystals had no impact on the Force, Thon, and other Jedi, used them to focus on during meditation. The canyon had several levels, each marked with a different strataĆ¢ā‚¬ā€¯some had ledges and cliffs, while others had massive caves and tunnels. Throughout Ambria's history, none attempted to properly explore these rock formations.

Despite its connection to the Force, the canyon remained largely devoid of living beings throughout its history. During Thon's time on Ambria, the only creatures who ever explored the canyon were neeks and staga, apart from the Jedi Master and his apprentices. After Thon's time, many Jedi Masters used the canyon to occasionally escape their stressful existence, and during the Great Jedi Purge, it served as an excellent hideout for renegade JediĆ¢ā‚¬ā€¯Emperor Palpatine was unaware of its existence.

Sith Obelisk
Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Ambria Sith obelisk
The Sith Obelisk on Ambria was kilometers high, with a large spike that shot up into the sky. Built using much of the natural resources of Ambria, the Obelisk was a dark shade of black in color. It was constructed by the Sith Sorceress's slaves, and took over one hundred standard years to be entirely built. The Obelisk was erected in the wild, northern regions of the planet, near the great canyon discovered by Thon. When the Sorceress' failed ritual destroyed the planet, the Obelisk was destroyed, as were the Sorceress and her slaves.

Other locations
Ambria included many other notable locations, though they were never fully explored and information about them was rare. After arriving on Ambria, Master Thon built a simple house where he trained his students. It contained few possessions or items of comfort, as was the Jedi way. Thon slept on a straw bed on the floor, while visitors had a mattress bed slightly elevated off the ground. Another location was the Ambrian Wastes, a huge desert covering over half the planet. The Tiernvael Mountains were huge, steep mountains shrouded in shadow and darkness, located just north of the Ambrian equator. They were largely unexplored, though the canyon they were located next to was often used by Master Thon for meditation.

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