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Section of Site: Races D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: Player Character RacesEra: Old RepublicCanon: Yes

Name: Troig
Designation: Sentient
Average height: 1.96 meters
Skin color: Red, Green, Tan, Yellow
Eye color: Black, Green, Red
Distinctions: Two heads, Two necks, Four arms
Homeworld: Pollillus
Habitat: Forest or jungle
Attribute Dice: 12D

DEX: 1D/3D+2
KNO: 1D+1/4D
MEC: 1D+1/4D
PER: 2D+1/5D
STR: 1D/3D+2
TEC: 1D/3D+2

Special Abilities:
        Ambidexterity: Troigs are naturally ambidextrous, and suffer no off-hand penalties.
        Hard to Surprise: Because a Troig's heads are constantly looking out for one another, they are difficult to surprise. As such, they gain a +1D bonus to all Search skill checks to detect ambushes.
        Multitasking: Due to the fact that their two heads share two arms, Troigs can do two things at once and suffer no penalties. Each head performs separate actions in combat, as well. The two heads can combine actions, as well (refer to the rules for combined actions, SWD6, pages 82-83).
        Two Heads: All Troigs have at least two heads, and each head houses a separate mind and personality. The two heads share a limited form of telepathy, and they can understand one another perfectly even if one is speaking a language the other does not know.

Move: 10/12

Description: he Troigs were a two-headed, multi-limbed, sentient species from the planet Pollillus. The majority of Troigs had two heads and four arms, with one head controlling one set of arms independently of the other; nevertheless, most Troigs had only one primary hand and three off hands. Each head exhibited its own personality and volition. For a two-headed Troig, the Saprin, or right head, was thought to be the source of qualities such as loyalty, faith, and cunning, while the Saprah, or left head, was the source of features such as love, anger, and passion. Troigs with more than two heads were rare but celebrated in Troig culture. Heads remained constantly aware of one another, a circumstance that afforded members of the species great awareness of their surroundings. Each head had its own name; the full being took his or her name by joining the heads' names with the infix sin. For instance, a Troig with heads named Fode and Beed became Fodesinbeed when referred to as a single entity.

The species was discovered by the wider galaxy shortly before the Invasion of Naboo of 32 BBY. The Troigs proved eager to explore the stars, and several emigrated from their homeworld. They exhibited great capacity to learn languages, and scientists remarked that if only one of a Troig's heads learned a language, the whole being could comprehend it. One of the first to explore the galaxy was a Troig known as Fodesinbeed Annodue, who eventually became famous as the preeminent Podracing commentator in the galaxy. Another Troig, AndroosinLiann, hosted the Eriadu-based talk show Essence. In the latter years of the Galactic Republic, the Troig Dwuirsintabb made headlines when the head Dwuir requested surgical separation from his partner head, Tabb. Medical technology remained incapable of accommodating the request without killing one of the heads even into the regime of the Galactic Empire.

Biology and appearance
The Troigs were a species of sentient bipeds characterized by their multiple heads. Each Troig had at least two heads, although very rare specimens were born with three or more. Despite the fact that each of the heads was for all practical purposes a unique individual with his or her own personality, memories, will, and skills, the species' nervous system connected the heads together and gave them a limited telepathic connection to one another. The nervous system thus allowed each head to send instantaneous warnings to the organism as a whole and help it avoid hazards, for instance. The connection between Troig heads was so strong that if only one head learned a language, another head that shared the same body could understand the first head when he or she spoke the foreign tongue. Unconsciousness in one head did not necessitate a similar condition in the whole entity, although one effective technique for anyone in combat with a two-headed Troig was to bang the heads together to lead to dual loss of consciousness. The death of one head inevitably led to the demise of the entire specimen unless advanced medical technology was available. With medical intervention, a bicephalous Troig's heads could theoretically be separated from one another, although only one head could survive such an operation.

The typical Troig cranium was roughly conical. The skull sloped backward from the brow before rounding off to a dome; it then tapered to a point at the top of the head. The cranium dropped down in the back, bulged out at the back of the head, and then sloped down toward the neck. Some Troig heads had short horns. Not all Troigs had hair, but it grew on some Troig faces and atop some Troig heads. The color varied from brown to green or pink. The hair's consistency and thickness varied such that some Troigs had hair long enough to pull back into a topknot, while others left it as short bristles.

