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Section of Site: Planets D6Belongs to Faction: Old RepublicSubtype: PlanetsEra: Tales of the JediCanon: EU

Name: Ossus
Region: Outer Rim Territories, Hutt Space
Sector: Auril sector
System: Adega system
Suns: 2; Adega Prime, Adega Besh
Orbital position: 3
Moons: 2; Mim, Nerit
Grid coordinates: R-6
Trade routes: Perlemian hyperroute
Rotation period: 31 standard hours
Orbital period: 231 standard days
Class: Terrestrial
Diameter: 29,000 km
Atmosphere: Type I (breathable)
Climate: Temperate
Gravity: Standard
Primary terrain: Hills, Mountains, Gorges, Forests, Caves
Points of interest: Jedi Academy, Imhar Canyon, Eocho Mountains, Knossa Spaceport, Gardens of T'alla, Great Jedi Library, Jedi Colony, Strike Base XR-484
Native flora: Dbergo tree, Kingwood
Fauna: Tribis
Native species: Modern: Ysanna; Historic: Many species
Immigrated species: Human
Primary language(s): Modern:Galactic Basic Standard, Ysannan; Historic: Galactic Basic Standard, Classical Ossan
Government: Jedi hierarchy, Ysanna tribal government
Population: Modern: 250 million; 85% Human, 15% other; Galactic Civil War: 3,750,000; 99% Ysanna, 1% other; Historic: 250 million: 15% Ysanna, 10% Human, 75% other species
Major cities: Knossa (capital), Many others
Major imports: Technology
Major exports: None

Description: Ossus, known as Idux while under the control of Xim's empire, was the third planet in the Adega system in the Auril sector. Known to the galaxy since before 25,000 BBY, when the Jedi expanded there from the planet Tython and established a Jedi Academy, Ossus would become a popular world of the Galactic Republic. This world would also become a place of great importance to the Jedi, as the site where they stored the sum of their knowledge, though such attentions came at a price. When the Jedi Knight Exar Kun turned to the dark side and became the Dark Lord of the Sith, catapulting the galaxy into the Great Sith War, he attacked Ossus, desiring Sith secrets hidden by the Jedi. During the events this action incited, the Cron Cluster was detonated, spreading a shockwave around the galaxy. Originally a rich, lush world, Ossus was ravaged into an arid and toxic planet when the wave struck the planet.

Certain individuals survived the blast, including several Jedi. Over the passing generations, these people would become more feral, forgetting their heritage and the Force while regarding their abilities from it as magical. They became the Ysanna, Ossus's only native sentience. They, along with the planet, lived in peace with the rest of the galaxy through the Clone Wars between the Republic and Confederacy of Independent Systems, when Ossus primarily became a planet of archaeological importance to the Jedi. Once the Galactic Empire rose to replace the Republic, such studies into the past of the Jedi were halted, however.

After the eventual fall of that government as well, and the rise of the New Republic, Ossus saw major use during a time of war, for the first time since the Sith War of 3996 BBY, during the Yuuzhan Vong War of 25 ABY. It was studied by the Yuuzhan Vong, extra-galactic invaders who wished to conquer the galaxy, while they searched for a way to gain the upper hand against their primary enemies, the Jedi and New Republic, who in turn used it as a rally point for assaults against the Vong. Ossus regained its standing with the Jedi, revived as the New Jedi Order, following the war. Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker reopened the Academy there and made it the headquarters of their organization, though he later returned that distinction to the Jedi Temple on the galactic capital of Coruscant.

In an attempt to allow the Yuuzhan Vong to redeem themselves a century later, Skywalker's descendant, Kol Skywalker, founded the Ossus Project, an initiative to use Vong terraforming to restore the surface of Ossus. Due to Sith sabotage, the project failed and infected many individuals with organic parasites. The devastating effects the parasites had on people prompted the Fel Empire to call for an end to the project, which the Jedi would not allow. When the Galactic Alliance defended the Vong at the request of the Jedi, the Empire declared war against their loose rival, crippling and defeating them in 130 ABY. The Jedi moved their headquarters to Ossus once again after Coruscant was ceded to the Empire and Sith. However, two days later, the Sith attacked the Ossus Academy, killing half the Jedi inside and beginning the galaxy's third Jedi Purge. The Empire would later level the entire Academy in a barrage of turbolaser fire.

Ossus orbited the two stars of the Adega system, Adega Prime and Adega Besh. Unlike the other five planets in the system, which circled the center of mass of the two binaries, Ossus orbited both its suns in a figure-eight trajectory. Two moons in turn orbited it: Mim, a rocky, low-gravity satellite with no atmosphere, and Nerit, a temperate terrestrial world with high gravity and a population of Neti expatriates.

Ossus was originally a rugged, lush world with two-thirds of its surface covered in water and an abundance of flora and fauna. In 3996 BBY it was transformed with the destruction of the Cron Cluster into a desolate, irradiated desert world. Chemical and electrical storms swept the land, and little life remained on the surface. Over 4,000 years later, the damage done to the planet seemed to have been reversed. In the time of the Galactic Alliance, some portions of the planet were once again lush with vegetation and inhabited by wildlife. Within a century after this, the destruction done to Ossus was fully reversed with the terraforming technology of Yuuzhan Vong Shapers, who caused the planet to once again teem with life.

Before the Cron supernova, Ossus had a population in the hundreds of millions, inhabiting cities across the globe. The principle city was that of Knossa, whose spaceport was the main thoroughfare for arriving and leaving Ossus. The Cron incident destroyed most of the buildings in these cities.

Though a world of peace, Ossus was not a defenseless planet. Scattered ground emplacements protected it from aerial attack. During the various wars with the Sith, Ossus was used as a staging ground for Jedi and Republic forces. The planet also maintained a well-equipped military fleet for defense. Law enforcement consisted of Jedi Guardians who maintained security in the cities.

Flora and fauna
Ossus had been lush with life before the Cron disaster, but after those events, little of it remained. One of the surviving animals was a hardy quadruped species that the locals used as mounts. By 40 ABY, however, plant and animal life burgeoned again. The region around the Jedi Academy was verdant, with small plots of foliage interspersed among stretches of turf making up the Academy's campus, and kingwood trees covering the lower slopes of the nearby mountains. Bambwood was also found on this world.

The forests were also abundant with animal life. Gokobs, a species of friendly hairless rodents that sprayed a stinking cloud when frightened, spent much of their time scavenging off food scraps from the Jedi academy kitchens. Large brightly-colored tree frogs with sticky tongues also inhabited the treetops, and low-flying academy X-wings could find themselves with several frogs stuck to their undersides, a hazard to flight.

Early history
The unusual orbit of Ossus caused some to speculate that, like the Corellian system, the Adega system was artificially designed. However, despite the diligent efforts of archaeologists, no such evidence was ever uncovered.

The planet was home to intelligent life for countless generations. Originally known as Idux, it was absorbed into Xim's empire as he expanded his borders from the Kingdom of Cron. At some time before 25,000 BBY, a group of Jedi Knights from Tython established a school of philosophy there where the concepts of the light and dark sides of the Force were laid down. Here, too, the philosophies of the Living and Unifying Force were established.

Around 25,000 BBY, Galactic Republic scouts exploring the newly-discovered Perlemian Trade Route arrived on Ossus, in what was then known as Wild Space. The leader of the Jedi enclave, Master Haune Tiar was invited to tour the Republic, and his return on Ossus were followed by several weeks of debate among the Order. Following these events, the Jedi appointed themselves defenders of the nascent Republic. Ossus was poised to defend the Core Worlds against the forces of the Tion Cluster and Hutt Space, and so the planet became a fortress world protecting the Perlemian. With the Jedi holding back its enemies, the Republic grew apace.

Jedi stronghold
In 11,933 BBY, after witnessing the massacres committed against alien species during the first Pius Dea crusades, the Jedi Order decided to sever all ties with the Republic and retreat to Ossus. The Jedi would remain there for the next eight centuries, until the Caamasi convinced them to act against the Republic and put an end to the Pius Dea rule.

Several millennia after the fall of the Pius Dea sect and the pacification of the Republic, Ossus had quickly become a leading center of knowledge and learning for the Jedi Order. Odan-Urr trained there under the tutelage of Ooroo, and around 5000 BBY, constructed the Great Jedi Library as a grand repository of Jedi knowledge, containing tens of thousands of texts. Pilgrimages to the world from thousands of planets were common, many of them by Jedi seeking enlightenment. Most Jedi traveled to Ossus at some point in their lives. Academics, too, were drawn to the world, seeking knowledge and research contained nowhere else. Due to its importance to the Jedi, many scholars incorrectly concluded that it had been the birthplace of the Order. Notable students of Ossus included Freedon Nadd, Nomi Sunrider, Dace Diath, Shoaneb Culu, Derrica Praji, and Shaela Nuur.

