Name: Wyyyschokk
Designation: Non-sentient
Classification: Spider
Subspecies: Albino Wyyyschokk
Homeworld: Kashyyyk
Habitat: Jungle and forest
Dexterity: 4D
Perception: 2D+2
Strength: 5D
Special Abilities:
Bite: Wyyyschokk are capable of a powerful bite (STR+1D).
Webbing: Wyyyschokk can create webbing which they can launch at their prey, restraining a target with a 5D strength if it hits.
Pin: Wyyyschokk can leap atop their prey, pinning them to the ground, with a Str+1D attack to pin them, allowing them to make Bite attacks against their pinned prey.
Move: 9
Size: 3 meters
Description: Wyyyschokk were a species of spider that lived on the planet Kashyyyk. Both highly intelligent and extremely hostile, they could ensnare prey by casting webbing at them from a distance, and would often wait to ambush their prey by attacking them from above or below. A notable subspecies was the Albino Wyyyschokk. Their eggs were used for a cake named Kashyyyk cake.
Biology and appearance
Wyyyschokk were a large species of spider native to the planet Kashyyyk. Wyyyschokk were highly intelligent and hostile to most sentient lifeforms. They were capable of launching a web-like enzyme from their mandibles.
An adult wyyyschokk was capable of laying up to 1,000 eggs per year. To protect their young from predators, they crafted extremely durable egg sacs out webbing, saliva, and a unique secretion from lymphatic nodes under each leg. Once an egg hatched, it could take the young wyyyschokk up to five days to eat their way out of the sac, leaving them ravenous and ready to attack anything on sight.
Wyyyschokk were known to attack by casting a web-like enzyme at their target, and would often attempt to ambush prey by dropping from the forest canopy or hiding underground.
The species was so prevalent on Kashyyyk that at least 15% of the planet's forests were estimated to be covered in their webs. Due to this, young Wookiees were taught to defend against the creatures at ages as early as three years old.
In 82 BBY, Sean admitted he knew a Mythrol recipe of detoxified Wyyyschokk spider eggs simmered in hot vinegrass soup.
In 14 BBY, Cal Kestis encountered and was attacked by several wyyyschokk (including one Albino) while exploring Kashyyyk.