Name: Vendaxa
Region: Expansion Region
Suns: At least 1
Grid coordinates: O-14
Class: Terrestrial
Atmosphere: Breathable
Primary terrain: Forests, Plains, Water
Fauna: Acklay, Lemnai, Vendaxan land squid
Demonym: Vendaxan
Description: Vendaxa was a fertile planet located in the Expansion Region of the galaxy. It was the homeworld of the acklay, a non-sentient species of crustaceans that inhabited the planet's lush plains.
Vendaxa was a lush world, covered in forests and plains. It was the home of a creature known as an acklay, an amphibious creature that was often used in gladiatorial battles throughout the galaxy. It lived in the waters of Vendaxa but also hunted lemnai, which inhabited the planet's plains. The planet was also home to the Vendaxan land squid, a territorial creature that became particularly aggressive during its mating season.
In 3 ABY, Darth Vader and the droid ZED-6-7 traveled to the planet, where they encountered a group seemingly led by the late Padmé Amidala. After warding off a cluster of land squids, the duo discovered that she was actually Amidala's former handmaiden and decoy, Sabé. They left the planet together to uncover the secrets surrounding the senator's death.
Sometime after the Battle of Crait, the First Order undertook a mission to Vendaxa, having received intel regarding a Resistance presence on the world. By order of General Armitage Hux, a group of stormtroopers was gathered to investigate the planet, but Supreme Leader Kylo Ren dismissed them, overseeing the mission personally. Accompanied by Hux, Ren found no trace of the Resistance. After a brief encounter with an acklay, the pair left the planet empty-handed.