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Section of Site: Creatures D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: CreaturesEra: Rise of the EmpireCanon: Yes

Name: Voorpak
Designation: Non-sentient
Distinctions: Six legs
Diet: Carnivore

Dexterity: 3D
Perception: 2D
Strength: 1D

Special Abilities
         Sharp Teeth: While Voorpaks are easily domesticated, they still are capable of giving a nasty bite. (Str damage).
         Annoying With their inquisitive nature and purple urine, Voorpaks are considered a nuisance to everyone except their owners, as they find themselves going into places, and chewing on, or urinating on most things.

Move: 12
Orneriness: 1D+2

Description: Voorpaks were a species that inhabited the galaxy. They were small enough to be carried by a humanoid, had six legs, and excreted purple urine.

Torra Doza, a human resident of the Colossus platform on the planet Castilon, owned a voorpak named Buggles. Qi'ra, a human woman associated with the crime syndicate Crimson Dawn, sometimes wore a shirt lined with voorpak fur.

Biology and appearance
Voorpaks had soft, white fur and a light weight. They also had a pleasant odor and sharp teeth. They were small enough to be easily held by a humanoid. They had six legs, and also excreted purple urine.

In the wild, voorpaks lived in rocky outcrops on hillsides, where they raised litters of up to five pups.

Voorpaks in the galaxy
Voorpaks could function as pets. Torra Doza owned a voorpak as a pet, which she named Buggles. These creatures were popular with Naboo's aristocracy. Voorpak fur could be used to line clothes.

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