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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: WEAPONSEra: Rise of the EmpireCanon: Yes

Name: Electrohammer
Scale: Character
Skill: Melee Combat: Electrohammer
Cost: 5,000 credits
Availability: 2, X
Difficulty: Moderate
Damage: Str+2D (physical)/5D (energy)

Game Notes: Electrohammers are surrounded by an energy field which allows them to be  lightsaber resistant, they can also be used to create a shockwave like effect by striking the ground, (Blast Radius: 0-1/3/5; Damage: 5D/3D/1D, which does no physical damage, instead knocking those who take any effect from the shock to be knocked backwards off their feet).

Description: An Electrohammer was a heavy melee weapon most notably wielded be some Purge Troopers of the Galactic Empire's Inquisitorius after the events of Order 66. It was able to block lightsaber attacks. In 14 BBY, several Purge Troopers wielding electrohammers were stationed on Kashyyyk and Nur, where Jedi Padawan Cal Kestis fought and killed them. The electrohammer had two abilities, one being to charge up the hammer's power and slam it onto the ground. This created a shockwave in a short radius, knocking anyone in range off their feet. The second ability would be to charge up the hammer's power, and slam it onto the floor at an angle, which would create a shockwave ripple towards the opponent of the hammer's user.

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