Although each of a Troig's heads could exhibit radically different features, their faces were generally narrow with a roughly humanoid structure of two eyes, a nose, and a mouth. The eyes were wide-set and featured slit pupils. The sclera could be either yellow or white, while the iris came in shades of brown, yellow, orange, red, and green. Having multiple sets of eyes gave Troigs excellent peripheral vision and allowed them to monitor more than one object simultaneously. Heavy brows protected their visual organs, and fleshy growths sometimes grew from below the eyes and projected toward the sides of the head. Each of a Troig's mouths was framed in a pair of mutable lips and housed a set of white teeth and a dark-pink tongue. Some heads also featured a pair of thick growths along the bottoms of the cheeks that flanked the mouth. Troig noses showed great variation; some were short and flat, others tall and narrow. Two small tentacles grew from each side of each head. Troigs also had ears with which to hear.

The necks that supported each head were long and agile and split from a common source at the top of the torso. There they met a sunken chest that supported the four shoulders, each attached to an arm. The two pairs of arms were situated one before the other such that the Troig had a frontmost and rearmost set, the forward pair situated slightly closer to the ground than the back pair. The arms were attached to three- or four-fingered hands with gray claws. For two-headed Troigs, each head controlled one set of arms. Still, the Troig had only one hand capable of the same level of dexterity as a right- or left-handed being's preferred hand, so that the other three hands were less adept. For instance, a Troig might wield four weapons simultaneously, but only one hand could do so with full agility. The synchronization of their hands was not developed enough in most cases to afford them extra climbing or grappling ability. Nevertheless, Troigs learned to use their two heads in tandem to allow them to manipulate objects with multiple hands simultaneously, and some were truly multi-dexterous.

The chest met a plump abdomen whose flesh came to a protruding crest at the median that extended from the sternum and down to the groin. A wide posterior and hips led to two relatively short, thickset, digitigrade lower limbs with knobby ankles at their midpoints and conical, three-toed hooves at their extremities. The average member of the species stood between 1.96 and 2.00 meters tall. A long, whiplike tail with a spiked, knobby bulge at its end grew from the posterior.

Troigs sported several possible skin colorations. Cream, brown, black, green, orange, pink, red, and yellow were all known. Often each of a Troig's heads displayed a different color scheme; one green head and one red head was the most common pattern for two-headed Troigs. Even on the body, a single individual could have skin that varied in hue from one body part to another, like a dominant skin tone with a paler shade on the underbelly and the insides of the arms and legs. Alternatively, a Troig might have one primary color mottled with another. Wrinkles covered the hide, often forming complex patterns. For instance, the skin of the necks and arms was striated with bands of deep-set creases.

Society and culture
Troigs were thought to be unique in the galaxy for having separate personalities that shared the same body. Still, the degree of the heads' individuality was a matter of debate in medical and philosophical circles. On the one hand, the heads acted together to create a single sense of identity for a single Troig. A Troig's heads had a symbiotic relationship of mutual interdependence; they looked out for one another such that it was extremely difficult to surprise a Troig. Indeed, certain personality traits were common among Troig heads, such as outgoing conviviality and curiosity. On the other hand, the heads exhibited personalities that were unique from one another, and each thought independently to the point that a Troig might even have an argument with itself. The complexities of their multiple heads and personae gave problems to grammarians as well, since discussing Troigs brought up issues of whether to refer to a single entity with multiple personalities with singular or plural pronouns, and whether to refer to the entity as one Troig or as multiple Troigs. In general, however, common Basic practice was to count as one entity and use singular forms of words for the complete biological entity rather than the individual heads or personalities.

For a two-headed Troig, the left head was referred to as Saprah. The head was considered to be the source of "blood humors" that regulated powerful emotions such as anger, love, and passion. The right head, meanwhile, was called Saprin. It was thought to be the source of "breath humors," which controlled the Troig's senses of cunning, faith, and loyalty. The rare Troigs born with more than two heads were highly revered in their society to the point of becoming celebrities.

Rarely, one head could develop mental illness and become detrimental to the organism as a whole. For that reason, Troig society recognized the necessity to medically separate heads in such circumstances. Nevertheless, well into the period of the Galactic Empire, galactic-standard surgical techniques were not advanced enough to allow for separation without killing one of the heads.

On their homeworld, Pollillus, Troigs held standard occupations, such as that of a diplomat. They had access only to relatively primitive technology. Nevertheless, their natural ability to multitask supported thriving crafts industries on Pollillus. Some Troigs eschewed most clothing and went about nude. Others wore clothing, such as trousers and vests, albeit vests tailored to their four-armed physique. Hairstyles were equally varied, with some Troigs wearing their locks in topknots and growing out mustaches and beards with beads strung over them. Troigs lived together in population centers; one such was Twin Cities. Those Troigs who emigrated from Pollillus were able to adapt to galactic-standard technology.

