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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: Confederacy of Independent SystemsSubtype: DROIDSEra: Old RepublicCanon: Yes

Name: TC-14
Manufacturer: Cybot Galactica
Model: TC-series protocol droid
Class: Protocol droid
Height: 1.67 meters
Gender: Feminine programming
Sensor color: Orange
Type: Cybot Galactica TC-series protocol droid

Dexterity: 1D
Knowledge: 1D
         Alien Species 3D, Bureaucracy 5D, Cultures 3D, Languages 7D
Mechanical: 1D
Perception: 1D
         Con; Etiquette: 4D
Strength: 1D
Technical: 1D

Equipped with:
         Humanoid Body (two arms, two legs, head)
         Two visual and two auditory sensors - human range
         Vocabulator speech / sound system
         TranLang Communications module with over half a million languages.

Move: 7

Description: TC-14 was a TC-series protocol droid with feminine programming stationed aboard the Trade Federation Lucrehulk-class battleship Saak'ak.

TC-14 was a Cybot Galactica TC-series protocol droid, part of a special lengthy production run that introduced new features and skill-sets. The company wanted to highlight the introduction of the TranLang III communications module center into their droid line by including the letters TC in the serial numbers of all droids produced in this series. Of these, the early ones (including TC-14) were often referred to by a TC prefix. Like TC-14 herself, nearly all of them were programmed with a feminine personality, and like her, they were excellent at operating calmly under pressure. This can largely be attributed to the frequent number of memory wipes she received.

TC-14 was purchased by the Trade Federation and ended up on the Lucrehulk-class battleship Profiteer (Saak'ak) during the Federation's occupation of Naboo. Her etiquette skills proved to be of excellent use to the Neimoidians when seeking to distract "problematic" envoys.

It was she who greeted the Republic ambassadors (secretly Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi) during the blockade of Naboo in 32 BBY. However, she suspected that the ambassadors were none other than Jedi.

She reported to Neimoidians Nute Gunray, Rune Haako, and Daultay Dofine that the ambassadors were Jedi Knights, which prompted them to send her to delay and distract the Jedi (mostly because Dofine was unwilling to meet the Jedi face to face, despite Gunray needing the Jedi to be occupied while he contacted Darth Sidious). While she served the Jedi drinks, poisonous gas filled the room and took them by surprise. As this occurred, TC-14 offered an apology to the ambassadors. After escaping the room, the Jedi spared TC-14 and allowed her to leave.

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