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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: Tales of the JediCanon: EU

Name: Fnnbu
Died: 3999 BBY, Ambria
Species: Zexx
Gender: Male
Skin color: Gray

            Blaster: 4D+1
            Brawling Parry: 5D+2
            Dodge: 5D
            Melee Combat: 5D+1
            Melee Parry: 5D+1
            Intimidation: 5D+2
            Streetwise: 4D+2
            Survival: 5D
            Value: 3D+2
             Con 3D+2
             Search: 4D+1
            Brawling: 7D+2
            Stamina: 7D
            Repulsorlift Operation; Skiff: 3D
            Security: 3D

            Blaster Pistol (4D), Street Clothes, 300 credits

Move: 12

Description: Fnnbu was a male Zexx confederate of the notorious pirate Captain Finhead Stonebone, active in the years leading up to the Great Sith War. In 3999 BBY, Fnnbu accompanied a group of Stonebone-affiliated pirates and enforcers in the employ of local crime lord Bogga the Hutt to the desolate Stenness Node planet Ambria, on a mission to retrieve a lost shipment of valuable Adegan crystals held by Bogga's sworn enemy, Jedi Master Thon. To their surprise, Thon refused to fight back once the menagerie landed on Ambria's surface, and the Adegan crystals were soon found. However, Thon's Jedi apprentice, Nomi Sunrider, used a Force power known as battle meditation, hoping to turn the pirates and enforcers against each other. Her attempt was successful, and Fnnbu was the first to fall under the influence of the Force power. Fnnbu flew into a violent rage, attacking friend and foe alike, and within moments all of the pirates and enforcers were brawling with each other. Sunrider then attacked the group with her lightsaber, killing, among others, Fnnbu.

Fnnbu was a male Zexx associate of pirate Captain Finhead Stonebone during the time leading up to the Great Sith War. In 3999 BBY, Fnnbu accompanied a group consisting of both Stonebone's pirate gang and enforcers in the employ of the Stenness Node–based crime lord Bogga the Hutt, on a mission to the desolate planet Ambria. The ensemble was sent by Bogga to retrieve a lost shipment of Adegan crystals from Bogga's sworn enemy, Jedi Master Thon, in exchange for Bogga's granting of freedom to Stonebone's crew, who had been captured after a failed raid on an Ithullian ore hauler. The group descended onto Ambria's surface adjacent to Master Thon's compound, and soon encountered Master Thon, who to their surprise refused to fight back. One of Bogga's men soon found the Adegan crystals, although the enforcer refused to share them with the pirates. While Fnnbu and Stonebone argued with the enforcers over who would claim credit for the discovery of the crystals, Thon's Jedi apprentice, Nomi Sunrider, used a Force power called battle meditation, hoping to influence the minds of the invading crew to turn them against each other.

Fnnbu was the first to fall under the will of Nomi Sunrider's battle meditation. Stepping to the forefront, Fnnbu demanded that he handle the crystals, promising to guard them for Bogga the Hutt. However, when the enforcers refused, Fnnbu flew into a violent rage, claiming the crystals belonged to him and attacking both friend and foe alike. A large brawl broke out between the enforcers and the pirates, and eventually pirates and enforcers were fighting beings on their own respective sides. Fnnbu personally squared off with C'borp, a fellow pirate and chief gunner on the pirate ship Marauder Starjacker. While the pirates and enforcers were fighting each other, Nomi Sunrider ignited her lightsaber and attacked the group. Fnnbu and the rest were caught unawares, and Fnnbu was quickly slain by the Jedi trainee.

Personality and traits
Fnnbu was a gruff, imposing pirate in Finhead Stonebone's pirate gang. He was easily influenced by mind-based Force powers, being the first to fall under the spell of Nomi Sunrider's battle meditation. He had a tendency to refer to himself in the third person, and also referred to Finhead Stonebone respectfully as "cap'n." He was immensely physically strong, easily tossing around several beings who tried to restrain him as he became violent during the brawl on Ambria.

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