This oasis of knowledge and peace was doomed, however. During the Great Sith War, Exar Kun slew Odan-Urr, stole a Sith holocron, and recruited many Jedi students on Ossus to the dark side, taking them to Yavin 4. Ulic Qel-Droma later joined forces with Exar Kun, and using Sith weaponry from Naga Sadow's ancient battleship, the Corsair, they detonated the stars of the nearby Cron Cluster in 3996 BBY, causing a deadly shock-wave to spread out across space.

The Jedi were forced to hastily evacuate the planet, and it was during the ensuing chaos that Kun returned with Qel-Droma and a team of Massassi warriors, determined to loot the planet of its riches. Qel-Droma's Mandalorian Crusaders dived into the fray too, firing on the ships of the fleeing Jedi. Kun attempted to take a valuable collection of ancient lightsabers, but was stopped by the Neti Jedi Master Ood Bnar. Bnar transformed himself into a tree, trapping the lightsabers underneath his roots and preventing Kun from reaching them.

Ulic, meanwhile, engaged in battle with his brother Cay, who sought to turn him back from the dark side. When Ulic struck down his brother in a fit of rage, Nomi Sunrider, horrified at what he had done, stripped him of the Force, and the Jedi took him prisoner and fled the doomed planet. The shock-wave hit soon afterward, searing Ossus and killing much of its life.

Post-Great Sith War
The planet was not completely scoured of life, however. Some Jedi had found protection in a cave system under the Eocho Mountains. Over time, their descendants forgot their origins, and came to see their Force abilities as a form of magic. As life slowly crept back onto the world, they emerged to become the tribal Ysanna. Ood Bnar survived as well, protected from the full effect of the supernova in his new form. In order to protect ancient lightsabers, Ood used the force to transform into a tree. His roots covered the lightsabers and protected them. The Cron Cluster's destruction into the Cron Drift made hyperspace travel to the world nearly impossible.

Most of the knowledge of the Jedi stored on Ossus was lost forever in the cataclysm. However, much was moved as well, to locations as far spread as Exis Station, the Jedi Archives on Coruscant, and Derem City on Kamino. The Jedi learned from the disaster, and built storehouses in planets across the galaxy to hold their most valuable artifacts. Contingency plans for evacuation were established in case other important Jedi worlds such as Dantooine were attacked.

In 3637 BBY Ossus became home to a colony of Jedi who had fled the onslaught of the Eternal Empire conquest by Arcann and Vaylin, led by Jedi Master Gnost-Dural. The Jedi on the planet had established a small colony and worked to recover lost knowledge housed in Ossus' temples and library. At one point multiple Jedi, led by Gnost-Dural, attempted to revive Ood Bnar, who was still entranced in a state of deep hibernation after the Cron Supernova. In 3631 BBY, the Sith Empire sent forces under Darth Malora to Ossus in a pre-emptive strike against the Republic. The Republic responded with forces under General Daerunn, and the colony of Jedi was evacuated. However, the conflict resulted in the reawakening of Darth Malgus, who had survived the events following the Battle of Ilum.

Ossus was a popular location for archaeological teams during the time of the Old Republic. The Hanna Institute of Antiquities, Academy of Jedi Archaeology, and University of Agamar all sponsored studies and excavations of the ancient ruins. In 800 BBY, a dig recovered a lightsaber that would eventually belong to Vima-Da-Boda.

Early in the Clone Wars, several Jedi were dispatched to defend Ossus. A Separatist offensive struck, and the planet fell within days of the Second Battle of Rhen Var. The CIS established a base on the planet, which was later the target of a Republic attack as one of the opening battles of the Outer Rim Sieges.

When the Galactic Empire came into power, its crackdown on Jedi-related activity brought research to a stop. Extremely few projects on Ossus were funded on the Empire's credit, and private organizations who wanted to do research had to avoid incurring its wrath. Ossus' legacy as a forgotten repository of Jedi knowledge served to inspire Jedi Purge survivor Jin-Lo Rayce to name his fledgling group of Force Adepts the Agents of Ossus, keeping the history of the Jedi hidden, rather than lost. Around 10 BBY, Travgen, a Dark Jedi, found Ossus and hid there from the Empire. Establishing himself in an old administrative center, he eventually rose to control several Ysanna tribes, and was still living on Ossus during the New Republic era.

In 10 ABY, Luke Skywalker and Kam Solusar arrived on Ossus in search of Jedi artifacts to aid in rebuilding the Order, guided there by an ancient holocron of Bodo Baas. Searching the ancient ruins, they encountered a pair of Ysanna, Jem, and Rayf, who they sensed were Force-sensitive. The two Jedi were then ambushed by a band of Ysanna, whose primitive Force-enhanced attacks they easily blocked. Knowing from their strength in the Force that they could only be Jedi, the Ysanna welcomed the two men.

This new allegiance was immediately put to the test. The Galactic Empire had tracked Luke and Kam's approach to the planet, and Palpatine's Dark Side Elite Sedriss QL and Vill Goir were dispatched to capture or kill them. The Ysanna and Jedi fought off their soldiers, and Solusar killed Goir. Sedriss took Jem hostage, and backed up against a tree. However, this tree turned out to be the dormant Ood Bnar, who came to life and killed Sedriss, sacrificing himself in the process. Underneath him Luke discovered the ancient cache of lightsabers, which he took to be a sign of the Jedi's return. The Ysanna then revealed to the Jedi the secret location of the Great Jedi Library, which still held some undamaged texts. Before leaving, Kam and Luke asked the Ysanna if any wished to be Jedi candidates; only Jem and Rayf accepted.

In the wake of Palpatine's subsequent attacks on the New Republic with the Galaxy Gun, its leaders sought a new safe haven. Solusar suggested Ossus, believing that Palpatine would not risk destroying such a valuable repository of Jedi knowledge. The Jedi returned to the planet to ask the Ysanna, and encountered the forces of the Empire, sent by Palpatine to seize several Ysanna to clone and use as host bodies. The Jedi arrived too late to stop them from leaving Ossus, but rescued the captured Ysanna later on Vjun. With the destruction of the Galaxy Gun, the New Republic no longer needed a hidden base, and therefore never relocated to the world.

It was not forgotten, however. The New Republic and New Jedi Order began an extensive archaeological survey of the planet, unearthing its ancient ruins and learning more about the Jedi of old. The Obroan Institute for Archaeology, Hanna Institute of Antiquities, and New Republic Archaeological Corps, as well as groups from across the galaxy sponsored excavations on Ossus. Though they learned much of the planet, the scholars did not fully understand its history; for example, the idea that the Krath had been responsible for the original cataclysm was not taken seriously in academia. The Jedi took a particular interest, as Luke Skywalker believed it was necessary to understand the past of the Jedi before attempting to build a new future for them. The Ysanna grew more accepting of the Jedi, and it was expected that in time they would seek out their Jedi heritage again.

Ossus stood outside the invasion corridor of the Yuuzhan Vong, and so avoided the widespread destruction of the Yuuzhan Vong War. However, all official research was brought to a halt by the war. Vong occasionally visited the planet in search of ancient secrets that could help them exterminate the Jedi. The New Republic, too, used Ossus, taking advantage of its proximity to Vong territory to send strike teams into enemy-held sectors.

New Jedi Order
At the close of the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Jedi chose to distance themselves from the Galactic Alliance on Coruscant. With the praxeum at Yavin 4 destroyed, Luke Skywalker chose Ossus as the new home of the Jedi Order, on the suggestion of Kam Solusar. Not all Jedi moved there at first; Solusar, his wife Tionne, Luke, Mara Jade Skywalker, and their son Ben were amongst those who did. The Solusars became the administrators of the Ossus academy. A new Jedi Temple was built on Coruscant, but its use was chiefly formal, to facilitate communication and cooperation with the Galactic Alliance.

During the Dark Nest crisis and subsequent Swarm War, the Order used Ossus as their principle base of operations. In 36 ABY, Luke Skywalker called a meeting of the entire Jedi Order to resolve the crisis he saw facing it. He reconfirmed the Jedi's commitment to the Galactic Alliance and made an ultimatum to those present; they would put their commitment to the Jedi before all else, or they would resign from the Order. He also established himself as Grand Master of the Order in a bid to make the Masters put aside their differences in the face of his apparent power grab.

Galactic Alliance troubles
When Jacen Solo seized control of the Galactic Alliance government in 40 ABY, he knew that the Jedi would oppose his rule. When most of the Jedi Masters left Ossus to attend the funeral of Mara Jade Skywalker on Coruscant, leaving only Kam and Tionne Solusar and a handful of Knights, Jacen seized his chance and sent a Galactic Alliance Guard division to take control of the academy. Led by Major Salle Serpa, the GAG group claimed to be taking these actions for the protection of the Padawans still in the academy, though their true purpose was to hold the Padawans hostage and prevent Jedi opposition to Jacen.

