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BlasTech Industries A280C Blaster Rifle

Section of Site: Droids D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: DROIDSEra: Rise of the EmpireCanon: Yes

Type: GoCorp/Utilitec WA-7 service unit
Manufacturer: GoCorp/Utilitech
Product line: WA-series
Class: Service droid
Height: 1.7 meters
Gender: Feminine Programming
Sensor color: Yellow

Dexterity: 2D
Knowledge: 1D
         Cultures 4D, Languages 5D, Drink Preparation 5D
Mechanical: 1D
Perception: 2D
Strength: 1D
Technical: 1D

Equipped with:
         Humanoid Body (two arms, head)
         Gyro-balanced unipod
         Repulsor stabilizer (+1D to avoid collisions, +1D to avoid dropping drinks)
         Drive wheel
         Built-in comlink
         Order transmitter
         Facial-recognition software
         Two visual and two auditory sensors - human range
         Vocabulator speech system

Move: 12

Description: The WA-7 service unit, commonly known as the WA-7 waitress droid was a third-degree service droid produced by GoCorp and Utilitech during the Mondeo Modernist period of the Galactic Republic.

The design of the WA-7 droid was typical of the era, consisting of streamlined contours, elliptical shapes and whimsical embellishments. The droid was propelled by an effective unipod wheel supported by gyro-balance circuitry. The unipod's drive impellers generated enough power for quick bursts of speed ideal for use within confined spaces such as the floor of a dining establishment. In addition, the droid's design was embellished with a metallic skirt and matching head fins.

The droid was fitted with more practical features, however, including a built-in order transmitter whose range could easily cover the interior of any diner or restaurant, and a vocoder allowing the droid to interact socially with patrons. Facial-recognition software enabled WA-7 units to recall customers' likenesses, and thus identify "regulars". The droid also sported a built-in comlink which could contact local authorities in some cases.

WA-7 units remained in use throughout the Mondeo Modernist period and beyond, even into the era of the Clone Wars. By this point, although many still operated as waitresses, some WA-7 units took odd jobs such as courier work, and private collectors even entered a WA-7 team into the nuna-ball league. The WA-7 players defeated Serv-O-Droid's RIC droid team in a match in 22 BBY. Another notable unit was the WA-7 nicknamed "FLO", who operated in Dex's Diner in the last decades of the Republic.

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