Name: Lt. Col. Sarah "Mac" MacKenzie
Marine Officer Pointman 3 Explorer 2 Soldier 7 (O-5)
Init: +16 (+9 Class, +3 Dex, +4 Specialty)
Defense: 18 (+5 Class, +3 Dex)
Speed: 30 ft
WP: 17
VP: 88
Attack: +11 melee, +13 ranged
SQ: All Over the World, Armor Use +1, Assistance (1/2 time), Bookworm (1/2 time), Damage Reduction 1/-, Direction Sense +2, Generous, Lead 1/session, Macro-Specialty (+4 WP, +4 Initiative bonus), Versatility 7 (Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Hide, Knowledge, Move Silently, Search), Weapon Specialization (Pistols)
SV: Fort +7, Ref +13, Will +9
Abilities: Str: 12, Dex: 16, Con: 13, Int: 14, Wis: 14, Chr: 14
Skills: Bluff +10 (18-20), Bureaucracy +8, Climb +5, Concentration +12 (19-20), Cultures +6 (19-20), Diplomacy +13 (18-20), Driver +4, First Aid +5 (19-20), Gather Information +6, Hide +5, Intimidate +8/+9 (18-20), Jump +3, Knowledge (History) +10 (19-20), Knowledge (Law) +15 (19-20), Knowledge (Palaeontology) +10 (19-20), Knowledge (Politics) +10 (19-20), Languages (Farsi, Japanese, Russian) +7 (19-20), Move Silently +5, Profession (Lawyer) +6, Profession (Military) +6, Search +6, Sense Motive +10, Spot +10, Surveillance +6, Survival +6, Swim +5, Tumble +7
Feats: Advanced Skill Mastery (Persuasive), Armor Proficiency (light, medium, heavy), Clean and Polished, Hard Core, Martial Arts, Kicking Basics, Persuasive, Perfect Stance, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Scholarly, Weapon Group Proficiency (handgun, hurled, melee, rifle, tactical), World TravelerAttacks
Beretta Model 92FS +13 1d10+3
FN P90 +12 1d10+1
Unarmed +11 1d6+1
Gear: SG Team Bundle, other bundles as needed (by mission).
U.S. Marine Lt. Col. Sarah "Mac" MacKenzie was born in Red Rock Mesa, Arizona.
Attended University of Minnesota, graduating with a degree in Political Science.
Mac had a terrible childhood and became an alcoholic when she was a teenager.
Her uncle, Colonel Matthew O'Hara inspired her to join the Marines after she graduated from High School.
She is an Officer Candidate School graduate from the school in Quantico, Virginia.
When she was a First Lieutenant, she worked as an Admin. Officer in Okinawa, Japan.
Shortly after this she got her law degree from Duke University, after her superior officer recommended that the Corps put her through law school.
Major Sarah MacKenzie was stationed in Bosnia, during the conflict there. Shortly after this she was promoted to Lt. Colonel, by Admiral A.J. Chedgwidden, in late summer or early fall, 1999.
She holds both the Rifle Expert Marksmanship Badge, the Pistol Expert Marksmanship Badge and has received the Meritorious Service Medal, Navy Marine Corps Achievement Medal, Combat Action Ribbon and the Meritorious Unit Commendation.
Due to her professionalism and hard work she was assigned to work on the Stargate Program.