Shortly thereafter, the Dark Jedi Alema Rar came to Ossus in search of records that would help her understand her new Sith Meditation Sphere. A task force consisting of Jaina Solo, Jagged Fel, and Zekk soon followed her there, only to find Serpa in control of the academy. They, like all the other Jedi there, were forced to play along while the Padawans were still under threat, as Serpa intimated that he would gladly destroy the academy if he felt it was a threat. Alema found the information she sought and left the planet, but her pursuers were forced to remain behind.

Events would change soon, though. Following the assassination of Cal Omas, the Jedi cut their ties to the Galactic Alliance. Jacen Solo, declaring that the Jedi had betrayed them, decided that he needed to take control of the Padawans, and ordered the execution of the Masters and Knights. Serpa rounded up the Padawans in an outdoor courtyard and positioned snipers to take out the Jedi who showed themselves. Several Knights were killed in the conflict, several Padawans were wounded or killed, and Kam and Tionne Solusar were grievously injured, the latter personally by Serpa. Jaina and Jagged were able to avoid the GAG patrols, however, and between them and Zekk, the GAG troops were eliminated and Serpa was captured. The other GAG troopers surrendered, some because they had been opposed to Serpa's actions, others out of fear of the Jedi. After the attack, the Jedi abandoned Ossus and relocated for a time to Endor.

Following the conclusion of the Second Galactic Civil War and the demise of Lumiya's Sith in 41 ABY, the Jedi Order did not immediately return to Ossus, instead electing to remain in their temporary Academy on Shedu Maad.

Resurgent Sith
Sometime between 40 ABY and 130 ABY, the Galactic Alliance and the Jedi allowed the Shaper caste of the Yuuzhan Vong to terraform the barren planet and restore it to its original beauty. A desolate part of the planet was chosen to test the Vong technology. Championed by Kol Skywalker and run by Master Shaper Nei Rin, the Ossus Project was a major success and soon, many planets turned to the Yuuzhan Vong to terraform their own planets.

However, sabotage by the One Sith eventually led to the Sith–Imperial War. In the wake of the war, the Galactic Alliance fell and the Empire ascended to power. The Jedi, refusing to follow the Empire and its Sith allies, retreated to Ossus. Nei Rin and several Yuuzhan Vong went to Ossus too, to study their work and find what had gone wrong on the project. The planet, however, had not been affected by any of the mutations that had occurred on other worlds.

The Sith, in league with Moff Rulf Yage, then attacked the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, and two days later struck again at Ossus. Amongst the Ossus Academy's defenders were Kol Skywalker, his son Cade, Wolf Sazen, and Shado Vao. On Kol's urging, Cade escaped the planet on a shuttle full of Padawans. Kol later fell to Darth Nihl, and most of the remaining Jedi on Ossus were slaughtered. Because the Sith attacked before all the Jedi could gather there, however, about half of them escaped and went into hiding throughout the galaxy. Cade, meanwhile, helped defend the shuttle from the Sith with his fighter, but when it was destroyed, he was forced to eject and was left behind. Cade was later rescued by the pirate Rav and his crew, and to spare his own life, Cade offered to show the pirates where the Temple's treasures were kept, claiming he was a scavenger who knew his way around Ossus. With Cade's help, Rav's crew looted the Temple and departed Ossus. The Empire later set up a watch on Ossus and routinely scanned the Temple for life. Rin and her warriors, who had been on Ossus but away from the Temple at the time of the attack, took refuge beneath the Temple, where they guarded a trove of Jedi artifacts.

Jedi in hiding
In 137 ABY, Cade Skywalker returned to Ossus. Imperial agent Morrigan Cordeâ€â€secretly Cade's motherâ€â€and Sith agent Jor Torlin later arrived in search of him, but when Tol attempted to betray Corde, she killed him instead. Not wanting to see Cade again, Corde soon left the planet. Cade was later found by Jedi Master K'Kruhk, who had also been in hiding on the world. Along with fellow Jedi Wolf Sazen and Shado Vao, who had recently returned to Ossus expecting to find Cade, K'Kruhk helped Cade complete his Jedi training. During a sparring session, Cade and Shado discovered beneath the Temple Nei Rin and her Vong, and the lost vault of Jedi treasure they guarded.

Cade later left the world for Coruscant, while the other Jedi and the Vong stayed behind. However, they would not be left at peace. Someone in the Empire suspected that Jedi may have been hiding on Ossus, and Darth Stryfe was dispatched to the world. Joker Squad conducted a search of the surface, but found nothing, as the Jedi and Vong had gone into hiding. Nonetheless, Stryfe felt a stirring in the Force, and ordered the search to continue. The stormtrooper patrols at last left the planet, some having found no one, some having encountered the Jedi, but been mind tricked to believe otherwise. Stryfe still sensed a Jedi presence, though, and ordered the destruction of the Temple. His vessel opened fire, leveling the building.

Ossus was inhabited by intelligent life for unnumbered generations. In the days of the Old Republic before the Cron cataclysm, the planet's inhabitants were largely Jedi or other students of the Force. There was a large population of academics and scholars as well, taking advantage of the Order's tremendous wealth of knowledge. Members of nearly every species in the Republic could be found there. During times of war, the planet also played host to Republic soldiers, who used it as a staging ground to launch offensives into enemy space.

The supernova, however, changed this. Many of those who did not evacuate in time were killed when the shockwave hit. Those who had taken shelter in mountain caverns managed to eke out an existence on the now-barren planet. In time, they became the nomadic Ysanna tribes. Nearly all Ysanna felt the Force, but they were untrained, and their use of it was weak. However, it was enough to give them an advantage in their harsh environment, particularly in guiding the projectiles from their weapons to strike more accurately. A species of massive, hardy quadrupeds had survived the disaster too, and the Ysanna trained them as mounts. They adorned themselves in ritual masks based on artifacts of the dark side they had uncovered from the ruins of the Great Library. Though they had forgotten the specifics of their Jedi ancestors, they still held the ruins of the Order in reverence.

Other inhabitants arrived on Ossus in the intervening years, including those stranded by shipwrecks and the occasional squatter. Travgen, one of those who had chosen to come to Ossus, believed visitors to Ossus to be a threat to him, and attempted to scare off expeditions to the world. He did not, however, interfere with Luke Skywalker when he came, and was relieved when Skywalker left the planet. With the rediscovery of Ossus in 10 ABY and the eventual establishment of a new Jedi academy there, the planet once more became populated with Jedi. The Ysanna continued their lifestyle much as it was, now hosts to visitors from across the galaxy. Some Ysanna chose to join the Jedi and learn the ways of the Force. Less than half the Jedi in the Order were living on Ossus at the time of the Empire's attack in 130 ABY. In the time of the Ossus Project, Yuuzhan Vong warriors and shapers lived on Ossus as well. Almost all of them were killed in the attack on the Temple.

Knossa, located on a slope of the Eocho Mountains in the far south, was the primary city on Ossus and contained the planet's largest spaceport. It held the usual venues to be found in cities, including repair bays, restaurants, and lodging, and was also host to a number of research facilities for visiting academics.

Knossa's central plaza held two important obelisks topped with Adegan crystals. When the moons of Ossus aligned with the crystals, they produced a famous and magnificent display of light. The Jedi held this time to be sacred, and used it to remember those of their Order who had fallen in combat. It is from this that the term Ossus Day originated.

Knossa was a city on the planet Ossus. Located deep within the Eocho Mountains, the city expanded outward from the Eye of Ashlanae and served as the center of Jedi culture for nearly twenty thousand years.

Constructed of stone and ornamented with bronzium, the city of Knossa was nestled high in the western Eocho Mountains, far to the south of the planet's equator. The buildings of the city spread out from a central peak, upon which was constructed the Eye of Ashlanae, an ancient shrine dedicated to those Jedi that were slain during the First Great Schism. As more and more members of the Jedi Order began pilgrimages to Ashlanae, a large spaceport was constructed into Agorn Mountain. As the city began to grow over the ensuing centuries, eventually the Order established its Praxeum within the city to house and train Jedi visiting Ashlanae. Constantly growing and expanding over the millennia, Knossa eventually came to house a branch library of the remote Great Library. Like many cities, Knossa was home to commercial districts, residential buildings, restaurants, and mechanical facilities. Research facilities and laboratories across the city hosted visiting academics and scholars from a host of members worlds of the Galactic Republic. The city's central plaza held two important obelisks topped with Adegan crystals. When the moons of Ossus aligned with the crystals, they produced a famous and magnificent display of light. The Jedi held this time to be sacred, and used it to remember those of their Order who had fallen in combat. It is from this that the term Ossus Day originated.

