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Section of Site: Creatures D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: CreaturesEra: New RepublicCanon: Yes

Name: Lava meerkat
Designation: Non-sentient
Classification: Mammal
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Red
Homeworld: Nevarro

Dexterity: 3D
Perception: 3D
Strength: 2D

Special Abilities
         Sharp Teeth: Lava meerkats have a mouth full of sharp teeth and are capable of a dangerous bite (Str+2 damage).
         Heat Resistance: Lava Meerkats due to their natural environment are more resistant to heat, adding 2D to their Stamina to avoid the effects of heat exposure, and +1D to their Strength to resist heat damage.

Move: 8
Orneriness: 2D+1

Description: Lava meerkats inhabited Nevarro by circa 9 ABY. During their escape from the forces of Imperial warlord Moff Gideon, the bounty hunter Din Djarin and his companions encountered the meerkats on the banks of an underground lava river. Later, a member of the species began to follow Carasynthia Dune after she rescued it from being eaten by a group of Aqualish robbers.

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Stats by FreddyB, Descriptive Text from Wookieepedia
Image copyright LucasArts.
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