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Rearing spider

Rearing spider
Governor Grotton (Imperial Officer)

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Commander Nahdonnis Praji (Human Imperial Officer)

Commander Nahdonnis Praji (Human Imperial Officer)

Section of Site: Planets D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: PlacesEra: Rise of the EmpireCanon: Yes

Name: Ordo Eris
Class: Space station
Region: Outer Rim Territories
Role(s): Stronghold
Affiliation: Haxion Brood
Commander(s): Sorc Tormo
Points of interest: Gelid Dungeon, Haxion Fight Pit

Description: Ordo Eris was an asteroid space station that served as the stronghold of the Haxion Brood criminal syndicate. Located on the edge of the Outer Rim Territories, Ordo Eris was constructed in an asteroid remnant of a planetoid that had once been destroyed by ancient superweapons.

Points of interest
Gelid Dungeon
The Gelid Dungeon was a prison dungeon located on Ordo Eris, the asteroid stronghold of the Haxion Brood crime syndicate. The former Jedi Padawan Cal Kestis was held prisoner in the dungeon after he was captured by the Haxion Brood. Sorc Tormo, the syndicate's leader, allowed Kestis to escape and make his way to the Haxion Fight Pit in order to be forced into gladiatorial combat.

Haxion Fight Pit
The Haxion Fight Pit was a fighting arena located within Ordo Eris, the asteroid space station of the Haxion Brood criminal syndicate. Sorc Tormo, crime lord of the Haxion Brood, often enjoyed watching combat in the arena. After the former Jedi Padawan Cal Kestis was captured by a bounty hunter of the Haxion Brood due to the gambling debts of his associate Greez Dritus, Tormo had him fight various creatures in the arena. After Kestis defeated the bounty hunter who had captured him, he was rescued by Dritus in the Stinger Mantis.

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