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Section of Site: Droids D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: DROIDSEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Name: MerenData V-series droid supervisor
Height: 1.9 meters
Manufacturer: MerenData
Class: Supervisor droid
Degree: Third-degree droid
Plating color: Black, gray, white

Dexterity: 1D
Knowledge: 2D
         Bureaucracy 4D, Languages 3D
Mechanical: 1D
Perception: 2D
         Bargain 3D, Command 4D, Investigation 3D, Persuasion 4D
Strength: 1D
Technical: 1D

Equipped with:
         Humanoid Body (two arms, two legs, head)
         Vocabulator speech/ sound system
         Broadband broadcast antenna/receiver system
         Internal high-frequency binary comlink
         Photoreceptors (Human range)
         Recharge coupling access port

Move: 8
Size: 1.8 meters tall
Cost: 1,500 (used)

Description: The V-series droid supervisor was a model of supervisor droid manfuactured by MerenData. A relaunch of the EV-series supervisor droid marketed towards the Imperial Military, its perfomance was unimpressive and the model was a financial failure.

A model of supervisor droid, the V-series had similar attributes to its precursor, the EV-series supervisor droid, but also featured a more tolerable personality. It lacked the MDF motivator that was installed in many first-generation EVs, which had increased efficiency at the cost of higher rates of attrition among the droids they oversaw. Despite being equipped with an augmented monitor system, the V-series' performance was unimpressive by comparison.

Manufactured by MerenData, the V-series droid supervisor was a relaunch of the EV-series marketed towards the Imperial Military. However, its perfomance was considered unimpressive and the model failed spectacularly, becoming a financial failure for MerenData.

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