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Type-33 Light Anti-Armor Weapon

Type-33 Light Anti-Armor Weapon
GTM-43 Stiletto

GTM-43 Stiletto
Industrial Automaton ASP-series Labor droid

Industrial Automaton ASP-series Labor droid

Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: WEAPONSEra: Post EmpireCanon: Yes

Name: Beskar staff
Scale: Character
Skill: Melee Combat: Staff
Cost: As a solid Beskar item, the staff is worth 10's of thousands
Availability: 2, X
Difficulty: Moderate
Damage: Str+2D

Special: Is almost indestructable, and therefore can be used to parry lightsabers.

Description: A staff was wielded by the Magistrate Morgan Elsbeth on Corvus during the New Republic Era. The staff was made of pure beskar, a metal alloy tied with Mandalorian culture. After Elsbeth was defeated by the Force-sensitive Ahsoka Tano, the staff was given to the Mandalorian Din Djarin. The staff was durable enough to be able to block and deflect lightsaber blows and survived the destruction of the Razor Crest intact. After the Razor Crest's destruction, Din Djarin wielded it during the second rescue of Grogu where he used it to destroy one dark trooper and to fight Moff Gideon in hand-to-hand combat which led to the defeat and capture of Gideon.

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