Like the rest of the planet, the city of Knossa was devastated during the Cron Supernova that washed across the planet's surface. Citizens of Knossa that had fled into the nearby crystal caves were able to survive the supernova and emerged to form a tribal society that would come to be known as the Ysanna.

The Great Jedi Library
Built by Odan-Urr in 4996 BBY, the Library was a great storehouse of Jedi knowledge, containing over ten thousand works. Located on a hill in the Eocho Mountains, the Library was a large, unadorned stone building with many of its rooms located below ground. Its entrances were unbarred, as Odan-Urr did not believe in fettering any being's search for knowledge. Though it was built for Jedi purposes, the Library held information on all subjects, not simply Jedi affairs, and access was granted to any individual who wished to learn.

Most data were stored in the main building, in a labyrinthine system of shelves. Reading rooms and classrooms filled the lower levels, as well as holograms of some of the most treasured contents of the library. Four towers held relics from the four main eras of history, as per Odan-Urr's dating system: Pre-Hyperdrive, Pre-Republic, Early Republic, and Mature Republic. More dangerous artifacts were stored deep underground, in the Chamber of Antiquities. Only those with permission from the Jedi Council and Keeper of Antiquities were permitted down there.

The Library's dense construction was likely what allowed it to survive the Cron supernova. Its location was lost until Rayf Ysanna's great-grandfather rediscovered it. He kept it a secret, not wanting the sacred ruins to be disturbed. Rayf revealed the library's location to Luke Skywalker on the Jedi's first visit to Ossus. The ancient secrets of the Jedi it still held were invaluable to Luke and his cause of rebuilding the shattered Order.

The Great Jedi Library, also known as the Library of Ossus or as the Great Library of the Jedi, was a massive library complex consisting of several buildings erected by the Jedi Order on the planet Ossus. Commissioned by the Jedi Master Odan-Urr following the Great Hyperspace War, the Draethos Jedi assembled ancient documents and scrolls detailing every detail of sentient history and ingenuity. Home to the Order after leaving their homeworld Tython in the Deep Core, the Great Library became a symbol of the Jedi and the great storehouse of knowledge in the galaxy. Over the ensuing centuries Ossus thrived as the home of Jedi wisdom, encouraging visitors from across the Galactic Republic to visit and study at the archives.

After centuries of peace and growth, the Library was raided by Dark Lord of the Sith Exar Kun and his followers. Storming the Chamber of Antiquities, the Sith stole the forbidden Sith artifact known as the Dark Holocron from Master Odan-Urr before slaying the venerable Jedi. As Kun grew stronger and gathered his forces, the Sith unleashed the devastation of Naga Sadow's ancient battleship, the Corsair, detonating the stars of the nearby Cron Cluster in 3996 BBY.

As the Jedi desperately tried to empty the Library and ship its contents offworld, Kun and his minions returned in a bid to steal the last bits of knowledge from the Jedi. Before long, the world was irradiated by the supernovas, eradicating the planet's major cities and entombing more than half of the Library's knowledge within its halls. The Library stood abandoned for the next three millennia, while the surviving Jedi known as the Ysanna kept constant vigil in the ruined world. The Jedi who had made it offworld transported the surviving artifacts to Coruscant where they would be kept in the new Archives that would serve as a smaller version of the lost Library for centuries. After the planet had gone long without visitors aside from occasional archaeological teams Jedi Luke Skywalker and Kam Solusar rediscovered the world and begun to study the ruins. After several decades more had passed, the Jedi Order returned to the now-habitable planet and established a new academy on the world, erecting a new Archives to replace the Great Library.

The Great Jedi Library's appearance was lost to history; ranging from a massive golden domed structure, to a squat, square building.

Following the end of the Great Hyperspace War, Jedi Knight Odan-Urr, a noted Jedi Consular and Lore Keeper returned to the planet of his early training in the Jedi Order under Jedi Master Ooroo. Drawing inspiration from the expansive library found in the Praxeum in Knossa, Odan-Urr began to conceptualize a massive archive of wisdom on the quiet and meditative world of Ossus.

From the days of its foundation, the Library of Ossus contained the culmination of hundreds of generations of knowledge and wisdom. Odan-Urr scoured the galaxy for all attainable knowledge, eventually cataloging what was said to be data on all sentient works and history from the foundation of the Galactic Republic. Containing rare scrolls and hand-written books, many librarians and archivists recorded these text in more secure datacrons and holodiscs in order to ensure their preservation and integrity. Over time, the ever-growing collection was home to many artifacts imbued with the light side of the Force, including holocrons of wise Jedi Masters and ancient weapons. As a historian, Master Odan-Urr understood that it was vital to maintain a comprehensiveness collection of knowledge; to this end he created the Chamber of Antiquities to house objects and talismans tainted with the dark side of the Force. It was in this series of rooms that the Dark Holocron was kept, and like the other things kept in the chamber, accessible only to those with express permission from the Jedi High Council and the Keeper of Antiquities, Odan-Urr himself.

For over a millennium the Library of Ossus continued to grow, becoming a mecca of Jedi learning during the era. Many great Jedi Masters worked and studied within the Library's walls, tending the shelves and teaching future Knights the lessons that the past taught. Force-users from other Force-based religions also frequented the complex, studying alongside their Jedi cousins and other philosophers from around the Republic. Rivaled only by Obroa-skai's Celebratus Archive and the Halls of Knowledge on Phateem, the Great Library was the bright center of knowledge in the galaxy for nearly a thousand years.

Approximately 4000 BBY the Great Sith War broke out and war came to the Republic. Republic troops were funneled through Ossus and were occasionally staged on the world's surface. During the war, the Library was visited by the Sith Lord Exar Kun, who seduced many young Jedi to the dark side. When he had gathered enough followers, he went to Master Odan-Urr in the Chamber of Antiquities and demanded that he turn over the Dark Holocron. When the ancient Jedi refused, Kun brutally slew him and took the Sith knowledge bank. Thus Odan-Urr died surrounded by the books he loved so much just as his own teacher, Master Ooroo, had predicted.

Soon after, Kun's forces used an ancient Sith weapon aboard the Sith battleship, the Corsair, to unleash a cataclysm that would wreck the surface of Ossus. Within a matter of hours, the Jedi were aware that the destruction of the Cron Cluster by the Sith would create a supernova that would wipe out all life on the world. As special teams of Jedi hastily recorded data and transferred artifacts aboard ships fleeing the system, other Jedi tried to save themselves and the other beings studying on the world. Scrolls, datachips, antique lightsabers, and journals were loaded aboard transports while ancient mosaics and arcades were delicately removed from the floors and walls and placed in precise patterns in the vessels that would ferry them to safety. Despite these heroic efforts, only a fraction of the ancient materials were saved, with the majority of them making it to Exis Station over Teedio where they would be stored in a temporary library before being transferred to the newly built Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

As the Jedi scrambled to evacuate the scrolls and artifacts, the Sith came one last time. Jedi Master Ood Bnar, utilizing an ability unique to his species, buried a collection of ancient lightsabers and rooted himself over them, becoming a tree-like being and binding his life force to the planet's, insuring the artifacts' safety. As the supernova's wave quickly approached, the last of the evacuation ships launched and the Sith retreated. While most Jedi evacuated, some did not. In addition to the hibernating Master Bnar, several Jedi were left inside the Library and surrounding areas, as well as the countless other species that had lived on the world. While many of those who survived the planet's irradiation died off in the ensuing years, the hardier of those species persevered and formed a group of tribal primitives known as the Ysanna. Embracing the Force-based traditions of their ancestors, the Ysanna stood sentinel over the ruins of the Library, keeping out intruders and safeguarding the secrets that remained intact within.

The Library sat largely undisturbed for the next centuries. The Jedi Order relocated to their new home in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant where they erected an expansive Archives facility to store what was saved from Ossus. Stone mosaics were inlaid in the Temple's floors, and a stained-glass arcade was installed after having been salvaged. As the Ysanna stood watch, the towers of the Library crumbled and the facade, most of which was already damaged, saw further deterioration. Eventually the Library blended in with the bleak landscape of the barren world, a mountain of crumbling rock amid the wrecks of ancient star cruisers and old battleships. The Ysanna tribes eventually forgot the exact nature of the Library after centuries of distant protection, and its exact location became the stuff of legends. Despite its importance in Jedi history, the Jedi seldom held recovery missions on the planet, occasionally dispatching members of the Academy of Jedi Archaeology to accompany the scientists and researchers of the Hanna Institute of Antiquities and the University of Agamar on digs.

