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Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: Galactic EmpireSubtype: StarfighterEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Name: Sienar Fleet Systems TIE/ln space superiority starfighter
Type: Space Superiority Fighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 7.24 meters
Skill: Starfighter Piloting - TIE
Crew: 1
Passengers: 1 (standing room only)
Crew Skill: Starfighter Piloting 4D+1, Starship Gunnery 4D
Cost: 60,000 credits (new) / 25,000 (used; military requisition charges)
Consumables: 2 Days
Cargo Capacity: 65 Kg
Hyperdrive Multiplier: No
Hyperdrive Backup: No
Nav Computer: No
Space: 10
Atmosphere: 415; 1200kmh
Maneuverability: 2D
Hull: 2D
         Passive: 20/0D
         Scan: 40/1D
         Search: 60/2D
         Focus: 3/3D

         SFS L-s1 laser cannons(Fire Linked)
                 Fire Arc: Front
                 Fire Control: 2D
                 Space: 1-3/12/25
                 Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5km
                 Damage: 5D

         Weapons: {replaces the above weapon}
                  Standard Sienar L-s1 Laser Cannon: A well balanced weapon with good range. {as above}
                  Sienar Burst Cannon: Burst cannons, as their name suggests, fire in 3-shot bursts. They lose less damage over longer ranges, making them more reliable over distance. Their general damage per minute, however, remain identical to the standard. Burst cannons are unique to the fighter class. {Space: 1-5/15/32, Atmosphere Range: 100-500/1.5/3.2km}
                  Sienar Guided Burst Cannon: The guided burst cannon is identical to its non-guided counterpart, but features a lot of aim assist. This comes at a considerable damage reduction, making the guided burst cannon roughly beneath standard lasers in damage. This can prove helpful in engaging interceptors, which are hard to pin down. It otherwise has only situational uses. Guided burst cannons are unique to the fighter class. {Space: 1-5/15/32, Atmosphere Range: 100-500/1.5/3.2km, Fire Control: 3D, Damage: 4D}
                  Sienar Ion Cannon: Ion cannons are often seen used in conjunction with Onslaught rockets - the ion cannons to remove a target's shields, followed by rockets to finish them off. {Damage: 4D Ion Damage}
                  Plasburst Laser Cannon: Plasburst weapons are rarely seen due to their low rate of fire and slow charge time. Plasburst lasers also are the only short range weapon on the TIE Fighter. {Space: 1-2/6/12., Atmosphere Range: 100-150/600/1.2km, Damage: 6D, Rate of Fire: 1}

         Countermeasures: {Elite Pilots can choose to equip their fighter with one of the below}
                  Sienar XX-5 Seeker Warheads: Seeker Warheads, or sometimes called "flares", are the most common and flexible anti-missile countermeasure. TIE Fighters are often found turning and manoeuvring, making chaff less useful, and the sensor jammer only has a single use. {When used reduces enemy skill to attack the fighter with Missiles by 3D}
                  Chaff Particles: Chaff particles is not often used on the TIE Fighter, as in order for it to reach maximum effectiveness, enemy missiles must fly through the static cloud. This cloud can be used to cover capital ships on occasion, but flares are the more popular choice. {When used creates a cloud behind the fighter which reduces all skill with missiles by 3D, but only for weapons fires through the cloud}
                  Sienar Sensor Jammer: The sensor jammer's short 4 second duration and single use make it not often used. Its biggest benefit is being able to shake missiles at any rate and from any direction. {A single use system, which stops any missile from hitting the fighter}

