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Cylon Heavy Raider (Re-imagined Series)

Cylon Heavy Raider (Re-imagined Series)
F-11ABA heavy blaster cannon

F-11ABA heavy blaster cannon
Que-Mars Redath-Gom (Weequay Jedi Knight)

Que-Mars Redath-Gom (Weequay Jedi Knight)

Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: Galactic EmpireSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: Post EmpireCanon: EU

Name: Norym Kim
Species: Myke
Gender: Male
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Purple

Dex: 2D+2
         Brawling: 4D
         Dodge: 5D
         Blaster: 4D+2
Know: 3D+1
         Bureaucracy: 6D
         Business: 5D+2
         Cultures: 4D+1
         Planetary Systems: 4D
         Tactics: 4D+2
         Intimidate: 5D
Str: 2D+1
         Brawling: 4D
Perc: 3D+2
         Bargain: 5D+2
         Command: 5D
         Con: 6D
         Hide: 5D
         Search: 6D+1
         Sneak: 4D
Mech: 3D
         RepulsorLift Operation: 3D
         Space Transports: 4D
Tech: 2D
         Computer Programming/Repair: 4D
         Droid Programming/Repair: 3D+1
         Security: 5D+1

Move: 10
Force Sensitive: No
Force Points: 2
Dark Side Points: 3
Character Points: 6

Equipment: Vast Personal Riches
         Expensive Clothing, Commlink, Datapad, Holdout Blaster (3D)

Description: Norym Kim was a Myke pirate that had conquered an entire sector near Imperial space by defeating rival pirate bands.

Kim used the money from his sector to fund Carnor Jax's plan to sabotage Palpatine's Clones. After the Emperor's death, Kim was offered a seat on Jax's Interim Ruling Council. Due to the fact he was a near-Human, he was accepted even by hardliner Humanocentrists.

A very charismatic leader and a master of backroom political dealing, Kim became the head of the council after Burr Nolyds' death. However, Norym knew that the head of the council would be a natural target for whoever was assassinating the members of the council. With this knowledge, he convinced the other members of the council to make a dense bureaucrat, Xandel Carivus, the new head of the council.

This plan backfired when Carivus expelled and imprisoned the nonhuman members of the council after becoming the head of the council. Following Carivus' death, he was taken into New Republic custody.

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