Following the Eternal Empire's conquest of the galaxy, Jedi under Master Gnost-Duralâ€â€along with the Twi'lek Pilgrims and other war refugeesâ€â€established the isolated Jedi Colony near the Great Jedi Library, exploring the ruins as they developed farms near the colony. During their stay, the Ysanna often lured nearby and stole some tools but avoiding direct contact, which caused the colonists to be suspicious of their presence.

Around 3630 BBY, the Sith Empire discovered the Jedi Colony and invaded Ossus in an attempt to destroy them but Republic forces reinforced the planet and fought the Imperial forces, allowing the colony to evacuate off-world.

As the worlds of the Republic spun into yet another war, one that would claim the Republic and snuff out the Jedi Order, a young Ysanna tribesman rediscovered the ruins while exploring a region governed by fallen Jedi Travgen. Despite his inclinations to the dark side, Travgen had been hiding out on the world for several years, protecting the ruins as he ruled over a Ysanna tribe. Careful to keep the knowledge a family secret out of fear of looters, the man's grandson, Okko would be the keeper of this knowledge when the Galactic Empire was in power.

Roughly a decade after the Battle of Yavin between the Empire and the Rebel Alliance, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and apprentice Kam Solusar traveled to Ossus in search of the remains of the Great Library. Led to the world via clues in an ancient holocron, Skywalker and his student landed on the world and immediately noted the Jedi's influence in the dilapidated buildings. Not long after their arrival, the Jedi were confronted by the Ysanna people and were forced to engage them in order to protect themselves. The Ysanna quickly noted that the two intruders were drawing on the light side of the Force and ended the attack. Rejoicing for the return of the Jedi after thousands of years, the celebration was short lived as Imperial forces had tracked the Jedi to the planet and begun an assault.

Led by Imperial Executor Sedriss QL, the Empire's bravest stormtroopers were unleashed on the Ysanna tribe. Aided by the Jedi, the natives drove off their attackers until Sedriss remained. Driven near the ruins of the old Jedi fortress, Jedi Skywalker engaged the Executor in a worn courtyard. As Sedriss attempted to kill a young Ysanna girl, Skywalker telekinetically hurled Sedriss into a gnarled tree dominating the courtyard. As Sedriss struggled, the tree transformed into the ancient form of Neti Jedi Master Ood Bnar and entrapped the dark sider in his vines. Sensing Sedriss' power, Bnar used his remaining energies to destroy the man, costing him his own life.

Despite the loss of Master Bnar and his ancient wisdom, Skywalker and Solusar had reason to be celebrant. Beneath the spot Bnar had occupied survived the ancient lightsabers he had hidden millennia earlier. Collecting the weapons and finding them still in working order, the Jedi forged a good relationship with the Ysanna tribe and began to make plans to excavate the ruins. The two Jedi were escorted through the ruins of the Great Library, and found many of the ancient scrolls and books remained in good condition. With the help of the New Republic, Skywalker's reformed Jedi Order began to delve deep into the ancient structure, taking with them all retrievable data for study. Assisted by the Obroan Institute for Archaeology, the Hanna Institute of Antiquities, the New Republic Archaeological Corps, and the University of Agamar, the Jedi were able to recover a significant portion of the lost relics and preserve them for future study by the Jedi Order.

Research at the site was curtailed during the invasion of the galaxy by the Yuuzhan Vong. As the fledgling Jedi Order was once more brought to the brink of annihilation, the knowledge kept on Ossus was left hidden and survived the ruinous destruction of the libraries on Obroa-skai. Following the end of the war, the newly formed Galactic Alliance funded the construction of a new Jedi headquarters on Ossus. Erecting an inverted zigurrat-shaped academy, the Jedi Order founded a new Archives in which all relics and data housed in the Great Library ruins were moved to and stored.

Erected atop a lone hill above Ooroo Canyon, the Great Library was established several days walking distance from the ancient Jedi city Knossa. The exact appearance of the Great Library varied from source to source, mainly due to deceptive floor plans peddled by the con-artist Skavak. Many scholars struggled to distinguish between the facades of the Great Library, the Knossa Branch Library, and the Eye of Ashlanae. What was known was that the Great Library complex consisted of several different buildings which ranged in size and shape and sprawled down into the canyon and surrounding areas. Carved out of unadorned dense stone like most of the structures on Ossus, the Great Library appeared to be a natural feature of the hill.

The Great Library's purpose was simply to serve as the largest collection of known information in the galaxy. Its founder, Odan-Urr, believed that any and all forms of knowledge would be used as a potential benefit for the Jedi Order. With the exception of the highest level, the building blocked out all natural light; instead artificial light kept the building at a constantly even light so the passage of the suns' light did not increase the weariness of a devoted learner. While many items were indeed stored at the Library, a select few were housed in the submerged satellite structures at nearby Imhar Canyon; artifacts needing to be kept in water or in moist environments. Remote access to the library was granted to the branch library in the city of Knossa, where scholars used holobooks directly tied into the Great Library's central computer. Researchers there could also remotely control droids within the Great Library facility to interact with hard copy manuscripts and ancient scrolls contained within special environment control facilities.

Access to the Great Library was granted through many doorways and gates on the main level, atop dozens of stone stairs climbing from the base of the hill. Odan-Urr believed no door should be barred and that all should share in the Order' knowledge, and therefore there were no doors or locks that forbid entrance into the facility. The main public area of the Great Library's collections was known as the Hall of Knowledge, open to the public and encompassing chambers on multiple levels and functions. Containing astrogation maps and Jedi journals; philosophical and biological text; datacrons on starship design and cultural records, the Hall of Knowledge was sprawling and exhaustive. Jedi librarians prowled the Stacks here, ready to assist researchers in their search for knowledge. Among the chambers within the Hall were several archives, classrooms, study and reading rooms, information desks and kiosks, and office space for the many Lore Keepers on staff. Among the buildings attached to the library was a dormitory complex and a small hangar and landing platforms. Most pilgrims to the Great Library were forced to first land at the more accommodating Knossa Spaceport some distance away and join local traffic to the facility.

Despite Odan-Urr's beliefs that the Library should be accessible to all, he understood that some knowledge was too potent for free access. With this in mind, the Draethos Jedi ordered the construction of three sublevels, the second and third of which would house the Chamber of Antiquities. Not just a single room, the Chamber was divided and subdivided into a Byzantine labyrinth that was difficult to navigate, including rooms such as the Vault of Justice. Fashioned in such a manner intentionally, the Chamber held many secrets, including Sith holocrons and other dark side artifacts. Access to the Chamber was granted to the few who gained express permission from the Jedi High Council and the Keeper of Antiquities.

Jedi Academy
Located in a lush benchland between a mountain and a rift valley, and covering a wide expanse of land, the Ossus academy was the new nerve center of the Jedi Order after the Yuuzhan Vong War, replacing the destroyed Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4. It was designed with meditation in mind; difficult paths between the buildings forced Jedi to focus on their surroundings and rooms in the Temple were arranged in a way that encouraged serenity.

Amongst the Academy's facilities was a massive lecture hall, a library, a hangar, training grounds, and laboratories. The grounds were staffed by Jedi, families of Jedi, and Ysanna. After it was attacked by the Sith and Empire, the Temple was left to the scavengers, who took many of its Jedi artifacts. Some Jedi and Vong hid within it in later years. It was destroyed by Darth Stryfe in 137 ABY.

The Jedi Academy on Ossus was built to replace the lost temple on Yavin 4. It was located between a large mountain ridge and a deep valley.

The New Jedi Order, having suffered the loss of the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4 and the numerous deaths associated with the war against the Yuuzhan Vong, was in desperate need for reconstruction and order. Because all Jedi activities were formerly coordinated from the Massassi Temples on the jungle moon, Grand Master Luke Skywalker deemed it paramount to settle a permanent replacement for the headquarters of the Jedi Order.

During the Jedi Conclave on Zonama Sekot following the peace accords with the Yuuzhan Vong, Master Kam Solusar suggested that the new Praxeum be established on Ossus, a historical world home to the Great Jedi Library of the Old Jedi Order. Master Skywalker agreed to the proposal in 30 ABY, and the new Academy was immediately constructed.

In 36 ABY during the Swarm War, the Ossus Academy was the location of the first official "Jedi Convocation" of the New Jedi Order where Luke Skywalker declared himself the Grand Master of the Order and also declared that the Jedi would serve the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances.

The Ossus Academy was not only staffed by Jedi, but also native citizens of Ossus and relations of the Jedi, who worked in many areasâ€â€including the hangar. During the height of the Academy's operations, support staff consisted of 1,200 members.

Master Mara Jade Skywalker was a strong advocate of the peaceful retreat, and established a safe and secure residence on Ossus for her child, Ben Skywalker. Masters Kam and Tionne Solusar were appointed the administrators of the Ossus Academy, dictating the structure of the curriculum, as well as appointing instructors for the various classes held there.

