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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: Galactic EmpireSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Type: Heavy Weapons Stormtrooper

Dexterity: 2D
        Blaster: 5D
        Blaster Artillery: 4D
        Dodge: 4D
        Brawling Parry: 4D
        Vehicle Blasters: 3D
Knowledge: 2D
Perception: 2D
Strength: 2D
        Brawling: 3D
Mechanical: 2D
Technical: 2D
        Blaster Repair: 4D
Move: 10

Equipment:  T-21 Light Repeating Blaster (6D), Imperial Stormtrooper Armour (+1D vs Energy, +2D vs Physical, -1D to Dexterity), IM-40 three-slot ammunition and tool pouch

Description: Heavy Weapons Stormtroopers, also called Heavy Stormtroopers, Heavy Assault Troopers, or Imperial Heavy Gunners, were specially trained stormtroopers armed with large rapid-fire blasters or DLT-19 heavy blaster rifles, which could level anything in their path. During the Galactic Civil War, they were deployed to the battles of Endor and Jakku.

Heavy Weapons Stormtroopers, also known as Heavy Stormtroopers or Imperial Heavy Gunners, were stormtroopers of the Galactic Empire's Stormtrooper Corps. The troopers were trained in the use of heavy weapons, such as the Z-6 rotary blaster cannon or the DLT-19 heavy blaster rifle. Some could be seen using MPL-57 grenade launchers, TL-50 Heavy Repeaters, or the T-21 light repeating blasters. They could wear standard stormtrooper armor, modified with the addition of a black pauldron, an IM-40 three-slot ammunition and tool pouch, and a backpack. Alternatively, they could also wear a more unique outfit, one still similar to the standard stormtrooper armor but with black shoulder pads, gauntlets, shin protectors and boots.

Heavy Weapons Stormtroopers were usually seen on the front lines of war. They were primarily trained to defend combat zones as support squads to regular stormtroopers. Although their heavy weapons were highly effective, they required a cool-down period after use, leaving them vulnerable.

Heavy Weapons Stormtrooper variants included the Heavy Sandtrooper, the Heavy Shoretrooper, and the Heavy Snowtrooper, who were utilized in more specialist environments.

Five years into the Great Jedi Purge, Imperial Heavy Weapons Stormtroopers were stationed on Zeffo, the Imperial Refinery on Kashyyyk, Ilum and the Fortress Inquisitorius on Nur, where they encountered and were defeated by the Jedi Padawan Cal Kestis.

In the Galactic Civil War, Imperial Heavy Weapons Stormtroopers fought at the Battle of Endor against the Rebel Alliance on the moon of Endor, alongside the elite Inferno Squad. The troops were also involved with the Jakku Imperial remnant, defending the Imperial Star Destroyer Eviscerator from New Republic forces at the Battle of Jakku.

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