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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: WEAPONSEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Model: Flash grenade
Type: Stun grenade
Skill: Grenades
Cost: 320
Availability: 3, R
Blast Radius: 0-3/6/9
Damage: 8D/6D/4D (Stunned Effect Only)

Description: A flash grenade was a type of non-lethal grenade which, when activated, created a bright energy flash and loud noise to disorient opponents. It also gave a mild impact although it was not as destructive as thermal detonators, and was capable of disabling droids for a short period of time. One variant of the grenade could split into several fragments and individually explode. When Luke Skywalker went on a mission to Ben Kenobi's home with R2-D2, Boba Fett ambushed them with a flash grenade in an attempt to capture the boy.

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