During the Second Galactic Civil War of 40 ABY, Jedi Jaina Solo, Zekk, and Captain Jag Fel found themselves on Ossus looking for Alema Rar, they found little activity at the Academy. This was due to the fact that the Academy was being held hostage by the Galactic Alliance Guard under the orders of Jacen Solo, who had become a Sith Lord and taken the name Darth Caedus. Jag and Jaina headed for flight control while Zekk hid in the jungle. On reaching flight control, the duo was ambushed by GAG soldiers. After all were hit by their own stun bolts, Major Salle Serpa appeared from Orame's private offices and explained the “safety†they were bringing to the Jedi. During the following weeks, Jaina stayed with the Padawans, until the guard attacked herding the younglings away from their protectors. During the attack, Jedi Masters Kam and Tionne Solusar, were seriously injured. After this event, the Jedi Order fled for the safety of a recently converted Imperial base on Endor, and later the base on Shedu Maad.

After the end of the War, the Ossus Academy was to remain empty for a time due to monetary restraints and the ongoing strife between the Jedi Order and the new Chief of State Natasi Daala. All Jedi Knights were recalled to Coruscant, while the younger students were secreted away to the Shedu Maad base. During the conflict with the Lost Tribe of Sith, the Academy had a total of 322 students and provided housing and work for their 923 family members.

After the Temple was reoccupied, the Galactic Alliance authorized a joint Yuuzhan Vong Shaper and Jedi project to terraform the war devastated planet of Ossus and bring back its original beauty. After the success of the project, many planets turned to the Yuuzhan Vong to terraform their own planets. With the help and oversight of the Jedi, the Yuuzhan Vong were assigned to terraform one hundred worlds. The results were fantastic, exceeding expectations, and would prove beneficial to the inhabitants of the planets. However, it was then that the new Sith Order, which had been established by Darth Krayt in 130 ABY, sabotaged the terraforming. As a result of this tampering, plants began mutating and the inhabitants of the planets began to sprout strange, bony growths, seen previously only in victims of the Yuuzhan Vong during the Yuuzhan Vong War.

Though the Jedi expected sabotage, the galaxy at large, particularly the Fel Empire, blamed the Yuuzhan Vong. The Galactic Alliance had supported this beneficial terraforming under the encouragement of the New Jedi Order, and found itself facing a secession movement with this deadly new development. The Empire used this to its advantage, luring member worldsâ€â€many of whom still chafed at the conduct of the New Republic during the Yuuzhan Vong Warâ€â€away from the Alliance and weakening the government.

The resulting Sith–Imperial War lasted three years, during which Imperial forces reconquered Coruscant. The Alliance fell and was absorbed into the Empire. The Jedi were forced to retreat to their temple on Ossus, which was later the focus of an attack by Sith forces led by Darth Nihl and Imperial forces led by Moff Rulf Yage.

During the Massacre at Ossus, the Sith and Imperial forces slaughtered most of the Jedi that had gathered there, including Kol Skywalker, but about half of the Order was not present, and thus escaped the massacre, going into hiding afterward. They also shot down Cade Skywalker as he tried to avenge his father's death. Shortly after, the Sith turned against Emperor Roan Fel and his Imperial Knights.

The Temple was raided and emptied by the pirate Rav, who was aided by Cade Skywalker, days after it fell to the Sith. Shaper Nei Rin, who was off-world at the time of the attack, returned to find the temple destroyed. She and her assistants cremated Kol Skywalker and gathered all of the artifacts they could find; hiding them in an underground cave. Cade, Wolf Sazen, K'Kruhk, and Shado Vao discovered Rin and her guards and stayed under the Temple to wait out the Sith's plotting.

The Temple was eventually destroyed in 137 ABY under orders from Darth Stryfe, in an attempt to kill the Jedi taking refuge inside.

The Academy was designed to be serene and reflective, and served as the perfect center of Jedi training and coordination. The main building adhered to the common Jedi Temple theme of a ziggurat. The base was stepped in this style and culminated in a transparisteel block that was topped by an inverted pyramid.

The main entrance to the Temple was located atop one of the four major stairs. The interior was constructed out of the same stone as the outside façade and there were many stairs leading off into dark hallways. Small squares were created to serve as the hub for foot traffic throughout the academy; places where several hallways came together. A statue of Luke Skywalker was constructed in one of these halls, though it would be toppled during the Sith invasion.

Classrooms and living quarters for the Jedi were located within the Temple ziggurat. Coupled with several other buildings, the academy was fit to house several hundred Jedi at a time. The dormitories around the academy were small one story buildings with twenty-five habitation units each. Initiates were placed into clans and slept in those groups within. During the GAG invasion, the initiates were kept in these buildings until rounded up in an outside pavilion.

Between the two pyramids was a block of reflective transparisteel that housed the Garden Level. Similar to the Room of a Thousand Fountains on Coruscant, the room housed Ossan plants and waterfalls. After the conception of the Ossus Project, the room was used to test Yuuzhan Vong plant life and served as a base for Master Shaper Nei Rin and her assistants.

The upper layers of the academy were housed within the inverted pyramid that rested above the Garden Level. The outer halls were lined with windows which provided 360 degree views of the surrounding geography. Also in the upper layers of the academy were several conference rooms and the Jedi Council chambers. Rectories and the offices of Jedi Masters were also known to fill the upper most levels.

Upon the inverted pyramid's roof was a landing platform for larger vessels. As such, the visitor's quarters were located just below, so as not to intrude upon the Temple's student's daily routines. The roof served also as a place where older students were sent for the Meditation of Emptiness. During Cade Skywalker's meditation, he relived his first day after the massacre, and was visited by the forceful Force ghost of his ancestor Luke Skywalker, who commanded that he save fellow Jedi Hosk Trey'lis. Near the top of the academy was the Rhysode Room, a formal meeting room for visiting delegates that departed from the Temple's typical simple and peaceful style of furnishing.

When away from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Master Tionne Solusar ran the archives on Ossus. It was here that she could gather data and ancient relics, while still watching over the trainees. Although not as complete as the Jedi Archives at the main Temple; it was complete enough for the young initiates of the Order to complete their assignments. It was here that Tionne would review information, research and compile her work that would ultimately wind up in the main Archives. Alema Rar was able to secretly access the archives during the GAG's invasion and found only limited information on her ship, a relic from the old Sith Empire. The main lecture hall was located on the same floor as the archives.

Located within the academy grounds were a number of specialized buildings, paths and courtyards. Jedi Master Cilghal established a laboratory within the academy grounds, a winding and meandering path led to it know as the Crooked Way. Past shrubbery and vistas the path was designed to force visitors to slow down and concentrate on the gardens. Clarity Gate, a trapezoid shaped arch that fronted a courtyard decorated with a fountain formed the entrance to the grounds. As an entrance to the Academy, it was required for all visitors to stop and meditate before passing into the rest of the complex. Connected to the courtyard were many halls including that which led to the Academy administration building. Cilghal's lab was connected with the infirmary where she could study such things as the hive-mind effect that caused those infected to become Joiners. It was a large chamber with several monitors that analyzed anything from bodily functions of a myriad list of different species to samples of alien fungus.

Within a near-by cliff face was the Jedi academy's main hangar. The main flight control room was designed with a holoprojector in the center, with several control stations surrounding it. The hangar was supervised by non-Jedi Orame who oversaw all activities within the hangar. It was here that Luke Skywalker learned of Alema Rar's escape from Cilghal's lab, and later it would serve to help the invading GAG in their hunt for Jedi. The Temple ziggurat was also equipped with four landing pads that stretched out from the main structure for small craft to land on. Connected to the four main pillars holding up the inverted pyramid and surrounding the Garden Level, supplies and special equipment were deposited into the Temple via these pads.

Surrounding the main structure of the academy, several training grounds were erected. Younglings were encouraged to practice Force leaps, and launch themselves over set obstacles, such as a three-meter cross ray. On the opposite side of such emplacements were repulsorpads that caught the younglings before they hit the ground. The younger students who could not partake in jumping exercises, played small games such as mind-tag with nerfs which developed persuasive abilities. On another platform, the eldest apprentices practiced deflecting live blaster bolts, an activity they would continue to practice when they were moved to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Closer to the main academy building, a sunken basin lined with a walkway served as a place to practice centering exercises. Apprentices would meditate in the basin while adults stood above on the walkway throwing insults, food, and balls down upon the children. Other versions existed, all with the same purpose. Fasting while others ate in front of them, and not laughing while relentlessly being tickled were some of the many tests used to train detachment. The largest and most complex field was set with traps, hazards, and obstacles for the game Skorch. Two teams of the oldest apprentices used rackets, the Force, and stun-blasters to pass jet-balls between each other, avoiding being hit. An apprentice or knight served as referee who could cause one team great losses or wins. The rules for this game were arbitrarily decided by the opposing teams; the purpose was to test the mediating and analytical thinking skills of the referee.