         Auxiliary: {Depending on mission Elite Pilots may be allowed to equip their fighter with one of the below}
                  Sienar CB-08 Concussion Missile: Concussion missiles are no-frills missiles that simply lock onto and destroy their target. Like other missiles, it can be fired without a lock, usually against a target too slow to dodge it. Concussion missiles hit hard and have decent tracking, but lack the power to be used against capital ships on a regular basis. {Skill: Starship Gunnery: concussion missiles,  Fire Control: 3D, Space Range: 1/3/7, Atmospheric Range: 50-100/300/700m, Damage: 7D, Ammo: 4 missiles, Rate of Fire: 1}
                  Sienar KB-D28 Proton Torpedo: Proton torpedoes are extremely dangerous to capital ships, especially when their shields are down. They are notably slow, having trouble catching corvettes if fired from behind. {Skill: Starship Gunnery: Proton Torpedo,  Fire Control: 2D, Space Range: 1/3/7, Atmospheric Range: 50-100/300/700m, Damage: 9D, Ammo: 4 missiles, Rate of Fire: 1}
                  Sienar I-7 Ion Missile: Ion missiles are designed to be used against starfighters, and have half the lock-on time of concussion missiles. They cause minimal damage upon hits, but are strong against shielding. They inflict a stun on the target. Stunned targets continue on their previous trajectory and spin out of control, giving a pilot ample time to finish their opponent. They can be dumbfired and travel much faster than a torpedo, allowing a pilot to quickly hit-and-run capital ship shields or disable subsystems. {Skill: Starship Gunnery: Ion Missile,  Fire Control: 3D, Space Range: 1/3/7, Atmospheric Range: 50-100/300/700m, Damage: 5D Ion Damage, Ammo: 4 missiles, Rate of Fire: 1}
                  Sienar Ion Torpedo: Ion torpedoes are much like proton torpedoes in that they are designed to be launched from standoff ranges against capital ships. Ion torpedoes are very dangerous - one can eliminate the shields of a frigate or corvette, and two can knock out the shields of the enemy capital ship. When used on the TIE Fighter, fly to the 1500 maximum range and cut your engines. Let your torpedo lock on, and then let it go. Use your agility to fly back home, or have a TIE Reaper resupply you with another, and go again. {Skill: Starship Gunnery: Ion Torpedo, Scale: Capital, Fire Control: 1D, Space Range: 1/3/7, Atmospheric Range: 50-100/300/700m, Damage: 3D Ion Damage, Ammo: 4 missiles, Rate of Fire: 1}
                  Sienar Onslaught Rockets: Rockets hit hard, but their unguided nature makes it hard to catch mobile enemies with them. Individual rockets don't cause a lot of damage - fire them in large volleys to make the damage stack up against both shielded and unshielded targets. {Skill: Starship Gunnery: Onslaught Rockets,  Fire Control: 0D, Space Range: 1/3/7, Atmospheric Range: 50-100/300/700m, Damage: 8D, Ammo: 12 missiles}
                  Sienar R/D-77 Assault Shield: The Assault Shield, when activated, puts up a shield in front of you that blocks a large percentage of damage. It only lasts 3 seconds and sharply reduces your turning ability when active. It is best used therefore in head-on attacks against enemy players, or as additional protection when attacking an enemy capital ship. {a Single Use Force Shield, which provides a 4D shield for 1 round}
                  Sienar Emergency Repair System: The repair system, when activated, will repair your ship. It has unlimited uses, but has a lengthy cooldown of 30 seconds. {Similar to an Astromech, this system can repair the fighter in flight, with a Starfighter Repair skill of 5D}
                  Sienar I-9 Ion Rockets: Ion Rockets function identically to Onslaught Rockets, but carry an ion payload instead. This makes them effective against all New Republic craft, particularly against capital ships. Ion rockets travel with half the speed of standard rockets, making them more of an anti-capital ship weapon than an anti-fighter one. {Skill: Starship Gunnery; Ion Rockets,  Fire Control: 0D, Space Range: 1/3/7, Atmospheric Range: 50-100/300/700m, Damage: 6D Ion Damage, Ammo: 12 missiles}
                  Sienar Boost Extension Kit: When triggered, this component gives you a full boost charge. Utilize this component to aid in advanced drifting techniques, allowing you to maintain offence and mobility simultaneously. {Requiring a 3 round cool down, this unit increases speed by +3, and Manoeuvrability by +2D}
                  Sienar Prototype Piercing Torpedo: Piercing Torpedoes are used exclusively against flagship subsystems. While they cause minimal damage to the hull of the target flagship, they are unique in their ability to ignore shielding. They are most often used against shield generators to allow for easier subsequent attacks. {Skill: Starship Gunnery: Piercing Torpedo,  Fire Control: 0D, Scale: Capital, Space Range: 1/3/7, Atmospheric Range: 50-100/300/700m, Damage: 3D (ignores shields), Ammo: 4 missiles, Rate of Fire: 1}

