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Section of Site: Creatures D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: CreaturesEra: Rise of the EmpireCanon: Yes

Name: Oggdo
Subspecies: Oggdo Bogdo
Skin color: Brown
Eye color: Yellow
Distinctions: Lightsaber-resistant shell, Purple, prehensile tongue, Three eyes
Homeworld: Bogano
Diet: Carnivorous

Dexterity: 3D
Perception: 3D
Strength: 4D

Special Abilities
         Fangs and Horns: Oggdo have a selection of razor sharp weapons available to them, from their horned shells to their fangs. Each of these allow the cat to do Str+1D damage in combat.
         Adhesive Tongue: Oggdo can make a grappling attack against an opponent up to 8 meters away, dragging them forward to their mouth to bite them.
        Light Saber Resistant Shell: Oggdo have a shell which can resist damage, especially Lightsabers, (+1D vs Physical Damage, +2D vs Energy Damage, +4D vs Lightsaber Damage).

Move: 11
Size: 2.1 meters
Orneriness: 3D

Description: Oggdos were a carnivorous species native to the planet Bogano. Oggdos were alpha predators and used their adhesive tongues to attack their prey. They had thick, lightsaber-resistant hide, making them dangerous at close range. A subspecies of the creature was the Oggdo Bogdo. In 14 BBY, Jedi Padawan Cal Kestis encountered and fought several oggdos on Bogano, during his search for the ancient Zeffo Vault on the planet.

Biology and appearance
Oggdos were a non-sentient species of carnivore native to the planet Bogano. They had four legs and were seemingly amphibian in appearance, with thick lightsaber-resistant hide that encompassed their spike-topped body. Three bright green eyes were positioned above an enormous mouth, which featured jagged rows of sharp teeth. They sported a purple prehensile tongue, reportedly capable of extending up to eight meters in length, which they would use to latch onto and quickly devour small prey, or pull in larger prey to chew.

Oggdos were threatening alpha predators of the Bogano food chain, with their primary diet consisting of bog rats. When they were too far away from their targets, they would either utilise their dangerously long prehensile tongues or leap towards them to close the distance.

In 14 BBY, Jedi Padawan Cal Kestis encountered several oggdos on Bogano whilst he journeyed to the mysterious Vault built by the lost Zeffo civilization.

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