Near Star Pond, a pavilion was erected for meditation close to the dormitories. It was here that Luke Skywalker meditated before addressing the entire Jedi Order at a Jedi Convocation. Down the Crooked Path was the Lecture hall, a simple hall with pale, wooden pillars. The hall was suited to hold two thousand, yet it was mostly vacant at the Conclave due to the Order's small numbers. The door behind the speaker's dais led down to archives where Luke met with individual Jedi regarding their commitment to the Order.

Nerit was one of the two moons of Ossus. It was temperate, with a varied ecosystem and gravity 125 percent of the standard. A clan of expatriate Neti lived there. A large Republic military complex existed on the moon during the Mandalorian Wars.

Imhar Canyon
Imhar Canyon was a canyon located on the planet of Ossus. Deep within the submerged tunnels of the canyon was a Temple which served as a satellite facility to the Great Jedi Library just a few days' walk from the canyon. In addition to the Great Library's annex, the canyon included a praxeum for aquatic Jedi and a bathymetric survey facility.

Imhar Canyon was a natural landmark on the planet Ossus, carved out overtime by an underground river. A labyrinth of subterranean tunnels, much of the canyon was filled with water which had pool in giant underground lakes and vaults. Large tunnels connected the three largest vaults allowing water to flow between these areas. When the Great Jedi Library was constructed a few days' walking distance from the canyon, the Jedi converted several portions of the valley into an annex for the Great Library. Deep within the vaults, the Jedi Order established a small praxeum within one of the large vaults where young Jedi of aquatic species could train in an environment that was more comfortable to their needs. The last administrator of the facility was the Mairan Jedi Master Gar Anstak, who kept an office near the surface. When the Cron Supernova destroyed all life on Ossus at the conclusion of the Great Sith War, Anstak and his student were entombed within the facility by a cave-in at the entrance. Before he eventually succumbed to his fate, Anstak created a message for any Jedi that would eventually discover him, detailing a hidden Jedi archives in Derem City on Kamino.

Layout and architecture
The three primary caverns of the Imhar Canyon Temple were almost completely submerged in clean water that flowed from a subterranean river. Cavern One was a massive archives holding delicate artifacts created by species from aquatic worlds. These artifacts could not be exposed to the air and were properly stored only when completely submerged. Within this cavern was a communications center that allowed for the staff to communicate with the Great Library in real time and access the stacks within the Great Library. Among the artifacts were a series of items from the planets Iskalon, Drexel, and Issor, among countless others. Cavern Two contained the praxeum, which accommodated Jedi Padawans of aquatic species. Because of their physiology, these Jedi were more comfortable in a wet environment an trained here more easily then they would have at the primary Praxeum in Knossa. It was in Cavern Three that the praxeum's vault was constructed. The vault allowed the praxeum headmaster to keep, create, and experiment with Force artifacts under their care.

Eocho Mountains
The Eocho Mountains were a range of mountains, hills, and deep valleys far south of the equator on the planet Ossus in the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy. Within the western mountains, the Jedi Order established the city of Knossa c. 24,500 BBY; serving as the center of Jedi culture for over 20,000 years. Several of the mountains in this range were filled with Adegan crystal caves, which the Jedi mined for these precious lightsaber crystals.

Eye of Ashlanae
The Eye of Ashlanae was the headquarters of the Jedi High Council on Ossus and a meditative retreat built at the heart of the city of Knossa. Considered a great source of the Order's power, the entire facility was a vergence within the Force itself.

In the wake of the First Great Schism, members of the Jedi Order sought to establish a memorial for their fallen brethren. Selecting the site of the final battle of the conflict on the planet Ossus, each surviving Jedi carved a bantha sized block of stone from the foothills of the Eocho Mountains and used the Force to carry it up through the mountains. After weeks of moving blocks, the original temple was established on the battlefield high in the mountains as a mighty ziggurat.

As the Eye of Ashlanae became a popular pilgrimage site for members of the Order, additional buildings began to take form around it. Over the millennia the city of Knossa took shape on the mountain slopes and fields that surrounded the Temple, and the city quickly became the heart of the Order on Ossus. With so many Jedi meditating at the site for millennia, the Eye of Ashlanae became a power vergence within the Force, making it the ideal cultural center for the Order's members. For nearly twenty-one thousand years the shrine stood, before its destruction during the Cron Supernova.

Layout and architecture
A squat ziggurat, the Eye of Ashlanae served as the center of Jedi culture for millennia at the heart of the city of Knossa. Constructed of stone mined at the base of the Eocho Mountains, Ashlanae was accessed by a wide staircase, which terminated at its grand entrance halfway up the pyramid. The main level of the pyramid was lined with meditation rooms where visited could reflect on those Jedi lost in the Schism. Upon its roof, the Jedi had crafted an intricate, circular vector design that was inlaid into the floor to represent an outward looking eye. Jedi Masters visited this site to meditate in large groups, with the capacity to fit one hundred pilgrims at a time.

While the rooftop was one of the most sacred sites within the structure, the catacombs beneath Ashlanae were hallowed ground. Rocky caverns penetrated deep into the mountains, leading into the many catacombs of the Order. At the heart of the catacombs was a simple stone platform, where legend said the final blow was delivered during the Schism. Around this platform were set twelve stone chairs, for members of the Jedi High Council to sit in deep contemplation and sort through the problems of the era. Looking both inward and outward, Jedi sought out the vergence within Ashlanae to ensure that their decisions were free of the taint of the dark side.

Knossa Branch Library
The Knossa Branch Library was a satellite facility of the Great Jedi Library on the planet Ossus. Located in the city of Knossa, the branch library provided immediate access to the collection of the Great Library without having to make the long journey out of the city.

When the Jedi Order commissioned the construction of the Great Jedi Library circa 5000 BBY in the distant Ooroo Canyon, Jedi Master Odan-Urr sought to build a branch of this library within the city limits of Knossa for easy and quick access to the collective works of the Great Library. Where the Great Library's collection was made up of ancient scrolls, treasures, and artifacts, the Knossa branch provided remote access to the digitized collection through the use of holobooks and computer terminals. To look at a scroll or an artifact, a scholar at the branch library had the option of remotely controlling a droid at the Great Library to look through hard copies of non-digitized works. Jedi librarians patrolled the halls of the Knossa branch and were available by appointment to assist or conduct a conference with the Great Library for deeper research.

When the Cron Supernova wiped all life from the planet in 3996 BBY, the Knossa branch was left in ruins. Later, the con artist Skavak began selling false floor plans, schematics, and maps on the black market. These maps often confused the Great Library with the Knossa branch and the Eye of Ashlanae, making it hard for historians to get an accurate idea of the actual appearance of the facilities.

Layout and architecture
Erected in the rocky foothills of the Eocho Mountains within the ancient Jedi city Knossa, the Knossa Branch Library was a squat building carved out of unadorned dense stone, making it appear as if the complex was a natural feature of the hill. Crowned by four thick, domed towers, the building's upper levels were perched on top of a stone ziggurat. The complex featured four main levels, as well as three sub-levels, all of which contained material ranging from Pre-Republic time to the modern history of 4000 BBY. The carved stairs leading to the main gates were unbarred, as were the doors, in line with Master Odan-Urr's belief that the knowledge prized by the Jedi should not be kept from any who sought it. With the exception of the highest level, the building blocked out all natural light; artificial light kept the building at a constantly even light so the passage of the suns' light did not increase the weariness of a devoted learner.

Access to the Knossa Branch was granted through a large entryway in the southern face of the complex. The first level of the Library building was dedicated to peaceful study and cool reflection; its thick, utilitarian walls held a two-story arcade of stained-glass windows detailing the events of the Great Hyperspace War while holoprojectors displayed some of the archive's greatest treasures. Classrooms and lecture halls were located on the first level, as were a collection of study chambers where Padawans and Jedi Knights alike could ponder long-forgotten lore in the still silence of the dark stone building. Conference rooms allowed librarians and researchers alike to meet with staff at the Great Library in real time and seek guidance in deeper research. On the second level, highly ranked Lore Keepers oversaw the many researchers and librarians that maintained the Stacks, the massive shelving systems that held the Order's collection of datacards and reader tapes. A stone balustrade wrapped around the balcony that overlooked the arcade and main entrance below. The third and fourth floors of the building contained the vast Archives of the Order, delicately cataloged by tireless archivists in a system designed by Odan-Urr.