Troigs were talented linguists. If one head learned a language, all heads could instinctively understand what the partner said. Among the languages that some Troigs mastered were Basic and Huttese. The species' own tongue was known as Troig. Indigenous names for Troigs followed a pattern whereby each head had its own name, which were joined together with the infix sin. For example, a Troig with heads named Fode and Beed was known by the combined name FodesinBeed. The system emphasized both the separateness of the personalities of a Troig's heads and the indivisibility of the full Troig. In some transliterations, the sin was capitalized. Similarly, the name that came later was only sometimes capitalized. Among speakers of other languages, the two parts of the Troig name were often split so that the individual was known as, for example, Fode and Beed. Some Troigs took a surname; one example was Annodue.

Although the specific pressures that led to the development of a multi-headed species on the planet remained a mystery to the galaxy as a whole, Pollillus served as the site of Troig evolution. Theories as to how their unique physiology might have arisen included the excellent defensive capabilities inherent in being able to look in more than one direction at once, although the lack of serious predators on Pollilus cast some doubts on the full explanatory power of the theory.

By 32 BBY, the Troigs had developed relatively simple technologies. Not long before the Invasion of Naboo that year by forces of the Trade Federation, visitors from the outside galaxy visited the world for the first time; these offworlders were ambassadors from the Galactic Republic. Intrigued by the prospect of a galaxy beyond their home star system, Troigs began to leave the world.

Pollilus eventually became integrated into the wider galaxy. It became part of the Core Worlds, although its location just beyond the Koornacht Cluster placed it within the more recently discovered systems known as the Negs. The world was incorporated as part of the Vannell sector. As the planet became more integrated with the galaxy, more Troigs emigrated to find their fortunes abroad.

In 22 BBY, a Troig named Dwuirsintabb on Pollillus made a public plea to be allowed to have his heads, Dwuir and Tabb, separated; Dwuir claimed that Tabb was "mentally disturbed and suicidal." A poll conducted by HoloNet News, a galactic media outlet, found that sixty-one percent of respondents supported Dwuir's wish to undergo head-separation surgery. The matter remained unresolved after the Galactic Republic was replaced by the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY. By this point, the Troig government asked for outside help, as Troig technology remained incapable of providing a safe separation. No record of the outcome of Dwuirsintabb's saga survived, and his name fell out of galactic records by the time of the retirement of Senior Anthropologist Mammon Hoole in the days of the New Republic.

The Troig homeworld remained neutral during the Clone Wars (21–19 BBY), as it lay beyond the spheres of influence of both the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. By 137 ABY, the planet fell within territory claimed by the Sith Lord Darth Krayt as part of his Galactic Empire.

Troigs in the galaxy
After the species made first contact with representatives of the Galactic Republic, many Troigs became enthralled by the prospect of visiting the stars and therefore left their planet. The species' inherent extroversion made them natural entertainers and event hosts. For example, the most famous Troig for many years was Fodesinbeed Annodue, one of the earliest members of his species to depart Pollillus. More popularly known as Fode and Beed, the Troig found employment as an announcer for the fast-paced sport of Podracing. Within a year of his world's discovery by outsiders, Fode and Beed had become the most famous sportscaster in the Outer Rim Territories and the most famous Troig in the galaxy. Annodue followed the Galactic Podracing Circuit throughout the Outer Rim and became the voices of the sport for most enthusiasts. His ubiquity at the races placed him in the commentators' box during the Boonta Eve Classic on the planet Tatooine in 32 BBY, the year that the Human child Anakin Skywalker won the event. Afterward, the Troig had to evade an angry mob who accused him of rigging the race. Despite the incident, Annodue appealed to a wide audience with Fode and Beed's bilingual commentating: Fode spoke Basic during races, while Beed spoke Huttese—although Beed was able to speak Basic as well when circumstances required it. The Troig hosted a Podracing program called the Fode and Beed Show and an event at the Poodoo Lounge in Tatooine's city of Mos Espa on at least one occasion and remained an active announcer for at least the next decade.

Another Troig who found a place in the entertainment industry was AndroosinLiann, who worked as the host of Essence, a talk show broadcast from the planet Eriadu. In 22 BBY, AndroosinLiann interviewed the Human Republic soldier Laslo Dorits, who accused the Human Senator Padmé Amidala of warmongering. Another Troig entertainer worked as a fire-eater in a circus that visited the planet Coruscant at some point during the regime of the New Republic.

Not all offworld Troigs worked in the entertainment industry, though; for instance, one member of the species served as a pilot-for-hire. The species also dispatched diplomats; one such Troig owned the G2 repair droid called G2-9T but sold it to the Star Tours travel agency at a bargain rate at some point after the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY. By the outbreak of the Clone Wars in 22 BBY, Troigs had become well enough known on Coruscant that the Besalisk restauranteur Dexter Jettster warned in the menu of his diner that he charged a fifteen percent gratuity to any party of more than three and a half Troigs.

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