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Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: Rebel AllianceSubtype: StarfighterEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Craft: Kuat Systems Engineering RZ-1 A-wing Interceptor
Type: Interceptor and multi-purpose Starfighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 9.6 meters
Skill: Starfighter piloting: A-wing
Crew: 1
Crew Skill: Starfighter piloting 5D, Starship gunnery 4D+2, Starship shields 3D+1
Cargo Capacity: 40 kilograms
Consumables: 1 week
Cost: 175,000 (new)
Hyperdrive Multiplier: xl
Nav Computer: Limited to two jumps
Manoeuvrability: 4D
Space: 12
Atmosphere: 450; 1,300kmh
Hull: 2D+2
Shields: 1D
        Passive: 30/0D
        Scan: 50/1D
        Search: 75/2D
        Focus: 4/4D+1
        2 Laser Cannons (fire-linked)
                Fire Arc: Front
                Skill: Starship gunnery
                Fire Control: 3D
                Space Range: 1-3/12/25
                Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5 km
                Damage: 5D
        Enemy Targeting Jammer
                Fire Arc: All
                Skill: Sensors; works against all starfighters within range
                Space Range: 1-3/7/15
                Atmosphere Range: 100-300/700/1.5 km
                Damage: -2D from fire control

        Weapons: {replaces the above energy weapon}
                Standard Taim & Bak KX8 Laser Cannon: The default laser cannon on the A-wing is the longest ranged weapon, and is the standard by which the others are measured. If you use the stealth attachment, consider using this weapon so you don't have to be out of stealth for as long. {as above}
                Krupx JR-89 Ion Cannon: Ion cannons aren't often used on the A-wing, since most Imperial craft lack shielding. The one that does - the TIE Reaper - is not often a threat in itself, and can be burned down with normal gunfire. Ion cannons on Republic craft are most often used to target the shields on capital ships. {Damage: 4D Ion Damage}
                Plasburst Laser Cannon: The Plasburst's slow fire rate and short range make it uncommon to see on all craft. {Space: 1-2/6/12., Atmosphere Range: 100-150/600/1.2km, Damage: 7D, Rate of Fire: 1}
                Gyrhil R/F Rapid Fire Cannon: The most common weapon seen on the A-wing next to the standard laser. Deals excellent damage, but the closer range means you must be very cautious when fighting enemies head-on, and the closer proximity means you must expose yourself to greater danger in a ship with low health. {Space: 1-2/1/2, Atmosphere Range: 100-200/1/2km, Fire Control: 2D, Damage: 6D}

        Countermeasures: {Elite Pilots can choose to equip their fighter with one of the below}
                ArMek HM Seeker Warheads: Seeker Warheads, or sometimes called "flares", are the most common and flexible anti-missile countermeasure. A-wings are often found turning and manoeuvring, making chaff less useful, and the sensor jammer only has a single use.{When used reduces enemy skill to attack the fighter with Missiles by 3D}
                Particle Burst: The Particle Burst is not often used on the A-wing, as in order for it to reach maximum effectiveness, enemy missiles must fly through the static cloud. This cloud can be used to cover capital ships on occasion, but flares are the more popular choice. {When used creates a cloud behind the fighter which reduces all skill with missiles by 3D, but only for weapons fires through the cloud}
                Melihat Sensor Jammer: The sensor jammer's short 4 second duration and single use make it not often used. Its biggest benefit is being able to shake missiles at any rate and from any direction. {A single use system, which stops any missile from hitting the fighter}
                Carbanti Sensor Inverter: The sensor inverter only functions at short range, but can surprise opponents. The sensor inverter hacks the enemy missile in range and sends it back to its launcher. With two charges, it's superior to the sensor jammer in versatility and number of uses. Inverted missiles can be re-inverted by an enemy TIE Interceptor or TIE Defender. {By making a contested Sensors roll against the Missiles Fire Control (Missile must have Fire Control and not be dumb fired), the pilot can send the missile back towards the vessel that fired it}

        Auxiliary: {replaces the above Enemy Targeting Jammer with two (left and right) Auxiliary systems}
                ArMek Barrage Rockets: The A-wing's best weapon against capital ships, these unguided rockets can cause notable damage to capital ship turrets and subsystems. It is difficult to land hits on moving starfighters. Individual rockets are light on damage, but they cause considerable damage as a group. {Skill: Starship gunnery; Barrage Rocket, Fire Control: 0D, Space Range: 1/3/7, Atmospheric Range: 50-100/300/700m, Damage: 8D, 6 Rocket Magazine}
                Kessler Quick-Lock Missile: A part of the stock A-wing's loadout, it's not enough to finish a fighter on its own, but it works well in conjunction with the A-wing's lasers. {Skill: Starship gunnery; Quick-Lock Missile, Fire Control: 2D, Space Range: 1/3/7, Atmospheric Range: 50-100/300/700m, Damage: 7D, 4 Missile Magazine}
                Kessler IF-42 Cluster Missile: The cluster missile locks onto a single target several times before unloading multiple missiles against it. This missile is best used against hardened targets like TIE bombers and capital ships with their shields down. {Skill: Starship gunnery: Cluster Missile,  Fire Control: 1D, Space Range: 1/3/7, Atmospheric Range: 50-100/300/700m, Damage: 5D x 4, 3 Missile Magazine}
                  Czerka Seeker Mine: Drops a mine behind you. The mine locks onto and chases any enemy that gets too close. Mines are most effective in narrow corridors where enemies will have to run near them.. {Skill: Starship Gunnery: Seeker Mine,  Fire Control: 5D (does not use pilots skill), Space Range: 3, Atmospheric Range: 300m, Damage: 6D, Ammo: 5 mines, mine is dropped behind the fighter, where it follows for up to 1 minutes until another vessel enters it's range, upon which it attacks using only it's Fire Control}
                   Incom E-73 Repair Kit: The repair kit is unlocked at the start of the game and repairs your ship when activated. It is most commonly used on the X-wing, as the A-wing has the ability to withdraw from fights and has low maximum health in general. Has unlimited uses, but requires a cooldown of 30 seconds between uses. {Similar to an Astromech, this system can repair the fighter in flight, with a Starfighter Repair skill of 5D}
                  Carbanti Targeting Jammer: When activated, cloaks your ship from enemy radar for 5 seconds. Effective when you need to creep up on a target and hit them. With a long 30 second cooldown, however, your window of stealth must be expertly timed.. {Hides the vessel from all sensors and Fire Control systems for 1 round, but requires a 6 round cool down before it can be used again}
                  Krupx EM4 Ion Rockets: Ion Rockets function identically to Barrage Rockets, but carry an ion payload instead. This makes them effective against all New Republic craft, particularly against capital ships. Ion rockets travel with half the speed of standard rockets, making them more of an anti-capital ship weapon than an anti-fighter one. {Skill: Starship Gunnery; Ion Rockets,  Fire Control: 0D, Space Range: 1/3/7, Atmospheric Range: 50-100/300/700m, Damage: 6D Ion Damage, Ammo: 6 missiles}

