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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: Galactic EmpireSubtype: WEAPONSEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Name: Smart Rocket
Scale: Character
Skill: Missile weapons: Smart Rocket
Fire Control: 2D
Ammo: 1
Cost: 1,150 credits
Availability: 2, R
Range: 3-10/40/100
Blast Radius: 2/3/6
Damage: 8D/4D/2D

Description: The Smart Rocket was a powerful rocket/missile hybrid used by both the Galactic Empire and Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War, and later by the Resistance and First Order in their conflict decades later. The Smart Rocket was also used by the Galactic Republic prior to the formation of the Empire. Despite its launcher being equipped with an electric targeting scope to help acquire targets, the explosive projectile automatically targeted the nearest turret or vehicle, though it could also be dumb-fired against infantry. Only a single Smart Rocket could be fired before the launcher needed reloading. It detonated upon impact and had a blast radius of 3 meters, though maximum damage was inflicted within two. Imperial Demolition troopers wielded modified Smart Rockets that required the user to lock onto a hostile target for several seconds before the explosive projectile would seek out and destroy its target.

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