         Hull: {One of the below may be selected for specific missions}
                  Sienar Ferroceramic Hull: The standard hull, with no strengths or weaknesses. {as above}
                  Sienar Dampener Hull: Increases the amount of time an enemy needs to lock onto you. It is a situational upgrade for fighters, dependent on how often missiles lock onto you. {-1D to enemy Fire Control for Missiles}
                  Sienar Laminasteel Hull: Reduces incoming missile damage, but increases incoming laser damage. Missiles in general are much rarer to find than lasers, making this a situational upgrade at best. {-1D to hull vs Energy Weapons, +2D to hull vs Missile Weapons}
                  Sienar Agile Hull: Equip to receive a reduction in maximum health, but receiving improvements to manoeuvrability and acceleration. Fairly useful for brawling and turning fights, though the most powerful technique to use in turning fights is microboosts, not traditional turns. The light hull does not offer any benefits to maximum speed, so this part alone will not help you make hit and run attacks. {-1D to Hull, +2D to Manoeuvrability}
                  Sienar Reflec Hull: Equipping this on an TIE Fighter helps with approaching enemies from odd angles, with a moderate health reduction. Avoid head-on attacks, and stay close to the edges of the battle. Once you're spotted, this hull offers no benefit. {-1 to Hull, +3D to difficulty to detect the Fighter on Sensors}
                  Sienar Reinforced Hull: Far more suited to TIE Bombers than TIE Fighters, this hull option reduces acceleration and mobility in exchange for additional hull. This does not decrease your maximum speed, however, so you can potentially use this hull to make gun runs against the enemy capital ship's turrets. Avoid turning fights with this hull. {+2D to Hull, -1D Manoeuvrability, -2 Speed}

         Engines: {One of the below may be selected for specific missions}
                  Standard Twin Ion Engine: The standard sublight engine with no benefits or drawbacks. {as above}
                  Unstable Twin Engine: This engine makes you lose a moderate amount of both health, but offers greatly increased acceleration and speed. What really makes this engine stand out, however, is the large explosion you create when you are shot down. Some pilots use this explosion as an anti-capital ship weapon, hoping to take out the capital ship's turrets when they die. {-1D Hull, +2 Speed, +1D Manoeuvrability, 7D Explosion when destroyed}
                  Twin Microthrust Engine: Use the Microthrust Engine for close-quarters brawling. You lose a notable amount of maximum speed and acceleration, but gain it back in mobility. {-1 Speed, +1D Manoeuvrability}
                  Twin Propulsion Engine: The propulsion engine makes you start and stop quicker by a significant margin, at the cost of a small loss in manoeuvrability. {+1 Speed, -1D Manoeuvrability}
                  Twin Ion Jet Engine: This engine greatly increases the rate at which you generate boost power, but also greatly increases the rate at which you consume it. This engine is mostly designed for drifting, as it performs very poorly when boosting in straight lines. {Requiring a 3 round cool down, this engine can provide a boost, increasing speed by +2, and Manoeuvrability by +1D}
                  Twin Thrust Engine: This engine greatly increases maximum speed, but reduces acceleration and manoeuvrability. Use this to make quick attack runs on enemy capital ships, or using boom and zoom tactics. {+3 Speed, -2D Manoeuvrability}
                  Twin SLAM Engine: The SLAM (Sublight Acceleration Motor) engine automatically produces boost power regardless of whether there is maximum power in the engines or not, at the cost of maximum speed. in. {This diverts power to the other systems of the Tie Fighter, +1D damage to the weapons, at the expense of -2 Speed and -1D Manoeuvrability}

Description: The TIE/LN fighter is the unforgettable symbol of the Imperial fleet. It is designed for high speed dogfights against starfighters and is flexible enough to challenge enemy capital ships.

Fighters are flexible catch-all craft capable of dealing with any threat, though not to the same extent of interceptors or bombers. If in doubt what to pull, however, fighters are an easy choice. They reward accuracy with their 3-round burst weapons, which cause more damage than the standard, and can attack capital ships at range with torpedoes.

Occasionally known as the TIE/LN (TIE/Line fighter). Unlike X-wings, TIEs have no shielding but greatly simplified power management.

TIE Fighters can direct their power to either weapons or engines, and also have the ability to dump power from one system into the other at a single button press. By converting power into engines, they lose all offensive abilities but get free boost power. Converting power into weapons turns them into a stationary target, but instantly overcharges their weapons. Power can also be balanced between both boost and weapons.

In Fleet Battles, TIE fighters are expected to perform both offence and defence, depending on the situation. They are similar to a midfielder in a football or soccer game in that their flexibility is their greatest benefit. TIEs can also go for assists by disabling enemies with ion missiles and ion torpedoes, setting up their teammates for victories.

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