         Hull: {One of the below may be selected for specific missions}
                  Incom Ferroceramic Hull: The standard hull, with no strengths or weaknesses. {as above}
                  Fabritech Dampener Hull: Increases the time enemies take to lock onto you, but you also have less health. If you fly evasively enough to dodge lasers, this can be an effective counter to missiles and tractor beams. {-1D to enemy Fire Control for Missiles}
                  Slayn & Korpil Laminasteel Hull: Reduces the damage taken by missiles, but increases the damage taken by lasers. Both this option and the dampener hull are effective at blocking missile attacks. {-1D to hull vs Energy Weapons, +2D to hull vs Missile Weapons}
                  Carbanti Reflec Hull: Equipping this results in the most fragile ship possible. With a -30 to health, you cannot stand up to any sort of head-on attacks, especially to capital ships. The passive stealth is only effective at long range, and is worthless in a melee. Use this hull to sneak around to the sides of enemies, using terrain and debris to mask your approach. {-1 to Hull, +3D to difficulty to detect the Fighter on Sensors}

         Engines: {One of the below may be selected for specific missions}
                   Incom Sublight Engine: The standard engine offers no drawbacks and benefits. Works reasonably well in all situations. {as above}
                  Koensayr Microthrust Engine: This engine decreases maximum speed and acceleration while increasing your manoeuvrability. This makes it decently good for brawling, but the true power of turning fights lies in understanding drifting, not traditional turns. {-1 Speed, +1D Manoeuvrability}
                  Quadex Propulsion Engine: This engine increases acceleration, allowing you to change speeds much faster than normal. This comes at a slight loss to manoeuvrability. This engine does not increase your maximum speed, only the rate at which you change speed. {+1 Speed, -1D Manoeuvrability}
                  Koensayr Thrust Engine: This engine modification provides an increase to maximum speed, but you lose acceleration and mobility. The implications are clear: this engine is for flying very fast in straight lines. Use this engine for high speed passes against enemy targets.. {+3 Speed, -2D Manoeuvrability}

        Shields: {One of the below may be selected for specific missions}
                Incom Standard Shield: The standard shield offers no benefits or drawbacks to the A-wing. {as above}
                Sirplex Nimble Deflector: This shield offers a decrease in shield capacity in exchange for faster regeneration. You can use this in combination with the thrust engine to dart in and out of fights, using the faster regeneration to get your shields back up. With low capacity, this shield cannot withstand direct fire for long. {2D of back-up shields. When a die of shield is lost, if the pilot can make an Easy starship shields total, one of the back-up die codes of shields can be brought up to restore the shields}
                Fabritech Scrambler Shield: An alternative to the Dampener Hull, the scrambler shield offers even longer lock times than the dampener hull, but it is only effective when your shields are at 100% or are overcharged. Even a glancing hit at normal shield power will eliminate the scrambler shield bonus, so users of this shield must be adept at switching shield directions. Once these shields are down, they take longer than normal to regenerate. {-2D to enemy Fire Control for Missiles}
                Overloaded Shield: The overloaded shield offers a lot of defence, reducing incoming damage while still having a good capacity. Once these shields are depleted, however, they will not regenerate. {+2D to shields, however if the vessel takes any damage, the shields drop completely}

Description: Since the early days of the Rebellion, the RZ-1 A-wing's exceptional speed has made it an effective, agile counter to Imperial starfighters.

A-wings are interceptors equipped with highly damaging lasers. They hit are very fast, hit above their weight, and are very small and hard to pin down. The silhouette of the A-wing is very small in general, but is the largest from above or below.

The A-wing has several tools for pinning down starfighters both armoured and unarmoured. Against more heavily armoured targets, the A-wing can use cluster missiles and rockets to hit a single target multiple times, and no other Republic fighter has the DPS of the A-wing. Its default missiles have excellent tracking but light damage, excellent at pinning down TIE interceptors.

Much like the defence of a football or soccer game, the interceptor's role is twofold: to stop the enemy from scoring hits against enemy capital ships, and prevent the enemy from moving the morale meter in their favour. While out of their element, they can still cause heavy damage to enemy capital ships, especially with Barrage Rockets.

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