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Section of Site: Planets D6Belongs to Faction: Old RepublicSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: Rise of the EmpireCanon: Yes

Name: Pantora
Region(s): Outer Rim Territories
Sector: Sujimis sector
System: Pantora system
Planet: Orto Plutonia
Class: Terrestrial
Atmosphere: Breathable
Primary terrain: Marshes
Native species: Pantoran
Immigrated species: Aqualish, Bith, Gotal, Gran, Human, Rodian, Sullustan, Volpai
Government: Pantoran Assembly, Supreme Chairman
Major cities: Capital city, Ro Station

Description: Pantora was the primary moon in orbit around the planet Orto Plutonia, in the Pantora system, located in the Sujimis sector of the Outer Rim Territories. It was the homeworld of the Pantorans, who were led by the Pantoran Assembly and the Supreme Chairman of Pantora, a post held by Chi Cho, who was later replaced by Baron Notluwiski Papanoida. Pantora was a member of the Galactic Republic and therefore represented in the Galactic Senate. During the Clone Wars, Pantora remained loyal to the Republic and Riyo Chuchi served as its senator.

Pantora held a claim to sovereignty over the planet it orbited by dint of being the only inhabited body in its system, though they were unaware that Orto Plutonia was in fact inhabited by a sentient, if primitive, species known as the Talz. During the Clone Wars, a Republic outpost was established on Orto Plutonia at the request of Chairman Chi Cho, who feared that Pantora might be targeted by the Separatists due to its Republic leanings. The outpost, as well as a droid base that had indeed been established there as well, ran afoul of the Talz and all personnel were wiped out. This led to the discovery of the Talz by a joint Pantoran-Republic task force sent to investigate the loss of contact, placing Pantora's claim to the planet into question. Chairman Cho refused to either acknowledge the Talz's sentience or renounce Pantora's claim and deliberately aggrandized the situation into spawning a brief but bloody conflict for control, losing his life in the process. The Pantoran Assembly, having learned of Chairman Cho's actions, declared him out of order and had Senator Riyo Chuchi renounce their claim in favor of acknowledging the Talz's sovereignty over their homeworld, forging peace between the Pantorans and the Talz.

Pantora was later blockaded by the Trade Federation, who falsely claimed that the moon owed them outstanding debts but in reality were hoping to pressure the Pantorans into joining the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Senator Chuchi fiercely defended her world in the Senate and begged for a resolution in Pantora's favor, but widespread anti-Republic sentiment grew as the Senate appeared slow to act and unsympathetic to their plight. The situation escalated when Chairman Papanoida's daughters were kidnapped by bounty hunters hired by the Federation to put additional pressure on them, but a joint investigation by the Pantoran officials and Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano uncovered the truth and the Federation was forced to remove its blockade in order to save face.

Shortly after the rise of the Galactic Empire, Clone Force 99 stopped at a spaceport in Pantora to refuel, scramble their ship's signature, and pick up supplies. As Hunter, Echo, and Omega wandered through the marketplace of the planet, they saw civilians celebrating the end of the Clone Wars. As Hunter sold Echo who was disguised as a droid in order to get credits, Omega encountered bounty hunter Fennec Shand who gained the girl's trust. However, Hunter realized the threat Shand possessed, leading a chase between the bounty hunter and the clones before Clone Force 99 managed to escape from Pantora.

Places of Interest
Pantora capital city
This city was the capital city of the moon Pantora.

Ro Station
Ro Station was a city located on the moon Pantora. During the early days of the Galactic Empire, the outpost's business and industry was struggling despite the end of the Clone Wars. At one point, the renegade clone commandos of the Bad Batch briefly kept their starship, the Havoc Marauder, interred at a refueling depot, which was overseen by the Sullustan manager Raspar Six, located in Ro Station during a supply run. As Hunter, Echo, and Omega ventured into the outpost, matters were complicated by the arrival of bounty hunter Fennec Shand, who sought to capture Omega.

A Fit For All Feet
A Fit For All Feet was a shoe store situated in the capital city of Pantora.

Fashions by F'jlk
Fashions by F'jlk was a fashion boutique located in the capital city of Pantora.

Oggsor's Fine Millinery
Oggsor's Fine Millinery was a hatmaker's shop situated in the capital city of Pantora.

The Paisley Pikobi
The Paisley Pikobi was a shop situated in the capital city of Pantora.

Central marketplace
The central marketplace was a district of Ro Station, a city on Pantora. A bustling locale, the central marketplace contained numerous businesses. At the beginning of the Imperial Era, a fight between the bounty hunter Fennec Shand and the renegade clone commando Hunter over the former's attempt to kidnap the child clone Omega began in the central marketplace, drawing the attention of Pantoran Security.

Unidentified trading post
A trading post was operated in the central marketplace at Ro Station on Pantora shortly after the rise of the Galactic Empire. The trading post was operated by a Gran trader who was swindled by Clone Force 99 members Hunter and Echo after he refused to buy a pyro denton explosive from them.

Ivan's Wampa House
Ivan's Wampa House was the name of several establishments in the central marketplace of Ro Station, a city on Pantora.

Lower division
The lower division was a district of the city Ro Station on Pantora. It contained a skyway and at least one maintenance tower. Early in the Imperial Era, the child clone Omega wound up trapped at the top of a maintenance tower in the lower division while being chased by the bounty hunter Fennec Shand. Omega nearly fell to her death from the tower, but Shand caught her as she wanted the girl alive.

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