Sprouting from the fourth floor and accessible by spiraling stairwells were four wide towers containing artifacts sorted by era, all of which spanned what would later be considered the Pre-Republic and Expansionist Eras. The southeast tower, or Pre-Hyperdrive Tower, contained information gathered from civilizations which were bound to their world or star system before the invention of the hyperdrive circa 25,053 BBY. Following the chronological order the northwest, or Pre-Republic Tower housed artifacts that detailed the political state of the galaxy before the Galactic Republic was born in the Core Worlds. The northeast and southeast towers were known as the Early-Republic and Mature-Republic Towers respectively.

Jedi Praxeum (Ossus)
The Jedi Praxeum of Ossus was a training facility built by the Jedi Order within the city of Knossa, the cultural heart of the Order. A meeting place of the Jedi High Council and the primary location of the collective knowledge of the Order, the Ossus Praxeum served as a vital stop for Jedi serving on the galactic rim to stop and recuperate between assignments.

In the wake of the First Great Schism and the construction of the sacred shrine, the Eye of Ashlanae, the Jedi High Council saw fit to establish a praxeum high in the Eocho Mountains to house the pilgrims seeking out Ashlanae. Quickly becoming a prominent training ground, Jedi serving on the Outer Rim journeyed to the Praxeum in search of knowledge and assistance from the Masters residing there. Coming to house the bulk of Jedi wisdom, the Praxeum was the largest repository of scrolls and holocrons in the galaxy, until the construction of the Great Jedi Library circa 5000 BBY. The Jedi who established the library, Odan-Urr, was a student of the Praxeum and apprenticed to its long-time headmaster, Master Ooroo. Ooroo, a Celegian Jedi Master, served as the Praxeum's sole administrator until his death on Kirrek during the Great Hyperspace War. Even after the Great Library trumped its collections, the Praxeum served as a training ground for Jedi over the next millennia until its destruction during the Cron Supernova.

Layout and architecture
Like many of the Jedi Order's sacred sites, the Ossus Praxeum was a grand ziggurat built of natural, local stone. Consisting of five distinct tiers, the contents of which reflected five core values of the Order that Master Odan-Urr would later refine into the most commonly recited Jedi Code. The base of the pyramid, was the largest and represented the all-encompassing nature of the Force. There, Jedi Masters instructed students exclusively in the manipulation of the Force and how to use it not only for defense, but for sustenance, insight, and to commune with nature. Above the ground level, the chambers of the Peace Level learned the art of combat and martial skills. Dojos, arenas, gyms, and weapon crafting areas were found on this level. Jedi pilgrims, Masters, and Initiates alike found quarter on the third level of the ziggurat, within the dormitories of the Serenity Level. Each dormitory complex was complimented by a suite of meditative balconies, pools, gardens, and dining halls.

Above the Serenity tier was the Harmony Level which was home to the meeting place of the Jedi Masters and a secondary Council Chamber, with the primary meeting hall located at Ashlanae. Spreading out from the Council Chamber were diplomatic suites and meditation halls which honeycombed the level. The fifth and upper moth tier was home to the great Archives of the Jedi, which contained the collective wisdom of the Jedi until the construction of the Great Library. Known as the Knowledge Level, every holocron, scroll and tome the Order treasured was kept here on the Stacks.

Mount Agorn
The Mount Agorn was a mountain on the planet Ossus in the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy. A part of the the western Eocho Mountain range, the Jedi Order established the Knossa Spaceport around the mountain after the founding of the city of Knossa circa 24,500 BBY.

Knossa Spaceport
Knossa Spaceport was a spaceport on the planet Ossus constructed around Mount Agorn in the Eocho Mountains. Located on the outskirts of the city of Knossa, the spaceport was constructed by the Jedi Order so that pilgrims could have easy access to the Eye of Ashlanae and the Praxeum built nearby.

Constructed by the Jedi Order circa 24,500 BBY, the sprawling spaceport was built to provide Jedi pilgrims a place to land their ships and rent airspeeders as they journeyed to the Eye of Ashlanae. As the city of Knossa formed around Ashlanae, the spaceport came to be known as Knossa Spaceport. Nearly 20,000 years after its initial construction, the spaceport began servicing those Jedi traveling by air to the distant Great Jedi Library, located in Ooroo Canyon some distance from the city.

At the end of the Great Sith War, the Brotherhood of the Sith assaulted Ossus in a raid on the Great Library. Having received word that the stars in the Cron Cluster had gone supernova, the Jedi had initiated evacuation procedures and were unable to draw up proper defenses against the Sith. As the spaceport bustled with activity between those fleeing and those carrying precious artifacts offworld, former Jedi Knight Ulic Qel-Droma confronted his brother Cay Qel-Droma at the landing pads of Knossa Spaceport during the planet's last hours. When Ulic Qel-Droma slew his younger brother in a fit of rage, the site was tainted by the action and hallowed in the Force. Wandering off the platform and onto the broad promenade that led out of the city and to the Great Library, Qel-Droma was stripped of his ability to use the Force by several of his Jedi allies as punishment for his crimes. These actions created a vergence in the Force, tainting the entire area with dark side energies. Shortly after these events, the planet was scorched by the supernova and Knossa Spaceport was reduced to twisted stone, metal, and heaps of rubble.

In the following centuries, as surviving tribes of Jedi and their descendants reclaimed the world and began calling themselves the Ysanna, this site's potent dark side allure was noted. To ward off the unwary from crossing these vergences, the Ysanna created a thirty-meter perimeter of astromech-sized black stones around each site. The Ysanna observed that those who crossed the perimeter and entered into the vergence would have their emotions twisted by the Force, seeing their closest friends as their most dangerous of foes.

A sprawling complex, Knossa Spaceport was constructed at the base of Mount Agorn a mountain in the Eocho Mountain Range. Multiple levels high, the rooftop of the Spaceport was designed to resemble a massive promenade with a large domed structure containing flight control and customs for those arriving and departing the planet. Aside from the rooftop promenade-style landing area and the hangars on the sides of the building, several landing fields surrounded the mountain's base to service overflow from the main landing areas. From the ground entrance of the Spaceport, a paved avenue wound its way away from the spaceport to the distant Great Library in Ooroo Canyon.

Gardens of T'alla
The Gardens of T'alla were a place of reflection and peace overlooking the Great Jedi Library on the planet Ossus. Consisting of flowered gazebos, rock gardens, fountains, and pillars, the Gardens were one of the most peaceful places on Ossus.

Millennia before the Great Sith War, the Neti Jedi Master T'alla founded the Gardens high in the mountains of Ossus to serve as a place of reflection and philosophical discourse. When her project was completed, T'alla planted herself at the heart of the Gardens and stood sentinel for thousands of years of the peaceful grounds. A the Gardens grew around her, visitors sought this peaceful retreat to contemplate the Force and learn from the great Masters of the era. The Jedi Agricultural Corps built greenhouses in the Gardens where they studied plants and experimented with new seeds. Constructing vast hedge mazes and exotic flower beds, the rock garden would eventually inspire the Muntuur stones that would be found in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant after 4000 BBY.

At the beginning of the Great Sith War, the Jedi Exar Kun spoke to a crowd of fellow Jedi gathered in the Gardens to join him in his journey to Yavin 4 on an expedition for greater understanding of the Force. Beguiled by Kun's charm, the unsuspecting Jedi that followed him were quickly seduced to the dark side of the Force and helped Kun form his Brotherhood of the Sith through which he attempted to bring the Jedi Order to its knees. Like everything else on the surface of Ossus, the Gardens of T'alla were destroyed when the Cron Supernova washed across the planet and ended the Jedi's dominion over the world.

Jedi Colony
The Jedi Colony was a settlement established after the Eternal Empire conquest on the planet Ossus. The settlement was established by Jedi Master Gnost-Dural with hopes of gathering Jedi that survived the conflict. Eventually Archiban Frodrick Kimble, Nadia Grell, Kalikori Pilgrims and colonists joined Dural on the planet, where they developed advanced agriculture techniques that allowed them to grow plants on the planet despite its toxic and radioactive terrain. The Jedi Tau Idair served as the head of security on the Colony.

Strike Base XR-484
The Strike Base XR-484 was the command base of the Sith Empire on the planet Ossus during the Invasion of Ossus.

The Strike Base XR-484 acted as the main staging point for all Imperial operations on the planet Ossus during the Invasion of Ossus and was constructed within a field of starship wreckage on the recommendation of the scouts who first reconnoitered the planet and correctly assessed that the Jedi were more interested in exploring ancient structures than old crashed ships. This ensured that the Imperial base could have been established without drawing enemy attention.

The members of the Raven Squad consistently referred to the base as "the Nest", a term that Darth Malora pointedly refused to use during the Invasion of Ossus.

The majority of the ship wreckage around XR-484 was the result of crashes caused by the Cron Supernova centuries ago. However, the remains of newer vessels were also present at the time of the Third Galactic War. This lead to suggestions that atmospheric or gravitational conditions somehow resulted in a higher-than-average distribution of crashed ships in this specific area.

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