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Section of Site: Planets D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: PlanetsEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Name: Jekara
Region: Mid Rim Territories
System: Jekara system
Suns: 2
Class: Terrestrial
Atmosphere: Breathable
Climate: Frozen
Primary terrain: Ice
Surface water: Rivers
Points of interest: Vermillion (during the auction for Han Solo)
Demonym: Jekaran

Description: Jekara was a ice planet located in the Jekara system of the Mid Rim. The Crimson Dawn criminal syndicate, having resurfaced under the control of Lady Qi'ra, stole the carbonite-frozen smuggler Han Solo from the bounty hunter Boba Fett, holding a celebration on Jekara to auction Solo to the highest bidder. The Crimson Dawn fortress-flagship Vermillion served as the site of the event on Jekara, with a number of factions invited to participate in the auction.

Situated in the Mid Rim Territories, Jekara was a terrestrial ice planet with a frozen climate. It was located in the Jekara system, orbiting a binary star. The planet's terrain consisted of ice formations broken up by rivers of water. Clouds could form in Jekara's atmosphere, which was breathable to individuals of various species, while green and blue aurorae could be visible in its sky at night.

Jekaran sharks were a creature associated with the planet.

During the reign of the Galactic Empire, between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, Jekara served as the site of an exclusive event hosted by the resurgent Crimson Dawn criminal syndicate. Lady Qi'ra, the leader of the syndicate—which had not been seen in the galaxy for a number of years—had acquired the carbonite matrix containing the smuggler Han Solo from the bounty hunter Boba Fett, who had been delivering him to Jabba the Hutt, and invited various individuals and factions to participate in an auction for Solo. Following Crimson Dawn's announcement of the event, its fortress-flagship Vermillion landed on Jekara's icy terrain to act as the site of the event.

The invited guests began to arrive on Jekara, with a number of starships situated in the planet's orbit. The attendees included Jabba and the Grand Hutt Council, other criminal organizations such as Black Sun and the Unbroken Clan, and the Galactic Empire. The rogue archaeologist Doctor Chelli Aphra and the smuggler Sana Starros also attended the event to collect information on Crimson Dawn for Lady Domina Tagge of the Tagge Corporation, while the Sixth Kin dispatched the assassin Just Lucky and the lieutenant Ariole Yu to the auction to eliminate the traitorous operative Gallin Crae, who had secretly joined Crimson Dawn. Fett himself, who had learned that Crimson Dawn had stolen his prize, traveled to Jekara himself and infiltrated the auction, but not before a brief brawl with fellow bounty hunter Bossk, who Fett left dismembered and tied up in Jekara's cold climate.

Rebel Alliance members Leia Organa, Chewbacca, and C-3PO, as well as associates Lando Calrissian and Lobot, received word of the auction for Solo and ventured to Jekara to rescue their friend. In their freighter Millennium Falcon above Jekara, the rebels attempted to maneuver to the far side of the planet to approach the auction site unseen, but were forced to crash-land on the surface when they came under attack after a near collision with a Black Sun vessel.

Once the guests had arrived, Qi'ra emerged to introduce the auction, and the attendees began to bid on Solo. The auction was eventually won by Jabba with a bid of one million credits, despite conflict from Hutt Council member Bokku as well as Imperial administrator Sly Moore's attempt to use the Force to influence the minds of the bidders. As the auction progressed, Fett encountered the rebels as he prepared to take back Solo, while Lucky and Yu dueled Crae aboard the Vermillion. Before Jabba could leave Jekara with his prize, however, the Sith Lord Darth Vader interrupted the proceedings. Vader, having arrived above Jekara in his flagship, the Executor, landed on the planet and entered the auction, declaring that Solo belonged to him.

During Crimson Dawn's auction for Han Solo, the Vermillion, fortress-flagship of the syndicate, landed on Jekara to host the event.

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